Tag Archives: Transhumanism

Mark Passio; “If We’re Really Being Honest Here…”



Seasons Greetings,

Mark Passio was a priest in the Church of Satan for 10 years. He lived the occult life and spent intimate time with the few who control our lives to extents few are aware of today.

The deepest, darkest secrets of all.

Whilst living in the Greatest Age of Information access for the many in history.

His primary research skills, his experience with the Occult, combined with whole brain thinking in the Age of Information, has allowed him to connect dots where others cannot. His presentation is classic Philly in-your-face “I don’t care if you believe it or not” and “I know I’ll get villified for this” disclosure.

Yet when he speaks you just KNOW you are hearing the truth especially if he begins a topic by saying,  “If we are really being honest here…….”.

Upon consciously leaving the priesthood (Church of Satan is a recognized religion in the U.S. Military), Mark went through his own “Dark Night of the Soul” to deprogram his mind. He says he locked himself in his room for months and pounded heavy metal music into his brain in a dark depressive state that apparently assisted him in breaking the Satanic spell he had been under for years and years.

Now he is disclosing deep, dark truths about our collective realities. About our collective origins and how deep the occult tentacle’s have reached into every fabric of our society and each of our colonized minds.

He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
…And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.    – Agamemnon; Aeschylus

In his lecture he speaks to how the Church of Satan’s #2 highest rule is to “Not be Stupid” as well as others like “Do What Thou Whilst” and “Higher Intelligence Rules All”.

He also speaks about Natural Law #1 which is simply “to Care” followed by Natural Law being the only true law of all and why man made law is enslavement.

He describes the Great Knowing that we all have abandonment issues, that we clearly are unaware of this and that is why we act so cold and so heartless in towards others and to Nature in general.

He links our individual indifference’s to self destructive behavior to our collective deep psychotic illness’ we all possess.

Mark speaks to the intelligence of the occult and that the systems law, money and finance we use today were implanted in us, just like the DNA chromosome alterations we all carry.

He is brilliant in his debunking of all religion to much higher truths like Natural Law being the only laws possible in the truth of it all. He goes into great detail over his presentations about what Natural Law even is as well as why it is the only true law.

Man made laws are only enslavement structures he argues and our centuries old systems take our freedoms are very, very cleverly designed by those much more intelligent than you and I using practices much older than modern history of control and enslavement today.

He cites his learning and breaking down ancient Latin and Greek in high school that gave him such excellent etymological skills (roots of where words originate).  His breakdown of the origins of our inherited rights and to what words really mean like the word “Government”. Govern means to rule and and Ment is old Latin for mental, or of the mind.  Get It?

He is sharing his deep, vast knowledge with all now about secret societies, about how the world really works and about what is the occult agenda.  He knows because he was on the inside.

Included below are day long lectures on subjects about recent deep propaganda’s like the New Age Bullshit as well as must hear/see 7 hr. lecture on Natural Law and its non-origins.

Part III of Natural Law, the after dinner segment of Mark’s presentation begins with where our fundamental freedoms come from and what Rights really are. Until we understand the meaning of Rights, he tells us, we can never truly have them and we will always be slaves.

The one that will completely and utterly will Blow you away his recent 2 hr. talk entitled  “Cosmic Abandonment”. He gives this talk to a UFO organization in Philadelphia, PA about ancient aliens and their deep abilities to conduct genetic manipulations here on Earth for their own needs and purposes.

And the science is proving this out conclusively, and he describes how.

After watching you may want to investigate the works of Michael Tellinger and especially the renowned Zacharian Stitchen as well as Lloyd Pie and the elongated skull research.

Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. Arthur C. Clarke

We have also much known history of Giants and men, half humans and half animals as well as incredible construction of ancient sites that modern, techno Man of today could not even come close to duplicating today.

…if we’re really being honest here!

One of many of Mark’s deep, profound truths is that there are people who wish to believe something is true when new and verifiable information proves it not to be true.

Then there are the seekers of truth. The journey of the Aquarian minded who seek deeper meaning and knowledge. The Aquarian Age is of the Higher Mind consciousness and this is where we all are headed over the next millenniums.


Light must overcome its own darkness if progress for the greater good of all is to be achieved just as the brighter one’s light shines, the deeper and darker the shadow they cast.

Mark Passio takes you there quicker than almost any modern truth telling philospher’s , historians and smart folks I’ve researched.  His selfless, open-sourced, gift is to get as many as want to understand our adolescent behavior and its causes.

Others I would include in this category of deep truths have names such as Michael Tsarion, David Icke, Santos Bonnaci, Nassiem Harriman and Frank O’ Collins. Each one is guaranteed to open parts of thought and heart you had not known existed.

Whatever your classroom of learning, there may only be a short window with which collect and disseminate this critical knowledge before the Internet becomes either too  restrictive in content, too dangerous to one’s health and well being or too unaffordable.

Thank you Mark Passio for caring and sharing so much.










The Agenda and You ~ Part III; Transhumanism and You in the Age of Transitions

A man with a cable plugged in the back of his neck

There is a moment in the near future where scientists believe we will transform the notion of what we believe to be human. By conducting some of the most controversial experiments, scientists are unlocking the secrets of the Human Brain, moving us towards the moment where it will be possible to store our minds in machines. Then we will be able to change what we are, and who we are. This is the story of how biology and technology will combine to create a new type of human. Human version 2.0

August 22, 2012
Part I covered how the Eugenics of selective breeding of humans through science was founded in California with funding by the Rockefeller’s, who then transferred the knowledge to Nazi Germany where, through Operation Paperclip, the Nazi scientists were allowed to enter the U.S., given passports and furthered practiced Eugenics, then renamed ‘Transhumanism’ or ‘Transcendant Man’ or ‘Humanity +’ or Human 2.0.Part II dealt with the dark side of science/technology where much evidence is available to suggest that the technological control of man through chipping and vaccination is taking place and is projected to accelerate in the imminent future where chips will be embedded in us to monitor our health, interface with internet/computer and provide memory and speed functions of humans at the speed of computers.

Part III
now attempts to disclose the design and plans of the Transhumanist Agenda in the Age of Transition developing the Human 2.0.  The Singularity, where all are ‘connected’ through computer/human interface seamlessly blurring where technology begins and Man ends in the Posthuman world to come.The Beehive is where the collective mind will meet and interact in 3D ‘reality’ where imagination and creativity along with ‘2nd Life Creation’ allows the user to take on any persona in a unified virtual field.Cyber warriors, chipped children downloading a language a day with implanted memory sticks, designer babies of superior physical capabilities, Artificial Intelligence replaceable body parts and the Holy Grail promise of immortality are on the Agenda for our collective futures.  And this future is much closer  than anyone is aware or ready for.Will we have a choice of assuming God/Computer like abilities? Will it be used to heal or control? Will we create cyber warriors who then turn on their designers? Will we create such Artificial IntelligentI/Humans that the lines between Man and machine no longer can be determined until the machine becomes so superior that “IT’ no longer needs Man and eliminates us?Will children be compelled to be implanted or be left behind where Cyborkids dominate when they can literally download a memory stick in their brains?  Will designer babies now be created that develop greatly superior ‘qualities’ as normal ones?  Will people accept any technology without question that promises them immortality?And will now ‘Transcendent Man’  achieve long dreamed Apotheosis  and become one with the heavens?

Or will the human being decide to ‘be’ and ‘let be’ in God’s image as to accepting the limitations and all that it is to be human and reject the gross interference on humanity, achieve higher consciousness and Oneness through inner journeys and not exoteric artificial gadgetry?

Only time will tell and if the Cyborgians are correct, it will not be that long of a wait to find out.


There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
– Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World


“Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The movement regards aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death as unnecessary and undesirable. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for these purposes. Dangers, as well as benefits, are also of concern to the transhumanist movement.

The term “transhumanism” is symbolized by H+ or h+ and is often used as a synonym for “human enhancement”. Although the first known use of the term dates from 1957, the contemporary meaning is a product of the 1980s when futurists in the United States began to organize what has since grown into the transhumanist movement. Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman”. Transhumanism is therefore sometimes referred to as “posthumanism” or a form of transformational activism influenced by posthumanist ideals.

The transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives. Transhumanism has been described by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as the world’s most dangerous idea,while one proponent, Ronald Bailey, counters that it is the “movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity”.

“singularity” represents a point in a future time when technological change takes place so fast it produces a qualitative shift in society: the birth of a super-intelligence, the merging of Man and Machine.
THE HIVE MIND One of the primary concepts of the Transhumanist agenda is “The Hive Mind”.One of the early Transhumanist elites, along with Julian Huxley, was Sir Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of Charles Darwin, who founded the theory of evolution. Here is one of Charles Galton Darwin’s quotes relating to the Hive Mind:”There might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency of sexual desire, and so, reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a beehive.”The founders of Transhumanism have elitist views about what humanity should be. This Human Beehive concept has been envisioned by the ruling elite class throughout history as the ideal society. The ultimate slave race, scientifically designed to conform, obey and serve the needs of the elite – worker bees who do not question or rebel.Transhumanists envision this Hive Mind as being possible when all people across the world can link their minds together using technology, creating a symbiotic existence through the new superintelligence of this collective Hive Mind. Forget about the needs of the individual – it’s all about the Hive. They refer to this collective, superintelligence as the Singularity.


The Hive Mind, or Singularity, that they are working toward, will occur, they believe, when technology exists that will allow humans to “upload their minds” (by scanning and mapping a biological brain and copying it’s state) into a computer or an artificial memory device, a sort of global hard drive, so that the combined intelligence of all our minds will create this new superintelligence that is the Singularity, or Hive Mind.

Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure


In the effort of the global Elite to rewire human DNA and alter the very structure of our genome, vaccines designed to alter our brain functions have emerged into the mainstream medical community.

The transhumanist agenda seeks to:
• Control who has the right to life through the application of eugenics
• Control reproduction of the general population with sterilization campaigns, contraception and abortion
• Identify disabilities that can be “enhanced” with implants, prosthetics, RFID chips genetic engineering and modifications
• Scientific-based experimentation into life-extension therapies
• Rewiring of the brain with pharmaceuticals, psychoactive drugs and RFID chips

Organizations like Humanity+ seeks “the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.”

They are “an international nonprofit membership organization which advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities.”

In their Transhumanist Declaration, they assert:

• Using technology to “broaden human potential” by overcoming aging and “cognitive shortcomings”
• Provide forums where globalist scientist and researchers can “deliberate how [to enhance humanity through science] to expedite beneficial applications”
• Facilitate “social order, improve human foresight and wisdom” through genetic enhancement
• Influence policymakers to include the transhumanist “responsible and moral vision”

Through funding research and development, they move toward improving on humanity intellectually and culturally by utilizing technology to enhance cognitive and physical capacities. In a posthuman world, when science has enhanced humanity, intelligence will be enhanced by augmentations to the biological human.

One way to usher in the era of Transhumanity is to curb addictions such as smoking. Globalist scientists like Dr. Kim D. Janda, professor at the Scripps Research Institute, believes that immunizations against nicotine addiction is “an alternative or better way for some people” as a “system to get people off the drugs.”

Janda’s vaccines cause the immune system to produce antibodies that control the brain’s response to narcotics prior to the onset of addiction. This is based on the hypothesis that addiction causes physical changes in the brain and has spurned medical advocacy for solving America’s drug problems with immunizations.

The “scientific principle” is “simplistically stupid” according to Janda. Vaccines introduce a foreign substance into the blood that coerces the immune system to develop antibodies; however molecules like cocaine, nicotine and methamphetamine are smaller than disease molecules. This means that the immune system ignores them. To ensure the vaccine effects the immune system, a chemical cocktail is used to coerce the production of antibodies. Smugly, Janda claims that this process does not “mess with brain chemistry.”

However Janda says that the vaccine works by “blocking the pleasure centers in the brain” that respond to either the synthetic or actual drug, i.e. nicotine. “These vaccines would be very useful for those weak moments.”

In 2011, Janda’s team successfully produced a vaccine that would blunt the effects of heroin on the brains of rats. However, when introduced in human trials, Janda’s vaccine was no more effective than placebo in forcing people to quit smoking. And even still the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Janda’s vaccines for use on the general public.

Janda admits that “the big problem plaguing these vaccines right now is difficulty predicting in humans how well it’s going to work.”

– See more at: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/addiction-vaccines-scientists-use-human-experimentation-to-advance-transhumanist-agenda/#sthash.hLw1GgT2.dpuf


Continue reading The Agenda and You ~ Part III; Transhumanism and You in the Age of Transitions