Category Archives: Directed Energy Weapons

Comment of the Day

 4 hours ago · Automatically held
been a TI severe 50 years with long breaks 6 years ago it was like my entire body was electrocuted. shut down totally full to the brim of nano . My entire body spine and brain are taken over and this is hell brought to earth plane.
I sit in a ball with 8-9 tortures at one time. It is the same as holding on to an electrical live wire, every pore surges at screaming level. Heart will pound, I get NO sleep. I get surged with soaking sweat around the clock so there is not sleep. IN my one hour I run in my sleep as they hit me with frequencies. This is alien satanic torture I am under. NO human can do this.
I was hit with a phybhrontic weapon that blew me in virtual flames . As well the body is changed  No medication will touch me NOR can you end it with medication they over ride it all. I suspect that is due to the mass amounts of nano. My skin is green paste I scrape off, my hair is all not real with fibers. They will blow you into the nut house, always tortured me into the nut house where I see many other TI’s/ They can turn it off on a dime and you go back to normal but they do not anymore.
There is only one other TI alive on the outside like myself in England and she is in a ball screaming 247 as well. NO Meds even mass amounts she injected will touch her. THis is hell brought over to this side. there is no difference as it is 247 around the clock. I highly suspect EVEN if I was able to make it to die on my own I would be already caught on the other side. I do not think there is an escape. This is alien satanic torture I am under. I went from fully functional be to typing a little and I sit in a ball trying to hold on. Entire life I would build it up and then it would crash.
I was under severe mind control since child and my story it past understanding.. Only when I got hit like this did I know for sure this was outside of me. My skin burns like a billion acid needles. they can change or turn on or off but I am under 247 torture. I beg to die but cannot. I am I guess the experiment at this insane level and I cant hold on yet if I die I will not be released . I was sold out at birth and traded off . My worst fear is to be like this for eternity. WHen I say I cant stay in my own body or mind I am not in any way exaggerating. If someone told me when I moved here to be with the man I adore this would happen I would never believe. I had two perfect years, they let me build my life up and in one day was taken over.
I know they are using the nano in me to do this as they have ALL of me, skin, limbs. heart. brain. No body can do this. It seems to run on a program as if I lie down for my one hour of torture sleep as soon as my head goes down I am surged and pour sweat non stop. The induced terror that surges through me is not of this world. It is purely satanic torture , I am in hell. they brought hell to this plane..

Internet of Things: Checkmate Humanity Powered by 5G

Internet of Things: Fascism by Another Name. Powered by 5G

(the “satellite routers’ and satellites to beam 5G are platforms held aloft with lasers and ultra long self powered systems, not satellites…which do not exist.  the article may be misleading in that 5G is being installed on telephone poles every 250-300 meters!…so why satellites?)

We are immersed in a microwave ocean of electromagnetic frequencies, drowning in negative health effects that the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and its counterparts worldwide are totally oblivious to or which are complicit with evil in creating a high-tech system that will enslave humanity in a lock down of planet earth, all the while making us sicker and more controlled.

The Anonymous Patriots do not exaggerate. We highly recommend that you read this article to understand what kind of world you are leaving your children and grandchildren. If we wait for somebody else to solve this ginormous problem, we have raised a white flag of surrender.

No one is ready for the tsunami of Fifth Generation (5G) radiation that has been unleashed by the Federal Communications Commission, whose only health concern is whether or not 5G will “heat-up” human skin past a certain degree.

Only when 5G is “cooking” human beings will the FCC and the Health and Human Services consider any negative health effects of this new generation of “beyond microwave” 5G millimeter (milli-wave) radiation that will be beamed from 300,000 new cell phone towers in every US community – coming to the utility pole near you. Perhaps the FCC should put their collective heads into a microwave oven, turn it on, and then say that microwaves and milli-waves are harmless.

Who is checking the adverse health effects of the technological innovations from the first, second, third, and fourth generation wireless radiations? Let alone the fifth generation…

5g - 1
The Five Generations of Cell Phones

The U.S. Government is the gate-keeper for patents, innovations, safety standards, and most especially for the weaponization of any new device that can be used by the military. Cyberwarfare is now the number one theatre of military activity and due to the expansion of the National Defense Authorization Act, has allowed the military to work within domestic borders.

The roll out of 5G that is authorized by the FCC, in conjunction with other U.S. agencies (DoD, CIA, FBI, etc.), is another experiment in the weaponization of the internet and all digital technologies that surround it, including the use of cell phones, wireless broadcasting, wireless computers, and the 100 billion wireless devices that will be connected to the Internet of Things in the next few years.

In other words – “No one is monitoring technological innovation, except the military and the corporations who do their bidding.”

No one is testing the side-effects of weaponized military-corporate innovations like the internet (originally called DARPANET), Facebook, Twitter, and other “experiments” of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Department of Defense) and In-Q-Tel (Central Intelligence Agency). We are simply being used as “Guinea pigs” in an ongoing experiment concerning what EMFs and full-spectrum radiation does to the human being.

Or worse, planetary rulers are deliberately enslaving the people of the world in a type of global fascism called “the internet of things”, knowing full well how harmful these innovations are to living beings and having full intent of implementing a new and better version of fascism than they did in the last century.

These are not experiments. This is all out war on humanity. Their intentions are exact: Enslave us. Control us. Subsume us.

In this Citizens Intelligence Report we demonstrate that 5G is dangerous to human health — mentally, psychologically, and physically. Humanity has yet to deal with the epidemic of digital illnesses that have already assaulted those immersed in frequencies ranging up to microwave that bombard and pervade daily life with digital devices that are already being used. The Anonymous Patriots have written about the illnesses created by the use of the internet, cell phones, and social media in prior articles.

We have shown you that tech-toys are tech-weapons in these citizen intelligence reports below:


Big Brother is Watching You – For Real

They Plan on Controlling Everything in Your Life

As politicians are debating who will install and pay for the new 300,000 towers and antenna that must be in place for 5G to accomplish its goals, have any of them demanded thorough research into the effects of the systems now in place?

Before amping up to 5G, we need to DEMAND that our elected officials CEASE AND DESIST the rollout of 5G until there are significant studies on the effects that 1-4G have already had on us. Then 5G needs to be tested for compatibility to life on Earth.

By the way, the goals of 5G are beyond what anyone can imagine at this point, both in technological advancement and the health threats that accompany these “advancements.” Many would contend that humanity has hardly caught-up with the technological advancement of 4G, and that research into the adverse effects of 4G demonstrates that the “technology causes serious damage to humans, animals, plants and the entire environment.”

Despite overwhelming evidence that EMFs, at all levels, cause irreparable damage to humans from DNA to brain-functioning, 5G proponents rush ahead as if higher processing speeds is worth permanent damage to humans.

It seems that 5G will only be an advantage to machines, not to humans.
