Category Archives: Die Off Watch

US Opioid Crisis; Big Bucks for Big Pharma

In 2016, 64,000 people died from drug overdoses in the United States, with roughly 80 percent of those deaths connected to opioids, according to a new report. The level of addiction has increased by almost 500 percent over the last six years.

Critics Say Trump’s Opioid Epidemic Plan Is ‘Counteractive’

However, the question hanging on every concerned parent’s lips is where so many people could possible access that amount of drugs. Attorney Mike Papantonio believes the answer is as close as neighborhood clinics.

In an exclusive interview with Abby Martin, the law professional — who made his name with triumphant lawsuits against big tobacco, chemical corporations and more — said he plans to take the United States’ opioid crisis by the horns.

Statistics show that 95 percent of suboxone sold in the world is sold in the United States and that one week of opioid use is enough to kick-start a severe addiction. With support from major distributors, pharmaceutical producers like Purdue Pharma were able to get their products into every hospital in the nation.

Cleverly-crafted informative pamphlets describing addiction-free painkillers as well as pressure from federal health departments for critics was all it took to introduce dangerous substances such as Oxycodone into a patient’s daily prescription.

Continue reading US Opioid Crisis; Big Bucks for Big Pharma

Rockefeller/DoD Insider Forecasts US Population Reduction to 65 Million By 2025

Deagle Population Forecast 2025-b

Edwin A Deagle Jr.1994Edwin A. Deagle Jr, PhD, Director, International Relations, Rockefeller Foundation – Author:  World Energy Survey, 2nd Ed., 1981 (Source)  (E-Book)

Portrait of DoD Dr. Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (William Perry) and the Deputy Secretary of Defense, (U.S. Army photo by Mr. Scott Davis) 06/29/1994 (Source)


 JUST WHO IS DEAGLE? (Dave Hodges)

The power and influence of the corporation that you never heard of, is staggering. This is the modern day Zapata Oil, which was a CIA front corporation run by George H. W. Bush which in turn facilitated much of the Air America “drugs for guns” program in Latin America in the 1980’s.

My sources tell me that Deagel is the same exact kind of organization as Zapata Oil. Deagel ran guns through the Ambassador Chris Stevens and subsequently delivered them to  al-Qaeda in Libya and in Syria at the time of Stevens death. Deagel was intimately involved in Benghazi in ways that will be revealed in a later article. Deagel is not just a gun running/drug running/child sex trafficking organization, they are also intimately connected with the business as “Open source intelligence links”. This means that Deagle and their partner (affiliations listed below) serve as marketing companies for the CIA and sell intelligence information to the highest bidder. Stratfor and Deagel provide the CIA with a minimum of two degrees of separation from nefarious operations which could taint the U.S. government and in particular, the CIA. These activities will be the topic of a future article. The focus of the remainder of this is article is the destruction and depopulation of the United States. (Continue at Dave Hodges)

If accurate, Deagle’s catastrophic population reduction report for the USA and declining western countries could help to explain the desperation of secrecy involved in the Chemtrails Weather and Biological warfare program.



Manmade GEO Storms California; Disaster Capitalism Again

Here are some initial pics i took.  Cars melted to the core, yet trees not affected. An entire block torched, yet forest and homes just feet away, untouched…comments all say the same what i saw. Blue flashes in the sky right before the fires. The firemen i spoke with to a person had 1) never seen anything like it before and 2) said they had no idea how it started and the intensity of the fires were now “the new normal”. i handed out my GE books to them so they can better understand Weather War Terrorism i chronicled in Hurricane Harvey and now N. CA.


How can trees be fine , yet directly below cars are torched?????




Again trees fine, cars torched, hills fine…


It takes 3,000 F to melt steel!

This is Geoengineering Weather Warfare, whether anyone wishes to acknowledge that CA is under attack or not. Greatest Drought followed by Greatest Rain/Snow in history. Orville Dam and now flash fires out of nowhere in the middle of the night. In Houston, all said the same thing, the “hurricane” was like no other they had ever seen before. The officials downgraded the storm to tropical the day before so all stayed. They had 50″ of rain in just 3 hours and there was no wind and came at 1 am, just like here.
ORange County is now on fire and comments are very similar.
This is why i put out my book on Geoengineering. More are awakening that this country is under weather terrorist attacks that are increasing exponentially so now it is hard to keep up. Below you can read the comments on my posts about seeing the blue flashes in the sky, like i saw, and then out of nowhere, fires that came from no lightning, and no storm, just intense winds around the event areas while other areas were left completely untouched.
I’m going out with the GoPro drone and film and will post.
Any “Coincidence” the movie Geostorm is coming out next week?

These fires are not “normal” fires and compare to other Directed Energy Weapon fires as this lady points out and compares with the “Beast Fire” in Alberta Canada last year.

DEW was also used to pulverize into dust the WTC towers on 9/11. They can generate one trillion watts of power on a focused beam of energy from the sky.

Some good pics here as well

In pics attached…Please note how trees were unaffected right next to metal cars that were incinerated. metal melts at 3,000 degrees F!

Continue reading Manmade GEO Storms California; Disaster Capitalism Again