Monthly Archives: January 2015

If It’s Tuesday, Must Be Vaccination Hype Time Again


One would think hundreds and thousands are dying because those self-educated parents are not choosing to get the measles vaccine and endangering all that do get shot up.

Forget the fact that if you did get vaccinated you should have protection against us “Anti-Vaccinators”.

The educated few, but growing in numbers, understand that the Big Pharma vaccine makers need to create yearly growth to make annual profits so that “shareholder value will be maximized by stock appreciation” (The stock goes up and everyone’s richer and happier).

Us “A-Ver’s” are also acutely aware that vaccinations are not protecting our children or making children healthier but in fact, getting vaccinated may be just making them sicker.  In the U.S. we are seeing never before obscene numbers of childhood autism, asthma, ADHD and allergies, not to mention nearly half the children in this country defined as clinically obese.

Since “Great Ebola Hoax” did not take this past Fall, they had to create another mass hysteria virus to sell product as well as some possible undisclosed subversive substances for transhumanistic control of us and our children.

These are the three headlines today, January 31, 2015, that online readers of Google news are seeing:

Amid growing vaccination debate, measles continues to spread and is now in New York state

Health officials announced that a college student diagnosed with measles recently traveled across New York on a train, potentially exposing untold numbers of travelers to the virus, according to news reports.

Why are parents opting out of measles vaccines? The measles “epidemic” is growing with new cases being confirmed each day, but why are so many people choosing to opt-out of the vaccine?

The latest two cases of the measles have been confirmed on Wednesday in Marin County, a California County just north of San Francisco. The two siblings were confirmed to have contracted the disease outside of the county, and both cases are linked to the Disneyland epidemic and neither child had received a vaccination for the disease. The children were not in school when they developed the virus, and are now required to stay in isolation for the next three weeks.

Marin County has the highest opt-out rate for all of the Bay Area and is one of the highest for opt-out rates in California, with close to 8 percent of children not receiving vaccinations, which is twice the average of the state.

Super Bowl 2015: Officials on Alert for Measles During Big Game

It could be true but I know that my doctor and dentist smoke Newports.


ep·i·dem·ic:ˌepəˈdemik/ a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

Did you get those numbers?  ONE case of measles in NYC, who just announced cops will now regularly be armed with machine guns as normal protocol, and TWO cases in the hot tub liberal-left bastion of Marin County, California. Coincidentally(?), Marin also has the highest opt out rate in the country as well as some of the highest educated professionals.

Where I grew up, in Marin County, my siblings and I all got chicken pox and measles. When I asked my MD father if he vaccinated us for protection he said, “no, back then it was common thought that a child built up their immature, developing immune systems naturally by getting measles and chicken pox”, then he added, “besides, it wasn’t like anyone was dying from those viruses”.

This being in the 1960’s before the age of the mega-global corporation vampire squids ruled the day. Now we have the richest man in the world, Billy Gates, declaring this to be the “Decade of Vaccines.”

This guy was the best of the best in his day on supremacy at capitalizing on the many for maximizing profits for the very few. Now, he is the self-appointed global humanatarianist who is sooooooo concerned for the welfare of all that he is working so hard to keep world population down by some 10-15%. Swell!

I spent 23 years working in Wall Street and I can avow to the fact that few in that line of work ever change their spots and stripes. “You are either at the table or on it”, as the old adage goes.

Billy the Eugenicist is no different.

Wall Street practices its craft like old time religion who postulated, “if you can get ’em hooked by six, you got ’em for life”.  If Wall Street can keep a child sickly, it can count on a very long term profit stream to come.

They really, really, really do not care about you or your child’s well being. They plan, practice, execute only to increase market share and revenue while reducing costs and regulatory oversight  while remaining immune from any type of personal prosecution.

It is that simple to understand.

Please consider the following facts:

If you follow the Center for Disease Controls recommended vaccination schedule, your children will receive 49 doses of 14 vaccines by the time he or she is 6 years of age. By the age of 18, the CDC recommends that children have gotten a whopping total of 69 doses of 16 vaccines.

Vaccine companies over the last eight years have outperformed all other medical companies in annualized profits with a stellar return of 32% annually.

In 2009, during the H1N1 scare where more people in the U.S. died of the common cold, the National Institute of Health granted complete immunity from prosecution for vaccine makers.

From 2010 to 2013 Medical drug manufactures paid out an all-time record $16 Billion in fines for drugs that killed, maimed and injured consumers (but no vaccine companies since they had immunity from prosecution.) Drug manufactures know that they only will have to pay fines if their medicine proves to be unsafe, so it is factored into as a cost of doing business.

The National Institutes of Health has a $30.5 billion annual budget on medical research. The Centers for Disease Control has a $11 billion annual budget on medical research, Yet neither has found the time or money to do research on vaccinated vs. unvaccinated children’s health.

In 2006 we had the SARS virus scare. In 2007 we had the Swine Flu Scare. In 2008, the Bird Flu scare followed by the great H1N1 scare in 2009 that began in a corporate animal farm in Mexico and according to Obama Administration health officials, was supposed to kill tens of thousands in the U.S alone, yet, post-hype, more people died of the common cold, as reported by CNN. (Source)

That was followed in 2010 with the HPV vaccines for girls or else they might get cancer, then the 2011 Whooping Cough scare followed into 2012 where pregnant women must bet vaccinated for Hepatitis, 2013 Flu season and January 2014, it was the return of the super H1N1 again as well as the Flu scares.


Almost one century ago, Gandhi published a book where he deconstructed the dangers and lack of effectiveness of vaccines and the agendas surrounding them.  His voice rings true now more than ever.

The truth is that this quote only scratches the surface of Gandhi’s biting critique of the dangers, inefficacy, and malfeasance associated with the vaccination campaigns of his time. Gandhi, of course, is history’s most celebrated anti-imperialist, having almost single-handedly set into motion India’s independence from British colonial rule. He was extremely sensitive to Western forms of control and oppression, and was able to apply his intellect to the manner in which the Western medical establishment was coercing millions of Indians to succumb to the unhealthy practice of smallpox and plague vaccination


The relevant chapters from his book A Guide to Health are republished below, but we have summarized some of the key points he makes so you can get a quick sense for how remarkably relevant his views on the topic are still today, and perhaps entice you to read the entire chapter thereafter.

Key points:

  • The nature of diseases like smallpox have been misconceived. While smallpox has a contagious component, vaccinated individuals can become infected, and non-vaccinated individuals remain immune, disproving Jenner’s original theory that vaccination equates to bona fide immunity.
  • Vaccination is a unsanitary practice. By injecting the ‘filth’ of a diseased cow and smallpox patient into the body of a healthy individual one inevitably makes them sicker, possibly producing new infections, ultimately resulting in a greater disease burden.
  • The route of administration of the vaccine — injection— harbors special dangers versus natural (oral) exposures to infection.
  • Fear of disease drives people to vaccinate against commonsense and rationality.
  • Vaccination is unethical and immoral because of the manner in which the vaccine is produced (through the great suffering of poisoned animals)
  • The income generated through vaccination is the driving reason why the medical profession does not wish to identify aforementioned problems in safety and efficacy.
  • Conscientious objectors should be willing to stand their ground with courage and face persecution and penalties.
  • Those objecting for medical reasons should aspire towards mastery of the subject such that they will be able to win others towards their perspective.
  • Sanitation, hygiene, fresh air, water, and clean food are essential for preventing infection and/or helping those infected to recover.

Feel free to share our meme with some of Gandhi’s most salient quotes on the problems with vaccinology:

Below is the full chapter where Gandhi reveals his views on vaccination in detail.


by Mahatma Gandhi

Chapter VI


Now we will proceed to deal with the treatment of contagious diseases. They have a common origin, but, since small-pox is by far the most important of them, we will give a separate chapter to it, dealing with the rest in another chapter. [Pg 105] We are all terribly afraid of the small-pox, and have very crude notions about it. We in India even worship it as a deity. In fact it is caused, just like other diseases, by the blood getting impure owing to some disorder of the bowels; and the poison that accumulates in the system is expelled in the form of small-pox. If this view is correct, then there is absolutely no need to be afraid of small-pox. If it were really a contagious disease, everyone should catch it by merely touching the patient; but this is not always the case. Hence there is really no harm in touching the patient, provided we take some essential precautions in doing so. We cannot, of course, assert that small-pox is never transmitted by touch, for those that are physically in a condition favourable to its transmission will catch it. This is why, in a locality where small-pox has appeared, many people are found attacked by it at the same time. This has given rise to the superstition that it is a contagious disease, and hence to the attempt to mislead the people into the belief that vaccination is an effective means of preventing it. The process of vaccination consists in injecting into the skin the liquid that is obtained by applying the discharge from the body of a small-pox patient to the udder of a cow. The original theory was that a single vaccination would suffice to keep a man [Pg 106] immune from this disease for life; but, when it was found that even vaccinated persons were attacked by the disease, a new theory came into being that the vaccination should be renewed after a certain period, and to-day it has become the rule for all persons—whether already vaccinated or not—to get themselves vaccinated whenever small-pox rages as an epidemic in any locality, so that it is no uncommon thing to come across people who have been vaccinated five or six times, or even more.

Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world. Its supporters are not content with its adoption by those who have no objection to it, but seek to impose it with the aid of penal laws and rigorous punishments on all people alike. The practice of vaccination is not very old, dating as it does only from 1798 A.D. But, during this comparatively short period that has elapsed, millions have fallen a prey to the delusion that those who get themselves vaccinated are safe from the attack of small-pox. No one can say that small-pox will necessarily attack those who have not been vaccinated; for many cases have been observed of unvaccinated people being free from its attack. From the fact that some people who are not vaccinated do get the [Pg 107] disease, we cannot, of course, conclude that they would have been immune if only they had got themselves vaccinated.

Moreover, vaccination is a very dirty process, for the serum which is introduced into the human body includes not only that of the cow, but also of the actual small-pox patient. An average man would even vomit at the mere sight of this stuff. If the hand happens to touch it, it is always washed with soap. The mere suggestion of tasting it fills us with indignation and disgust. But how few of those who get themselves vaccinated realise that they are in effect eating this filthy stuff! Most people know that, in several diseases, medicines and liquid food are injected into the blood, and that they are assimilated into the system more rapidly than if they were taken through the mouth. The only difference, in fact, between injection and the ordinary process of eating through the mouth is that the assimilation in the former case is instantaneous, while that in the latter is slow. And yet we do not shrink from getting ourselves vaccinated! As has been well said, cowards die a living death, and our craze for vaccination is solely due to the fear of death or disfigurement by small-pox.

I cannot also help feeling that vaccination is a violation of the dictates of religion and morality. [Pg 108] The drinking of the blood of even dead animals is looked upon with horror even by habitual meat-eaters. Yet, what is vaccination but the taking in of the poisoned blood of an innocent living animal? Better far were it for God-fearing men that they should a thousand times become the victims of small-pox and even die a terrible death than that they should be guilty of such an act of sacrilege.

Several of the most thoughtful men in England have laboriously investigated the manifold evils of vaccination, and an Anti-Vaccination Society has also been formed there. The members of this society have declared open war against vaccination, and many have even gone to gaol for this cause. Their objections to vaccination are briefly as follows:


Continue reading If It’s Tuesday, Must Be Vaccination Hype Time Again

Part III; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and British Royalty

This is the 3rd part of a 5 part series examining the mass evidence of child slavery and the global power elites.

Part I     Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents

Part II    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican

Part III   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and British Royalty

Part IV   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the U.S. Military & Boy Scouts (TBD)

Part V    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves, Hollywood, Music Industry and Big Time Sports (TBD)


Great Britain, England, The Crown, The British Empire, British Royalty and the United Kingdom are all names given to a centralized power base for hundreds of years.  Before that it was known as Roman Britain because during the Bronze Age, Britain was rich in resources such as copper, gold, iron, lead, salt, silver, and tin, materials in high demand in the Roman Empire. The abundance of mineral resources in the British Isles was probably one of the reasons for the Roman conquest of Britain. They were able to use advanced technology to find, develop and extract valuable minerals on a scale unequaled until the Middle ages.

All modern history to this day lead back to Rome as well as our economic, financial, currency, legal and law systems origins.  Over the centuries the bankers of the Knights of Templar merged with the bankers of the 13 families of Rome to create the current regime we have over us.

Our Ruling Dynastic Families and Their Global Systems Used to Own and Control All

Switzerland and Belguim are home base to the great wealth elite who hold and control these systems while the separate city states of the Vatican, the City of London and Washington D.C. run the operations of Religion, Banking and Military, respectfully.

Switzerland holds the secret bank accounts of the wealthy. Is native homeland to the Rothschild family. The Swiss guards are the sole guards at the Vatican and is the reason that they were able to remain “neutral” during WW I and WW II, where every household owns personal guns so to come to the aid of the leaders of the Global Empire that has been in place since before the 1300’s.

All Wars Are Well Planned Banker Wars, including WWIII


Sex, drugs and guns rule the shadow governments control of global power over the past century.  These tactics have allowed them to use child slavery to compromise any politician, any news reporter, any corporate CEO, any military brass and any hollywood producer or star.

By holding the video evidence as well as controlling the press outlets throughout the globe, as well as most education and history narratives, they exercise power where few wish to cross or face being “suicided” as was Princess Diana as an occult illuminati ritual who “betrayed” the power base and was pregnant with her lovers 1/2 Arab baby.(Source).

Like the CIA, the M16 knows all about the conduct of their politicians.  They had to because they follow every move of the Presidents.  George Bush was one of the most notorious child abusers and was head of the CIA.

Jimmy Savile, who you will read about below, a former DJ, was a deep insider inside Buckminister and counseled Prince Charles and Diana during their marriage.  He was a known necrophiliac who worked in a morgue hospital so he could have access to corpses.

450 people of both sexes have made complaints about Savile involving 28 police areas throughout the country and among them are 34 alleged rapes. The abuse spanned a period of 54 years between 1955 and 2009 when Savile was 82. The abuses happened to 23 children and young people on BBC premises, at 14 hospitals and at least one hospice.(Source)


Savile and Hunt were both givena Papal and British knighthood by the biggest child-abuse network on Planet Earth:the Roman Catholic Church (Church of Babylon relocated).

To understand the power behind the power one must understand the evil and pure absence of the sacred in these corrupted powers for decades and decades and decades, including blood ritual sacrifice of children.

To understand how many children must be bred and compromised through mind control, torture and abuse to provide for these sociopaths is estimated to be over a million!  To understand how they do it, what torture techniques, how they get the children, etc. please read this story.

(Caution, it is not for the feint of heart) THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

It is no longer allowable for a person of rising conscious awareness to not look at these previously, though discoverable hidden truths they continue to try to cover up.

Hundreds of thousands of victims cry out for us to learn, speak and act to halt the madness.

..and what if was your son or daughter who they came for and you had no one to turn to to stop such utter evil and madness?


The horrors of the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal that saw the BBC accused of cover up and culture of secrecy to protect itself, … opened the door on a potentially even more explosive scandal – the claims of a VIP Westminster paedophile ring operating from the heart of the British Establishment from the 1960s onwards.

Smith was only one of a number of alleged high profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a 40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983. Mr Dickens told his family at the time that it named leading public figures, including senior politicians, and was going to “blow it all apart”. But the time bomb never exploded.


St Thomas Little St James Island "the Island of Sin"

St Thomas Little St James Island “the Island of Sin” Brought in on the billionaire’s private jets, nicknamed by locals as the “Lolita Express”, numerous girls were allegedly taken to his 78-acre Little Saint James hideout in the US Virgin Islands. It is claimed they were made to take part in depraved orgies. (Source)

17 year-old Virginia Roberts pictured with the Duke of York and Ghislaine Maxwell, right, in 2001. Talk about a picture says a thousand words.

The heat is being turned up by Alt-Media whose revelations about Prince Andrew continue weekly with more charges being filed by child slaves of the elite and evidence that he was in fact in the same locations, at the same time as where the alleged child abuse sex crimes took place.

Prince Andrew under renewed pressure to speak about ‘sex abuse’ claims after flight logs emerge confirming and validating child rape claims.
January 21, 2015, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers.

The Duke of York is under renewed pressure to speak publicly about sex abuse allegations after flight records backed up his accuser’s claims of having met him three times. Flight logs from the private jet of the Duke’s friend Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted sex offender, show Virginia Roberts and the Duke were both in the locations where she claims to have had sex with him, at the relevant times.

The Duke had no doubt hoped that interest in claims made by Miss Roberts in US court documents, which emerged at the start of the month, would have died down by the time he arrived in Davos, but new disclosures continue to emerge.

Flight logs for Epstein’s Gulfstream jet, published by Mail Online, together with public information about the Duke’s movements, show that Miss Roberts and the Duke were both in London in March 2001, when she claims they first had sex, and in New York and the US Virgin Islands the following month, the locations where she says their other sexual encounters happened.

Epstein pleaded guilty in 2008 in Florida to one count of soliciting underage girls for sex (and one count of adult solicitation), for which he served just over a year in county jail. But sprawling local, state, and federal investigations into the eccentric investor’s habit of paying teen girls for “massages”—sessions during which he would allegedly penetrate girls with sex toys, demand to be masturbated, and have intercourse—turned up a massive network of victims, including 35 female minors whom federal prosecutors believed he’d sexually abused.

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

He has reportedly settled lawsuits from more than 30 “Jane Doe” victims since 2008; the youngest alleged victim was 12 years old at the time of her abuse.

Meanwhile fresh legal papers [were] submitted to a Florida court on Tuesday. The Miami US attorney’s office … is seeking to prevent [Roberts from] joining an existing case in which two other victims are trying to overturn a plea bargain which enabled Epstein to serve an 18-month prison sentence in return for pleading guilty to procuring a 14-year-old girl for prostitution. In exchange [for this plea], all federal investigations into his alleged widespread sex abuse were halted.

Other members of the Royal family, including the Prince of Wales, Diana, Princess of Wales and Edward VIII have made public statements about their love lives, but only to confirm stories that were true, rather than denying claims of impropriety.

Note: An ABC News article on this case states Roberts “declined to name others in her statement – but her lawyers noted in a cryptic footnote that, if she had, the names would ‘have created significantly more media attention than the names that she did include.'” For more along these lines, watch powerful evidence in a suppressed Discovery Channel documentary showing that child sexual abuse scandals reach to the highest levels of government.

‘Sex slave’ lawyers to serve papers on Andrew at Washington embassy after claiming he refused to accept letter asking to testify on oath

Lawyers for the alleged teenage ‘sex slave’ who says she slept with Prince Andrew are trying to serve papers on him via the British Embassy.

They claim the duke last week refused to accept a letter asking him to testify on oath about the allegations made by Virginia Roberts. In a bid to try again, Miss Roberts’ lawyer said yesterday: ‘We are attempting delivery through the British Embassy in Washington.’

The development came the day after Andrew spoke publicly to deny that he had sex with Miss Roberts.’


Why you do not see Hilary ’16 campaign going full speed during traditional Presidential campaign roll out time this January!

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Bill Clinton Travelled In Sex Offender’s Jet At Least 12 Times

Bill Clinton took repeated trips on the ” Lolita Express“—the private passenger jet owned by billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein—with an actress in softcore porn movies whose name appears in Epstein’s address book under an entry for “massages,” according to flight logbooks obtained by Gawker and published today for the first time. The logs also show that Clinton shared more than a dozen flights with a woman who federal prosecutors believe procured underage girls to sexually service Epstein and his friends and acted as a “potential co-conspirator” in his crimes.

Billionaire Sex Offender’s Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton

As part of a civil suit filed against Epstein by several of his victims, lawyers for the women floated the possibility of subpoenaing Clinton since he “might well be a source of relevant information” about Epstein’s activities.

While Clinton was never deposed, lawyers obtained Epstein’s computerized phone directory, which included “e-mail addresses for Clinton along with 21 phone numbers for him, including those for his assistant (Doug Band),” according to a court filing.

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire’s Sex Jet

Other prominent figures whose names appear in the logs, which document globe-spanning flights on Epstein’s planes during various periods from 1997 to 2005, include Dershowitz, former Treasury Secretary and Harvard president Larry Summers, Naomi Campbell, and scientist Stephen Pinker.

The logs also cast doubt on public statements made by Dershowitz, who has been vigorously downplaying his relationship with Epstein since Roberts levied her accusations against him. Dershowitz has attempted to paint himself as a mere passing acquaintance of Epstein, suggesting to the American Lawyer last week that he only began hanging around the billionaire to fundraise for his school, Harvard.

“Alan Dershowitz says that, as he was getting to know Epstein, his wife asked him if he would still be close to him if Epstein suddenly filed for bankruptcy. Dershowitz says he replied, ‘Absolutely. I would be as interested in him as a friend if we had hamburgers on the boardwalk in Coney Island and talked about his ideas.'”

• Dershowitz also said of Epstein: “I’m on my 20th book. . . . The only person outside my immediate family that I send drafts to is Jeffrey.”

Asked how those comments tracked with his more recent portrayal of his relationship with Epstein, Dershowitz said simply: “He was a friend with whom I talked about ideas. We never discussed women or his social life.”

If Dershowitz was a good friend to Epstein, he was a better lawyer. Along with a dream team of attorneys that included Gerald Lefcourt, Roy Black, and Ken Starr, he was successful in getting federal investigators not to charge Epstein with moving his victims across state lines and other associated crimes. The federal non-prosecution agreement Epstein’s legal team negotiated with the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida immunized all named and unnamed “potential co-conspirators” in Epstein’s child trafficking network, which includes those who allegedly procured minors for Epstein and also any powerbrokers who may have molested them. Although Dershowitz wasn’t a signatory to the plea agreement, the latest filings in Roberts’s case against Epstein accuse Dershowitz of essentially negotiating his own immunity:

Dershowitz would later play a significant role in negotiating the NPA on Epstein’s behalf. Indeed, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida not only to Epstein, but also to “any potential co-conspirators of Epstein”. . . . Thus, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement with a provision that provided protection for himself against criminal prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane Doe #3.

Dershowitz says the self-immunity accusation is preposterous, and that while he negotiated its broad outlines, he never read the agreement and wasn’t involved in drafting the language. Besides, he says, “If I had had sex with Virginia Roberts, which I didn’t, I wouldn’t be a co-conspirator, I’d be a perpetrator,”


Did legal deal protect the duke? Paedophile billionaire’s plea bargain halted police investigation

Highly-paid lawyers for Jeffrey Epstein – some of whom had links to the White House – secured an extraordinary deal which guaranteed ‘potential co-conspirators’ would not face criminal charges relating to his activities.

They had spent months delving into the private lives of state prosecutors to establish if they had any ‘personal peccadilloes’, in a desperate bid to defend Epstein against claims of abusing scores of under-age girls at his Florida mansion.’


Who is Jeffrey Epstein? Click here for our primer about the billionaire pedophile and child slave arranger to the vast wealthy elite.

A list of people who have associated with Jeffrey Epstein over the years would take in the world of celebrity, science, politics – and royalty.

Over the years, the casually-dressed, globe-trotting financier, who was said to log more than 600 flying hours a year, has been linked with Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and Manhattan-London society figure Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late media titan Robert Maxwell.

Epstein, 61, was born in Brooklyn, New York, where his father worked for the city’s parks department. He attended Brooklyn’s Lafayette High School and excelled at mathematics. This helped him secure job in his early 20s as a maths teacher at the exclusive Dalton School, a private college located on New York’s Upper East Side.

Among his pupils was the son of Bear Stearns chairman Alan ‘Ace’ Greenberg of AIG fame. In 1976, after a few years teaching the children of the wealthy, he accepted a job offer from Mr Greenber that allowed him to oversee their money and left to become an options trader at Bear Stearns.

Among Epstein’s early investment clients were Leslie Wexner, the Ohio-based businessman who is CEO of L Brands, the fashion and lifestyle group whose brands include Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works. In 2013, Forbes magazine estimated the 77-year-old Mr Wexler’s wealth to be $7.3bn.

In 2000 he established the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation, which funds science research and education globally. He has reportedly donated $30m to Harvard University, money the Ivy League institution retained despite his conviction and registration as a sex offender.



Jeffrey Epstein‘s girl Nadia Marcinko/Marcinkova (above) learned to fly at Florida’s Lantana Airport at about the same time as the Hebrew-speaking Mohammad Atta, who is thought to have been a Mossad agent.

Mossad Blackmail Ring Linked To Prince Andrew?

‘Jane Doe 3′ claims that in 1999 she was approached by Ghislaine Maxwell, who “procured” under-age girls for sex with Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of the late Sir Robert Maxwell, who is said to have been a top agent of Mossad.

‘Jane Doe 3′, who was 15 at the time, claims she was “converted into a sex slave”.

The court document states:

“Epstein trafficked Jane Doe #3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.

“Epstein required Jane Doe 3 to describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them.”‘



British VIP Paedophile Ring.(8 min)

David Icke; Royal/Political Paedophilia How the Global Pieces Fit (2 hrs.)


Number 10′s secret sex file: Uncovered after 34 years, document that told Thatcher of the ‘unnatural’ sexual behaviour of Westminster figures

‘A secret file on ‘unnatural’ sexual behaviour at Westminster that was given to Margaret Thatcher has been discovered. The document contains allegations ‘of unnatural sexual proclivities’ against high-profile figures, and was prepared for the then Prime Minister in the 1980s. Last night campaigning MP John Mann suggested it may form part of a cover-up over a VIP paedophile ring operating at the time.’


How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring

LONDON — A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades.

It is now claimed that confidential Home Office papers collated by Baroness Castle of Blackburn and passed to Don Hale, editor of her local newspaper, the Bury Messenger, claimed that Brittan had played an active role in overseeing the investigation into the pedophile network. “Leon Brittan was mentioned in everything you picked up, his fingerprints were over everything, he was the instigator,” Hale said. “He really had his finger on the pulse, he wanted to know everything about it; all the documents were cc’d back to Leon Brittan or it was an instruction directly from Leon Brittan.”

Brittan, a protégé of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, had been promoted to Home Secretary at the age of 43, making him the youngest person to preside over Britain’s domestic law enforcement and national security apparatus since Winston Churchill before the First World War.

Brittan, who died in January, has been accused of raping a woman and sexually abusing boys….

……Davies thought her work would finally be taken seriously by the authorities; she was wrong.

She had amassed evidence of abuse perpetrated against 61 victims, but she claims council officials continued to tell her to stop causing trouble. A year later she finally quit social services when she says she discovered that the boys she had been trying to save were being sent back into the Islington care home system only to suffer yet more sexual abuse. “I was networking these children into another network which was running within the care homes. I was handing over the most vulnerable, sexually exploited children to more pedophiles,” she said. “I have to live with that.”


Child abuse inquiry is being deliberately sabotaged by Government
December 22, 2014,
The Government is deliberately sabotaging the inquiry into historic claims of child abuse to protect “high profile figures,” a Labour MP has claimed. A letter leaked at the weekend showed that Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is considering abandoning the current panel, amid a catalogue of problems including the resignations of two chairman.

[Labour MP Simon Danczuk] told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “If Government are set on doing this then it can be achieved, but you can’t help thinking that they aren’t intent on getting this right. There’s a catalogue of mistakes that have been made, some of them fairly basic, and you can’t blame the survivors of child abuse for wondering [if] some of this is quite deliberate.” Asked why the Government would want to sabotage the probe, he went on: “Well, because they don’t want to get to the truth.

The Home Secretary in this process is in complete disarray. We’re not moving forward and it’s been six months now. I think that people will turn to more direct action and you can hardly blame them.” Peter Saunders, of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, [says that] “The only people who want to see this fail, to not get off the ground and to not do the work that it potentially would be able to do are abusers themselves or those people who have covered up in the past. “I have yet to encounter any survivors themselves who have any confidence in the process and in the panel as it is currently constituted.”

Sexual abuse inquiry: Investigation into Jimmy Savile‘s years of abuse at the BBC delayed for a third time


Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’
2014-11-22, The Guardian (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)

The security services are facing questions over the cover-up of a Westminster paedophile ring as it emerged that files relating to official requests for media blackouts in the early 1980s were destroyed. Two newspaper executives have told the Observer that their publications were issued with D-notices – warnings not to publish intelligence that might damage national security – when they sought to report on allegations of a powerful group of men engaging in child sex abuse in 1984. One executive said he had been accosted in his office by 15 uniformed and two non-uniformed police over a dossier on Westminster paedophiles passed to him by the former Labour cabinet minister Barbara Castle. The other said that his newspaper had received a D-notice when a reporter sought to write about a police investigation into Elm Guest House, in southwest London, where a group of high-profile paedophiles was said to have operated.

Five Westminster paedophile rings probed by Scotland Yard
2014-12-21, The Telegraph

Police are investigating claims that up to five paedophile rings operated at the heart of Westminster with the involvement of “highly influential” politicians. A Labour MP who has handed a dossier of evidence to Scotland Yard said he now believed the complexity of child abuse networks at the heart of government in the Seventies and Eighties had been seriously underestimated.

The alleged paedophile ring at the heart of the British Establishment
2014-07-06, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)

The horrors of the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal that saw the BBC accused of cover up and culture of secrecy to protect itself, … opened the door on a potentially even more explosive scandal – the claims of a VIP Westminster paedophile ring operating from the heart of the British Establishment from the 1960s onwards.

Smith was only one of a number of alleged high profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a 40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983. Mr Dickens told his family at the time that it named leading public figures, including senior politicians, and was going to “blow it all apart”. But the time bomb never exploded.


Prince Charles with Savile in 1999 when the prince had dinner at the presenter’s home (PA)

Prince Charles with Savile in 1999 when the prince had dinner at the presenter’s home

Jimmy Savile, BBC Child TV show star, who may have abused as many as 300 children, was so close to Prince Charles

Late TV presenter Jimmy Savile, who may have abused as many as 300 children, was so close to Prince Charles that he advised him on the appointment of one of his most senior aides.

In an indication of the power and privilege extended to Savile by the royal family, Charles asked the DJ and television presenter for advice before selecting Sir Christopher Airy to be his private secretary in 1990. The revelation shows the close friendship between the heir to the throne and the television presenter, who the prince grew to rely on in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The two men became unlikely friends after meeting in the late 1970s while working with wheelchair sports charities. Former palace aides have described how

Savile inveigled his way into the royal family, dropping in to see Charles when it suited him. While the prince seemed amused by Savile’s eccentricity, Diana, Princess of Wales seemed more cautious. Despite this, the friendship between Charles and Savile grew closer over the years, in part due to Savile’s charity work. In 1990, Charles brought Savile into his home in an attempt to help smooth over his relationship with Diana when it became clear their marriage was beginning to fall apart.

Charles even dispatched the presenter to help the Duchess of York keep a low profile as her marriage to his brother Prince Andrew deteriorated. Savile’s tasks also included helping Charles pick his private secretary. After consultation with Savile, Airy was appointed private secretary and treasurer to the prince and Diana. When Savile died last year, Charles led the tributes to him, saying his death had left him “incredibly saddened”.

Jimmy Savile … Doorway To The Cesspit

His name is Jimmy Savile and the reason the significance of what is happening may have passed most people by outside the UK is that Savile was a major figure in these islands, but little known beyond them. What, and who, he was involved with, however, is global in nature and has the potential to expose both the staggering scale of child sexual abuse and many of the mega-famous names for whom it is a way of life.

Savile was one of the first in the entertainment field known as ‘disc jockeys’ who emerged with the 1960s music and cultural explosion known as the ‘Swinging Sixties’. I remember him well as a kid appearing on television shows, still in black and white then, and in fact you could hardly miss him. Once seen, never forgotten.

He would always appear with dyed hair, mostly blond, and highly colourful and eccentric clothing accompanied by multiple rings and other jewellery. Savile was what they called a ‘one-off’, a ‘character’ and people either loved him or deeply loathed him and thought he was seriously weird. There was little of the half-way about Jimmy Savile.

His public face was of a jolly and eccentric character who was famous for his trademark expensive cigar and constantly-repeated catch phrases such as ‘how’s about that, then?’, ‘now then, now then, now then’, ‘goodness gracious’, ‘as it ‘appens’ and ‘guys and gals’.  

But away from the screen Savile lived a very different life and operated in very different circles to the ‘man of the people’ image that he so cultivated and it is now clear that much of his charity work was designed to give him access to children and below-age teenagers.

Savile was given a hero’s funeral when he died in 2011 at the age of 84, but a recent television documentary – not by the BBC – has revealed his decades of sexual abuse of underage girls with more revelations coming out by the day. Iceberg and tip come to mind.

I was first told about the real Jimmy Savile in the late 1990s in conversations with people who had serious insider knowledge about the British royal family and they said that Savile had been a close friend of Prince Philip until they had fallen out after a ‘big row’.

When I questioned why someone like Savile would be so close to the royal family I was told about his paedophilia and necrophilia (sex with dead bodies) and, of course, his famous voluntary work at hospitals would have given him potential access to the mortuaries.

Savile himself would boast about his connections to the royals and it was publicly acknowledged that he was a regular visitor to Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace (where Princess Diana lived after her marriage ended with Prince Charles), and Highgrove (the country estate of Prince Charles).

Savile told Esquire: ‘The thing about me is I get things done and I work deep cover. I’ve known the Royal Family for a million years.’

According to the UK Daily Mail at the time of Savile’s death in 2011, he ‘was used as an intermediary in an attempt to resolve the differences between the Prince and Princess of Wales shortly before their split’. Savile said that he was invited to regular meetings with the royal family because ‘I have a natural good fun way of going on and we have a laugh.’

Would one of the world’s most powerful families invite an aging disc jockey into their inner sanctum so often just because he gave them ‘a good laugh’? Or is there likely to be a far more plausible reason for their strange closeness?

I have been writing since the 1990s and a book called The Biggest Secret about the royal family’s connection to Satanism and paedophilia and about paedophile Satanists like British Prime Minister Edward Heath and President ‘Father’ George Bush – just as I have told those who would listen about Jimmy Savile. But all I have had for my trouble from mainstream society is ridicule and dismissal. Their minds are too closed and too programmed to make the leap into the world as it really is.

Now, in the wake of the public confirmation about Savile, it is time that they did. How many more children need to suffer before humanity grows up and faces the reality and sheer undiluted evil of the force that controls them? 

Jimmy Savile and the royal family shared a love of Scotland and the sporting events known as the Highland Games. Savile was the Honorary Chieftain of the Lochaber Highland Games which he attended for 30 years. He had a secluded cottage at nearby Glencoe where Prince Charles was a visitor. Savile said after a visit by Charles in 1999: ‘I’ve had a few nosh-ups with the royals and I thought it was time I returned the hospitality.’

Charles sent a Christmas card to Savile in which he wrote: ‘Jimmy, with affectionate greetings from Charles. Give my love to your ladies in Scotland.’ The reference to the ‘ladies’ was meant for the women that Savile had arranged to serve the Prince during a visit to the Glencoe cottage.

Prince Charles visits the Savile cottage with the ‘ladies’ in the background …

… and one with Savile, his long-time personal assistant.

Savile said that he had first been introduced to the royal family in 1966 by (known paedophile) Lord Louis Mountbatten, the uncle and mentor of Prince Charles. Mountbatten was Commandant General of the Royal Marines and arranged for the disc jockey to become the first civilian to be awarded the Marines’ Green Beret. It was one of a many ‘honourees’ that Savile would be awarded in the years that followed. Savile said:

Coming from Lord Louis, who was the favourite uncle of Prince Philip, that was quite something. So obviously I hooked up with the Prince – what was good enough for Lord Louis was good enough for him.

But what was ‘what’? Mountbatten was killed when a bomb exploded on his boat in Ireland in 1979 – a murder officially blamed on the Provisional IRA. New Zealand writer and researcher Greg Hallett writes in his book, Hitler was a British Agent:

Lord Louis Mountbatten was a pedophile, adulterer and homosexual incestuous lover for 10 years … the former King Edward VIII … was truly troubled by the revelations he too had betrayed the Canadians to the German Army, resulting in the open slaughter of those 4,000 men …

… the British monarchy arranged for MI-5 to blow up his boat (1979), happily covering their trail; by fitting up four IRA men … the tactic of blowing up one of your own leaders to cover up any incriminating evidence … was a face saving device to distract from even more damaging intelligence about the British monarchy working for the Germans, against peace, and for a prolonged war.

This is a young Prince Charles with his ‘mentor’ Lord Mountbatten and father Prince Philip. Greg Hallett names both Mountbatten and Philip as paedophiles. Of course, you don’t just take one person’s word for that, but my own sources which have proved to be so accurate about Savile and others told me the same nearly 15 years ago with the addition that they were both Satanists.

This is no surprise given that the British royal family, like all the royal bloodlines of Europe and further afield, are founded on Satanism and the manipulation of occult knowledge for deeply malevolent ends in league with the ‘dark suit’ expressions of the bloodlines in politics, banking, corporations and media.

But Jimmy Savile’s connections were certainly not confined to the royal family. They fanned out into the realms of politics and the rich and famous across the spectrum of human society. In short, he was not only a paedophile himself, but a supplier of children for some of the most famous paedophiles and Satanists on the planet.

The victims of his abuse that are now speaking out in the wake of the television documentary exposing his secret life are only part of a gigantic cesspit of paedophilia, Satanism, drug-running and murder in which he was involved.

I describe him as a ‘doorway to the cesspit’ because if you get past him and his fake persona you enter the sick and depraved world of the global bloodline elite. Savile was a ‘fixer’ – he described himself as such, though not in terms of what he was really fixing. As he told Esquire: ‘The thing about me is I get things done and I work deep cover.’ His most famous TV programme, Jim’ll Fix It, could not have been more appropriately named.

British police have said they are currently following 320 lines of inquiry into Savile’s abuse over decades all over the country, but if they are genuine and tenacious in their investigations and really want to know the truth they can multiply that by a very large number and still not be close to the totality.

If they do really want to uncover the truth they will have to be knocking on the door of Buckingham Palace eventually. If they don’t, it’s a cover up given the Windsors’ close relationship with Savile.

‘Bomb-proof’ doctor at Jimmy Savile hospital ‘raped and drugged girl patients as young as 12’


Ministry of Defence pays out £2 million to settle cadets’ sex abuse claims
2015-01-01, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)

The Ministry of Defence has paid out more than £2 million in out-of-court settlements in the last three years as a result of claims that young cadets were sexually abused. The cases includes allegations that teenage boys performed ritual sex acts on younger cadets, and a cadet who was raped by an instructor and gave birth to her abuser’s child. Some of the settlements are understood to relate to historic abuse, perpetrated against adults when they were children. Others relate to abuse carried out in recent years. [One] settlement involved a teenage girl who was sexually abused by her adult cadet instructor while she was a cadet under his charge. Eventually she gave birth to her abuser’s child.


Dead body found on royal front lawn raises questions about personal lives of the elite

One such controversy has presented itself in the first weeks of 2012, when the body of a teenage girl was found on the royal family’s private estate in Sandringham, Norfolk.  The media and the police are of course denying that there is any evidence linking the royal family to the body and claiming that any accusations at this point are purely circumstantial.  However, they seem to be overlooking the history of mysterious deaths surrounding the royal family, as well as their involvement in human trafficking for the purposes of torture and sex slavery.
One thing that I personally find very curious about this developing storyline is that the victim here was not a local, but was in fact a woman that was from Eastern Europe, thousands of miles from the royal estate.  The victim and a close friend were said to be staying in a migrant worker camp, in slave like conditions.


Child abuse inquiry is being deliberately sabotaged by Government
December 22, 2014, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)…

The Government is deliberately sabotaging the inquiry into historic claims of child abuse to protect “high profile figures,” a Labour MP has claimed. A letter leaked at the weekend showed that Theresa May, the Home Secretary, is considering abandoning the current panel, amid a catalogue of problems including the resignations of two chairman. [Labour MP Simon Danczuk] told BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “If Government are set on doing this then it can be achieved, but you can’t help thinking that they aren’t intent on getting this right. There’s a catalogue of mistakes that have been made, some of them fairly basic, and you can’t blame the survivors of child abuse for wondering [if] some of this is quite deliberate.” Asked why the Government would want to sabotage the probe, he went on: “Well, because they don’t want to get to the truth. The Home Secretary in this process is in complete disarray. We’re not moving forward and it’s been six months now. I think that people will turn to more direct action and you can hardly blame them.” Peter Saunders, of the National Association for People Abused in Childhood, [says that] “The only people who want to see this fail, to not get off the ground and to not do the work that it potentially would be able to do are abusers themselves or those people who have covered up in the past. “I have yet to encounter any survivors themselves who have any confidence in the process and in the panel as it is currently constituted.”

Five Westminster paedophile rings probed by Scotland Yard
2014-12-21, The Telegraph…

Police are investigating claims that up to five paedophile rings operated at the heart of Westminster with the involvement of “highly influential” politicians. A Labour MP who has handed a dossier of evidence to Scotland Yard said he now believed the complexity of child abuse networks at the heart of government in the Seventies and Eighties had been seriously underestimated. John Mann, MP for Bassetlaw, said it was “inconceivable” that police would not now arrest and interview some of the politicians he has named in a list handed to detectives. Mr Mann, who has spent months sifting evidence from members of the public, met Scotland Yard and handed over evidence on 22 politicians, including three serving MPs and three members of the House of Lords. “There are at least five paedophile rings which involved MPs,” he said. “Each of them involved at least one MP, some involved more, and these were groups of people who knew about the activities of one another. “In some cases I believe they committed abuse together.” Thirteen former ministers were among the list. Mr Mann handed his dossier to detectives from Operation Trinity, the Metropolitan Police’s investigation into alleged abuse in children’s homes in Lambeth, south London. A range of other inquiries have also been launched including Operation Midland, looking at allegations of child sex abuse focusing on Westminster.

Note: A further article states that a member of Parliament is calling for an investigation into the suspicious deaths of two people who were revealing information on the pedophile rings which go to the highest levels of government. Watch powerful evidence in a suppressed Discovery Channel documentary showing that child sexual abuse scandals reach to the highest levels of government.

The alleged paedophile ring at the heart of the British Establishment
2014-07-06, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)…

[The] horrors of the Jimmy Savile child abuse scandal that saw the BBC accused of cover up and culture of secrecy to protect itself, … opened the door on a potentially even more explosive scandal – the claims of a VIP Westminster paedophile ring operating from the heart of the British Establishment from the 1960s onwards. It has led to allegations of a massive cover up across Whitehall spanning decades, pressure on the police and prosecutors not to pursue cases and the apparent disappearance of key dossiers and files detailing claims of child abuse and alleged attackers. The story begins with Cyril Smith, the late Liberal Democrat MP, who was exposed as an alleged paedophile in 2012, two years after his death, aged 82. As early as the 1960s, he allegedly routinely assaulted young boys, especially in children’s homes and special schools in his home town, where he was MP from 1972 to 1992. He was also said to have been a visitor to the notorious Elm Guest house in South-west London, now the focus of a Scotland Yard investigation into an alleged VIP paedophile ring. Smith was only one of a number of alleged high profile child abusers within Westminster said to have been named in a 40-page dossier submitted to the Home Office by the late campaigning Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens in 1983. Mr Dickens told his family at the time that it named leading public figures, including senior politicians, and was going to “blow it all apart”. But the time bomb never exploded.

Media ‘gagged over bid to report MP child sex cases’
2014-11-22, The Guardian (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)…

The security services are facing questions over the cover-up of a Westminster paedophile ring as it emerged that files relating to official requests for media blackouts in the early 1980s were destroyed. Two newspaper executives have told the Observer that their publications were issued with D-notices – warnings not to publish intelligence that might damage national security – when they sought to report on allegations of a powerful group of men engaging in child sex abuse in 1984. One executive said he had been accosted in his office by 15 uniformed and two non-uniformed police over a dossier on Westminster paedophiles passed to him by the former Labour cabinet minister Barbara Castle. The other said that his newspaper had received a D-notice when a reporter sought to write about a police investigation into Elm Guest House, in southwest London, where a group of high-profile paedophiles was said to have operated. Theresa May, home secretary, this month told the Commons that an official review into whether there had been a cover-up of the Home Office’s handling of child-abuse allegations in the 1980s … was prompted by the discovery that 114 Home Office files related to child abuse in the 1980s had gone missing. The two journalists, Don Hale, the former editor of the Bury Messenger, and Hilton Tims, news editor of the Surrey Comet between 1980 and 1988, both recall their publications being issued with D-notices around 1984.

Ministry of Defence pays out £2 million to settle cadets’ sex abuse claims
2015-01-01, The Telegraph (One of the UK’s leading newspapers)…

The Ministry of Defence has paid out more than £2 million in out-of-court settlements in the last three years as a result of claims that young cadets were sexually abused. The cases includes allegations that teenage boys performed ritual sex acts on younger cadets, and a cadet who was raped by an instructor and gave birth to her abuser’s child. Some of the settlements are understood to relate to historic abuse, perpetrated against adults when they were children. Others relate to abuse carried out in recent years. [One] settlement involved a teenage girl who was sexually abused by her adult cadet instructor while she was a cadet under his charge. Eventually she gave birth to her abuser’s child, leading to her suffering post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic depression. The MoD admitted liability at an early stage and settled the claim for £210,000. Among the settlements made in 2012, four people made a successful claim for £900,000 after alleging they were abused when they were young members of the Army Cadets in Harborne, Birmingham. An MoD spokesperson said: “We take any allegation of abuse extremely seriously. All adult volunteers undergo enhanced criminal record checks and are made fully aware of their responsibility to protect children from harm.”

Prince Andrew Sex Scandal Lawsuit Has High Legal Stakes
January 7, 2015, Time

A federal court filing accuses … Prince Andrew of having sex in three countries with the self-described “sex slave” of an American financier, Jeffrey Epstein. The lawsuit that mentions these charges [targets] the U.S. Department of Justice. The case [started] in 2005, when Florida police began investigating claims that Epstein was paying underage girls for sex at his West Palm Beach home. Investigators uncovered evidence that more than a dozen girls may have been victimized by Epstein. The Justice Department agreed to a deal with Epstein that required him to plead guilty to two state charges, including a single count of solicitation of minors for prostitution, to register as a sex offender and to serve a short jail sentence. In exchange, the U.S. Attorney agreed to drop any further prosecution. The agreement also said that “the parties anticipate that this agreement will not be made part of any public record,” an unusual condition for such a criminal plea. The [deal] shocked several of the victims. The case has been now been ongoing for six years, with more than 280 filings. In legal filings, Edwards [a Florida trial lawyer] and Cassell [a victims’ rights advocate and former federal judge] have questioned [the] pressure on the U.S. Attorney to keep the case from trial, either from Prince Andrew or former President Clinton, who travelled with Epstein on his private plane at the time but has not been accused of wrongdoing. “The elephant in the room is this: How does a guy who sexually abused 40 girls end up doing basically one year in a halfway house,” says Cassell.

Revisionist History #10; The Full Conviction by Trial of the U.S. Government for the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Photo: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. giving a speech

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dr. Martin Luther

Jan. 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968


 “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Many of the ugly pages of American history have been obscured and forgotten. A society is always eager to cover misdeeds with a cloak of forgetfulness, but no society can fully repress an ugly past when the ravages persist into the present. America owes a debt of justice which it has only begun to pay. If it loses the will to finish or slackens in its determination, history will recall its crimes and the country that would be great will lack the most indispensable element of greatness — justice.

MLK ~ Where Do We Go From Here?




Coretta Scott King: “We have done what we can to reveal the truth, and we now urge you as members of the media, and we call upon elected officials, and other persons of influence to do what they can to share the revelation of this case to the widest possible audience.” – King Family Press Conference, Dec. 9, 1999.

“For a quarter of a century, attorney Bill Pepper conducted an independent investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. He opened his files to our family, encouraged us to speak with the witnesses, and represented our family in the civil trial against the conspirators. The jury affirmed his findings, providing our family with a long-sought sense of closure and peace, which had been denied by official disinformation and cover-ups. Now the findings of his exhaustive investigation and additional revelations from the trial are presented in the pages of this important book. We recommend it highly to everyone who seeks the truth about Dr. King’s assassination.”Coretta Scott King 

 “Act of State” by William Pepper, attorney for the King family who won a guilty verdict for $100 settlement where a 30 day trial, with over 70 witnesses called and a jury deliberation of just two hours against Jowers, and other “unnamed co-conspirators” of the Memphis Police Department and the 8-man sniper team backed by the 111th U.S. Military Intelligence Unit who were all at the scene the Assassination.

The Assassination occurred exactly one year to the day of his “Beyond Vietnam” speech where he called out the U.S. Government as the “greatest purveyors of violence the world has ever seen.”



Martin Luther King’s family and his attorney, William F. Pepper, won a civil trial that found US government agencies guilty in the wrongful death of Martin Luther King. The 1999 trial, King Family versus Jowers and Other Unknown Co-Conspirators, is the only trial ever conducted on the assassination of Dr. King. The King family’s attempts for a criminal trial were denied, as suspect James Ray’s recant of what he claimed was a false confession was denied.

The overwhelming evidence of government complicity introduced and agreed as comprehensively valid by the jury includes the 111th Military Intelligence Group were sent to Dr. King’s location and that the usual police protection was pulled away just before the assassination. Military Intelligence set-up alleged photographers on a roof of a fire station with a clear view to Dr. King’s balcony. 20th Special Forces Group had an 8-man sniper team at the assassination location on that day.

The overwhelming evidence of government complicity introduced and agreed as comprehensively valid by the jury includes:

  • US 111th Military Intelligence Group were at Dr. King’s location during the assassination.
  • 20th Special Forces Group had an 8-man sniper team at the assassination location on that day.
  • Usual Memphis Police special body guards were advised they “weren’t needed” on the day of the assassination.
  • Regular and constant police protection for Dr. King was removed from protecting Dr. King an hour before the assassination.
  • Military Intelligence set-up photographers on a roof of a fire station with a clear view to Dr. King’s balcony.
  • Dr. King’s room was changed from a secure 1st-floor room to an exposed balcony room.
  • Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut down of their bushes that would have a sniper.
  • Along with sanitizing a crime scene, police abandoned investigative procedure to interview witnesses who lived by the scene of the shooting.
  • The rifle Mr. Ray delivered was not matched to the bullet that killed Dr. King, and was not sighted to accurately shoot

Under US Civil Law, covert US government agencies were found guilty of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was the leading figure of the Civil Rights Movement, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, and widely recognized as one of the world’s greatest speakers for what it means to be human. The family’s conclusion as to motive was to prevent Dr. King from ending the Vietnam War because the government wanted to continue its ongoing covert and overt military operations to control foreign governments and their resources.

 Memphis police ordered the scene where multiple witnesses reported as the source of shooting cut down of their bushes that would have hid a sniper team. Along with sanitizing a crime scene, police abandoned investigative procedure to interview witnesses who lived by the scene of the shooting.

Along with arranging for the assassination, CIA and military disclosure confirm that corporate media collude with political “leadership” to disinform the American public on strategic military, policy, and economic issues. This answers the question why corporate media have not covered the civil trial and verdict for MLK’s assassination. For comparison, please consider the media circus over O.J. Simpson’s trials.

The King family’s attempts for a criminal trial were denied, as suspect James Ray’s recant of a guilty plea were denied. Mr. Ray said that his government-appointed attorney told him to sign a guilty plea to prevent the death penalty for his part in delivering the murder weapon for Dr. King’s assassination, and to prevent arrests of his father and brother as probable co-conspirators. Mr. Ray produced a letter from his attorney stating the promise that Mr. Ray would receive a trial. When Mr. Ray discovered that he was solely blamed for Dr. King’s assassination and would never receive a trial, the King family’s and Mr. Ray’s subsequent requests for a trial were denied.

The US government also denied the King family’s requests for independent investigation of the assassination. Therefore, and importantly, the US government has never presented any evidence subject to challenge that substantiates their claim that Mr. Ray assassinated Dr. King.

The King Center, managed by his family, provide the outline and partial transcript to the trial here. Closing statements are here. A transcript of a talk given by Mr. Pepper explaining the trial and his book with detailed documentation, An Act of State, is here (2-page summary here). I also recommend David Ratcliffe’s review of the book, Jim Douglass’ coverage of the trial, reviewing Edward Rynearson’s resources, and watching Mr. Pepper’s talk on the subject here.

“We are taking the black young men who had been crippled by our society and sending them 8,000 miles away to guarantee liberties in Southeast Asia which they had not found in Southwest Georgia and East Harlem. So we have been repeatedly faced with the cruel irony of watching Negro and white boys on TV screens as they kill and die together for a nation that has been unable to seat them together in the same schools.”

King’s family and Mr. Pepper allege that Dr. King’s speech calling upon America to end the Vietnam War, Beyond Vietnam: A time to break silence, and his plan for a 500,000 camp-in for Washington, D.C. in the summer of 1968 were a threat to dominant and fascist political factions within US government. The evidence for Robert Kennedy’s assassination is also conclusive of government complicity with likely motive to suppress war dissent.

Along with arranging for the assassination, CIA and military disclosure confirm that corporate media collude with political “leadership” to disinform the American public on strategic military, policy, and economic issues. This answers the question why corporate media have not covered the civil trial and verdict for MLK’s assassination.

This conclusion is consistent with US history, past and recent, for US “leaders” to lie and kill for wars of choice. These lies are then “covered” by corporate media in news and history texts.

Please watch this six-minute video of the evidence from the trial, and this eight-minute video on the FBI’s disclosures of covert operations against Dr. King, including confirmation from his closest friends and advisors.

Coretta Scott King, Dr. King’s wife, is certain of the evidence after 30 years of consideration from the 1968 assassination to the 1999 trial:

Continue reading Revisionist History #10; The Full Conviction by Trial of the U.S. Government for the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Part II; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican

For the first time in this country, a report into child sexual abuse exposes an attempt by the Holy See to frustrate an inquiry in a sovereign, democratic republic as little as three years ago, not three decades ago.
And in doing so, [we excavate] the dysfunction, the disconnection, the elitism that dominate the culture of the Vatican today…I want to make it clear, as Taoiseach, that when it comes to the protection of the children of this State, the standards of conduct which the Church deems appropriate to itself, cannot and will not, be applied to the workings of democracy and civil society in this republic.
Not purely, or simply, or otherwise, because children have to be, and will be, put first.
Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, who was later nearly excommunicated[1]


   “Many of these scandals relate to molestations committed decades ago, which were hushed up by the Church at the time. This hushing up included pressurising abuse victims into silence, a practice supported by Church decrees such as the Crimen sollicitationis. This culture of secrecy and self-preservation is one of the factors which has allowed paedophiles to remain active within the clergy, together with the tradition of clerical celibacy which may attract those who cannot satisfy their sexual proclivities openly, and priests’ frequent access to children in the pastoral duties.”  (Rationalwiki)


“There could be as many as 1,668,960 victims of child molestation by Catholic priests in the United States.” Edward Hendrie p.159


Part I     Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents

Part II    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican

Part III   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and British Royalty 

Part IV   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the U.S. Military & Boy Scouts (TBD)

Part V    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves, Hollywood, Music Industry and Big Time Sports (TBD)



When Jesus said, ‘suffer  the little children, come unto me’, this is not what he was talking about'”  ~ George Carlin


All Roads Lead to Rome, it is said, and that is still true to this day.

All power is derived from the Vatican and assisted by the other Trilateral NWO powers of the City of London and Washington, D.C.

Over two centuries two more city-states were set up in the City of London and Washington, D.C.. These city-states are beholden to no country and have their own banking, laws, constitutions and police forces and are sovereign states.

It is a little known fact the District of Columbia was literally named and set up as “little Rome” by the Jesuits of Vatican origin.

The Jesuit John Carroll was probably the richest man in America in the late 1700’s.
Carroll allowed funding to construct D.C. (which is nicknamed “Rome on the Potomac”). In fact, Wikipedia and the Catholic Encyclopedia confirm Washington D.C.’s original name as Rome, Maryland. Also, a branch of the Potomac River was called “Tiber”, which is named after a river in Rome. This information was written in the 1902 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia under the article on John Carroll.
The owner of the land used to be Francis Pope and his priest was Jesuit Andrew White. Like Rome, Washington D.C. has 7 hills (whose names are Capital Hill, Meridian Hill, Floral Hills, Forest Hills Hillbrook, Hillcrest, and Knox Hill). Is this a coincidence? It doesn’t look like one to me. Roman Catholic John Carroll suggested that French architect Pierre-Charles L’Enfant to design D.C. A freeborn African American named Benjamin Bannaker also was apart of astronomy and architecture during that time. It’s said that Benjamin had a role in its construction.
It’s a fact that Roman Catholic Charles Carroll was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. The Carroll family (who were run by the Pope plus the Jesuits of Rome) and the Freemasons were key in the American Revolution. John Carroll founded Georgetown University in 1789. Daniel Carroll owned land in D.C. Roman Catholic Pierre L’Enfant was apart of the creation of Washington D.C. as well. Roman Catholic Constantino Brumidi was the hired painter of occult pictures in the Capitol Dome.  (Source)


Back in the early 13th and 14th centuries Roman Maritime Law and Banking systems were set up because trade was overseas by shipping and cargo, and slaves were transported overseas.

Roman banking systems,, were set up around transport on the seas along with accounting for souls “lost at sea”.  That is why still today we have river “Banks” and “Liquid” and “Frozen” assets.  And we make deposit “Slips” where our “Current-Sea” or currency holds a “landmark” on the fiat currency.

And this is why we are labeled as having citizen-“Ships”. As well, another name for the Vatican is the Holy “See(a)”.

The Vatican is the richest country by far.  According to their own accounting and bookkeeping system they own and control over 2/3rd’s of the worlds wealth and all souls.  The Vatican is guarded by Swiss guards, where Switzerland is the defacto protector of the Vatican’s massive wealth.

This is why Switzerland, the “neutral country”, was never invaded during WWI and WWII, is home to the uber-wealthy secret bank accounts as well as the home to the central banking system of the Rothschilds, who just recently unleashed turmoil  on world markets by unpegging the Swiss Franc.

 The Vatican assisted the highest ranking Nazi Germans to flee Germany at the end of WWII to South America through providing Vatican Passports known as Rat Lines (source).  

Back in the 14th and 15th centuries, the Vatican created the first living trusts, called Papal Bulls, that basically declared that since God, or Jesus, was the true owner of all lands and all souls, and since they were not of the material living world, that the Vicar, or Pope would administer control, in absentee, for God himself over all lands and souls. (Source)



These first living trusts, or Canon Laws, in “perpetual rememberance”, which means forever,  were written on dead human skin from the ritually sacrificed bodies of children. (Source)

These laws are still in effect today as this is why we have few rights and powers as souls “lost at sea”, according to Roman Latin Laws that rule most modern countries, including the U.S., or UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, or the U.S.A which is separate from the United States of America, which the original constitution was written in 1781. (Source)

It is also well known to those who have studied Vatican history that their is a parallel controlling group of power within the Vatican run by the Black Pope run by the Jesuits and the lesser known, Grey Pope (source). They are the real power behind the power and also have in their command the Vatican Assassins to carry out any deed necessary to keep and maintain their centuries long hold on global power over much of the world’s population.

The Jesuit Oath Exposed

Hold on for this one. This is an excerpt, and this oath is still in use.

I do further promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly and openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Masons, as I am directed to do, to extirpate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex nor condition, and that will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics; rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women, and crush their infants’ heads against the walls in order to annihilate their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly I will secretly use the poisonous cup, the strangulation cord, the steel of the poniard, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agents of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Father of the Society of Jesus.

 In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false, or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly be opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth, and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever.  [Full Oath exposed HERE]

Yet the most disturbing of all this is that their power base is held onto for centuries through child enlsavement, abuse and torture as well as having their own assassination squads through the Society of Jesus or Jesuits (source), along with their military secret society, the Knights of Malta. (source).

These powerful organizations work together with the hierarchy of the 13 families, that few have ever heard about, yet have dominated through bloodlines, the real power bases of the Old an New World Orders since the times of the Knights Templar (Source)

Very recently mass child abuse charges have exploded around the planet against the Roman Catholic Church where the heat got so great on the Vatican to do something that Pope Benedict XVI, aka Joseph Ratzinger the “Rotweiller”, became the first pope to resign the pulpit in over 600 years.

He was rumored to have been named as Pope to stem the mass exposure of child pedophilia throughout the Roman Catholic diocese, yet failed miserably when allegations of his own child abuses became public with the creation in 2010 of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State or ITCCS.

“Like a little boy caught with a rock in his hand, Pope Joseph is in serious trouble, now that Canada has had to admit that thousands of native kids died at the hands of the Catholic church, which established and ran most of the Indian residential schools.

But to make things worse, Joe himself is personally implicated in the whole mess, since in writing he ordered Bishops and priests to suppress evidence of the violence done against not only native children, but any victim of priestly sexual assault, on pain of excommunication. 

Covering up a crime is itself a crime, under any law, and Joe knows it. And so does the Oregon circuit court judge who ruled recently that survivors of any assault by a Catholic priest could sue the Vatican itself for damages.”  (Source)

Our Mandate: (1) To lawfully prosecute those people and institutions responsible for the exploitation, trafficking, torture and murder of children, past and present, and (2) To stop these and other criminal actions by church and state, including by disestablishing those same institutions.  (Source)

The ITCCS disclosed the hideous role of Ratzinger and his cohorts in the fostering of child enlsavement “farms” in Canada used to feed the pedophiles of Church and State for decades and decades.

from the ITCCS website:

“Convened as a lawfully recognized Tribunal of Conscience in Brussels in the fall of 2012, and issuing its final verdict on February 25, 2013, the Common Law Court named and indicted thirty defendants for perpetrating or concealing Genocide in Canada against indigenous people. These defendants included then-Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, former Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Elizabeth Windsor “Queen of England”, and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

After an exhaustive presentation of the evidence of crimes by church and state in Canada, and a refusal by the defendants to respond or refute the evidence, all of the defendants were found guilty of criminal conspiracy and Genocide, and were sentenced in absentia to 25 years in prison and the forfeit of all the wealth and property of their estates and institutions. Citizen arrest warrants were issued, and on August 4, 2013, the Vatican and Crown of England were declared to be transnational criminal bodies under international law, and were lawfully disestablished.

The complete evidence that indicted these defendants and their institutions, along with all of the court documents and warrants, are contained herein.

The International Common Law Court of Justice is proceeding with other cases during 2014 and beyond. (source)

Continue reading Part II; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican

Blatant Proof Positive of Hebdo False Flag – time sensitive

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?” – Gandhi


Please watch video and share so that we can all counter the mass propaganda of false killings by humans of Arab decent to perpetrate the Agenda of the NWO.   Google is desperately trying to take these videos down faster than alt-media can post them


The French Connection – False Flags and the Charlie Hebdo Incident

6 Points To Consider When Analyzing The Charlie Hebdo Attacks


Paris Hostage Taker Had Met With Sarkozy In 2009, Was Hoping To Find A Job

Paris Shooting: Queen Should Thank President Hollande For Burying the Prince Andrew Child Abuse Scandal

New Twist: Charlie Hebdo Police Investigator Turns Up Dead, ‘Suicided’

Vindicated: Paris Events Meet the False Flag Checklist

Jay Dyer
Activist PostAlready numerous patterns I listed in my initial analysis, as well as others consonant with false flags, have made themselves apparent in the Paris shooting and hostage incidents. Also apparent are the predictable results that follow these events. We have seen all of the following:1. Mass mainstream media buildup and rollout, with ready-made “placards” to call global attention to event.2. Questionable videos and details of the event, as well as drills or security buildup prior.3. Military training for the perpetrators, while the “terror” suspects with deep state connections and rap sheets run free.4. A false dialectic of left versus radicalism polarizing public consumption of propaganda.



While whorporate presstitutes promote “last Hedbo” magazine cover to further falsehood, lies and mind control b.s.

New Charlie Hebdo Cover Depicts Prophet Muhammad With ‘I Am Charlie’ Sign

France’s defense minister says more than 10,000 troops will be deployed across the country by Tuesday.  European governments are reviewing security measures following last week’s terror attacks that killed 17 people in France.

Speaking to French broadcaster BFMTV, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said the country “must not let down its guard” because the security threat to France is “still present.”

He says the highest level of France’s terror alert system is being maintained.

Tuesday’s deployment of 10,000 troops will be the first time so many have been deployed in the country.  French Interior Minister Bernard Cazaneuve said nearly 5,000 security force troops will be tasked with protecting the country’s more than 700 Jewish schools.

Obama DOJ to Target “Root Causes of Violent Extremism”

Obama Declares War On ‘Extremism’ – Are You An ‘Extremist’ According To His Definition?

Waging A Phony War on Terror. “Terrorists R US” Defines U.S. Foreign Policy

‘ISIS’ Hackers Love American Folk-Punk, Don’t Know the Name of Their Own Terror Group

Jewish patrol cars out in force in London amid fears of copycat attack in wake of kosher store siege in Paris


Ha Ha Ha Ha…except it is not funny, this is deadly game to pit Muslims against Jews and Christians for a final Holy War to wipe both out for NWO agenda.

All Wars Are Well Planned Banker Wars, including WWIII



US Senator: ‘US Turned Blind Eye to Saudi Role in 9/11, Fuelling Rise of Isis’
International Business Times, September 14, 2014
Posted: 2014-09-23 19:37:52…

The rise of ISIS has been aided by the failure of the US government to investigate the connection between the Saudi Arabian government and jihadist networks, said former senator Bob Graham. Senator Graham, who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee, said that successive administrations had failed to examine the connections between the Saudis and Sunni militant groups. “I believe that the failure to shine a full light on Saudi actions … has contributed to the Saudi ability to continue to engage in actions that are damaging to the US – and in particular their support for ISIS,” he said.

The Saudis have been accused of using Sunni militant groups as proxies, channeling money to Islamist groups battling the forces of president Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian civil war, as Sunni and Shia battle for hegemony in the Middle East. The Shia Iranians are chief backers of Assad, and Nouri al Maliki’s Shia-dominated government which collapsed following ISIS’ onslaught in Iraq, accused the Saudi Arabia and Qatar of funding ISIS, and facilitating “genocide”. [Graham] said that Saudi Arabia gives support to the “the most extremist elements among the Sunni”.

Al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was the son of a wealthy construction magnate, who had close ties to the Saudi royal family. It is alleged that redacted pages of the [Joint Congressional 9/11 inquiry] report establish links between Saudi government officials and al-Qaida.

Note: Watch the highly illuminating BBC documentary “Power of Nightmares” that reveals that al-Qaida, under the control of Osama bin Laden, has never actually existed, but is a US/UK-government psychological operation to launch the “Global War on Terror”. For more on this, read Prof. David Ray Griffin’s deeply revealing book Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?


And the Winner of the ‘War On Terror’ Financed Dream Home 2014 Giveaway Is…

The combined cost of the “war on terror” comes to an estimated $1.6 trillion. A lot of former senior government officials who played important roles in this debacle have done quite well for themselves.

[Former CIA director George Tenet] missed multiple signs of a major Al Qaeda attack directed against the United States [prior to 9/11] and approved the Bush administration’s torturing of terror suspects. He got the Presidential Medal of Freedom. He [also] received a $4 million advance to write a memoir.

Tenet has received millions more in his current role as … a board director and advisor to intelligence and military contractors. Louis Freeh, Tenet’s counterpart at the FBI during the run-up to 9/11 [also mishandled] “significant and urgent” intelligence of “serious operational planning” for terrorism attacks by Islamic radicals. Freeh resigned from the FBI two months before 9/11.

In 2008, [a businessman named Nasser Kazeminy] was accused of bribing former Senator Norm Coleman, [and] hired Freeh to conduct a “thorough investigation” of the allegations against him in the hopes of clearing his name. In 2011, Freeh issued a public statement saying that his investigation had “completely vindicated” both Kazeminy and Coleman. Freeh also met with the Justice Department – which was investigating the bribery charges but declined to bring a case — on Kazeminy’s behalf. [Today, Freeh has a $3 million] Palm Beach penthouse.

Freeh’s wife co-owns it with Kazeminy. The quit claim deed giving Freeh’s wife one-half ownership of the penthouse was signed nine days after Freeh’s vindication of Kazeminy.

Part I; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents


Part I     Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents

Part II    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the Vatican

Part III   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and British Royalty

Part IV   Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and the U.S. Military & Boy Scouts (TBD)

Part V    Pedophiles, Sex Slaves, Hollywood, Music Industry and Big Time Sports (TBD)


Excellent Summary Database of Historical Sexual Child Abuse of Above Catergories



” In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king ” – Erasmus

Update 4/29/16

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R) arrives at the Dirksen Federal Court House for his hush-money case sentencing on April 27 in Chicago, Illinois. | Getty

dennis hastert

Former Speaker of House, Dennis Hastert, sentenced to 15 months in prison

The judge calls the former House speaker a “serial child molester” as Hastert apologizes for “mistreating” boys he supervised as a wrestling coach.


This Recent Pedophilia News on Presidents and U.S. Officials

November 26, 2014

Top Obama Bundler of Funds for Presidency Accused of Child Rape

On Wednesday, Portland, Ore. police arrested Terrence Patrick Bean, who has been charged with two felony counts of having sex with a minor last year. This man is not just any old guy accused of having sex with a 15-year-old – he’s a big-money Democratic donor and liberal political activist with connections inside the Obama White House. Bean raised more than a half-million dollars for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

“Bean has been one of the state’s biggest Democratic donors and an influential figure in gay rights circles in the state,” reports “He helped found two major national political groups, the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund and has been a major contributor for several Democratic presidential candidates, including Barack Obama.”


Was Joan Rivers killed for this comment she made off the cuff just two months after she made these comments last summer? (Source)



The court document states:

“Epstein trafficked Jane Doe #3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.


January 6th, 2015

Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had ‘regular’ orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times

Billionaire Sex Offender’s Phone Book Contained E-Mail Addresses, 21 Phone Numbers For Bill Clinton

  • The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes
  • A new lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein’s private island where he ‘kept young women as sex slaves’
  • Clinton was also apparently friends with a woman who collected naked pictures of underage girls for Epstein to choose from
  • He hasn’t cut ties with that woman, however, and invited her to Chelsea’s wedding
  • Comes as friends now fear that if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, all of their family’s old scandals will be brought to the forefront
  • Epstein has a host of famous friends including Prince Andrew who stayed at his New York mansion AFTER his arrest

Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards. It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein’s island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s.

Convicted: Epstein was investigated in 2005 after a woman reported that he paid her 14-year-old daughter for sex. Flight logs pinpoint Clinton’s trips on Epstein’s jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillary was a Senator for their adopted state of New York.

‘I remember asking Jeffrey what’s Bill Clinton doing here kind of thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,’ one unidentified woman said in the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach Circuit Court. The woman went on to say how orgies were a regular occurrence and she recalled two young girls from New York who were always seen around the five-house compound but their personal backstories were never revealed.

At least one woman on the compound was there unwillingly, as the suit identifies a woman as Jane Doe 102!!  She ‘was forced to live as one of Epstein’s underage sex slaves for years and was forced to have sex with… politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians, etc,’ the lawsuit says according to The Enquirer. Epstein’s sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year-old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex.

The claim prompted a nearly year-long investigation that led to the eventual charge of soliciting prostitution which came as part of a plea deal. He spent 13 months of a 18-month sentence in jail and remains a registered sex offender.

‘Jane Doe 3′ claims that in 1999 she was approached by Ghislaine Maxwell, who “procured” under-age girls for sex with Epstein. Ghislaine Maxwell is the daughter of the late Sir Robert Maxwell, who is said to have been a top agent of Mossad.

‘Jane Doe 3′, who was 15 at the time, claims she was “converted into a sex slave”.

The court document states:

“Epstein trafficked Jane Doe #3 for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.

“Epstein required Jane Doe 3 to describe the events that she had with these men so that he could potentially blackmail them.”‘ (Source)


Terry Richardson (above with Obama)  is a known sex slave handler and model photographer. His pictures are Satanic and uses many Monarch Programming themes in his photo shoots.
“Three Kittens… Meow!” – Caption from his blog, showing kitten programming as it obviously isn’t just a statement of what the image in question shows. Below wearing a former MK cult leader Charles Manson t-shirt.



“If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total
recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many

different tasks and assignments simultaneously,” she explains. “Henry
Kissinger created a ‘mindfile’ inside of my head. I would be sent around
to all these leaders to keep their data – on some of their projects or
whatever their agenda was – sorted. When they’d meet people, I would be
programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the

In her recovery, Brice Taylor also had memories of being used by Henry
Kissinger as a mind-controlled courier.

But who’s running the ‘show’?

“I think there’s this other layer that I call ‘the Council’ in my book,”
Taylor explained. “I know that this is a group of men that stand head
and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been
genetically engineered in a way that they have [she hesitated, searching
for the right words] different leadership abilities and that they are
actually the ones running the plan.”

They refer to themselves as “the Council”?

“Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community
about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the
Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working
for the Government. Then there’s the Council, which also understands
about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled.
They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find
out what my agenda was.”

And how did Ms Taylor first figure out she was suffering from MPD and
that she was a programmed multiple?

“It started in 1985,” said Taylor. “I had a very serious car accident in
which my head went through the windshield. I began to have memory
flashes like a memory bleed-through from one alter to another. I think
what occurred was I began having access to both sides of my brain.
Before, with all the sophisticated programming, half my brain was shut
away from me. Now the neuron pathways had opened up because of the
accident. I know of other women who have also had memories come back.”

So a blow to the brain had broken up the programming?

“Exactly,” she said. “What happened is my memories began coming back. I
was in school, working on my Master’s degree in psychology, when a flood
of memories came back. I have a closet full of journals. I wrote down
everything I was remembering. Once I got to a certain level, I had a lot
of therapeutic support because, every time I’d start remembering, I’d
want to hurt myself or kill myself. I lost control of my body in a car
on the freeway in the fast lane one time as I was trying to really
understand how programming worked. I was trying to understand from
inside; a part of me was trying to explain programming to me, and I was
on the freeway in the fast lane and I could not move my body. It was
terrifying. These are the kinds of things I had to constantly fight.

“When I deprogrammed I literally spent two years in my bedroom, drinking
coffee, just writing everything down,” she said. “They programmed me
with perfect photographic memory. When memories came back, like the ones
with Kissinger, I not only could hear his words and his voice, I could
smell his cigar. I could smell his farts. I mean, I could hear and see
as I remembered everything in my mind.”

from Presidential Model Brice Taylor’s book, “Thanks for the Memories”


 Canada, Ireland, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Spain, France, Germany,  Scotland, Wales Now , Plus The entire UK are all suffering Mass exposure to Organized Pedophilia at the heart of Government.




A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and US and foreign businessmen with close social ties to Washington’s political elite. Reporters for this newspaper examined hundreds of credit-card vouchers, drawn on both corporate and personal cards and made payable to the escort service operated by the homosexual ring.   (Source)
Washington Times, 6/29/1989



Jeffrey Epstein’s address book is the Holy Grail of famous names

 Friday, March 11, 2011

Referred to as “The Holy Grail” by Epstein’s former house manager ­­— now serving time for trying to sell it to attorneys — the 97-page address book details multiple addresses, phone numbers, e-mails and other contact information for former President Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, Donald Trump, Sen. John Kerry, various members of the Kennedy clan and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, among many others.

Other high-profile names in Epstein’s book include Special Envoy for Middle East Peace George Mitchell, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Walters, Alec Baldwin, Ralph Fiennes, George Hamilton, Dustin Hoffman, Kevin Spacey, Liz Hurley, Lauren Hutton, Janice Dickinson, Naomi Campbell, Christy Turlington, Henry Kissinger, Joan Rivers, Courtney Love, Mick Jagger, Cornelia Guest, Phil Collins, Itzhak Perlman, Simon LeBon, Charlie Rose, Richard Branson, playwright Candace Bushnell, designers Tom Ford and Vera Wang, soap opera actress Nadia Bjorlin and erotic film star Koo Stark, who once dated Prince Andrew.

Among the high-powered Palm Beachers listed in the money manager’s address book are Catherine and Fred Adler, Samantha and Serena Boardman, Jimmy and Jane Buffett, Pepe Fanjul, Conrad and Barbara Black, Gerry Goldsmith, Marjorie Gubelman, Dana Hammond, David Koch, Henry Kravis, Frayda and George Lindemann Sr., Bob and Todd Meister, Alfred Taubman, Stanley, Bea and Brett Tollman, and Martin Trust.

Conspiracy of Silence, a documentary listed for viewing in TV Guide Magazine, was to be aired on the Discovery Channel, on May 3, 1994.

This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies.
Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Toronto, Canada.
At the last minute, before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.



Full account of the masseuse at the center of the explosive Prince Andrew ‘sex slave’ drama

  • Prince accused of abusing ‘Jane Doe 3’ at orgy where she was ‘sex slave’
  • Jane Doe 3 is Virginia Roberts, whose story was first uncovered in 2007
  • She told extraordinary story of three years working for billionaire Epstein
  • Said that she was paid to give erotic massages to tycoon and associates
  • Claimed Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of Robert, acted as his ‘madame’
  • Palace has emphatically denied Prince had relations with underage girls

Over the years, the casually-dressed, globe-trotting financier, who was said to log more than 600 flying hours a year, has been linked with Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, Chris Tucker and Manhattan-London society figure Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late media titan Robert Maxwell.

Epstein reportedly flew Tucker and Spacey to Africa on his private jet as part of a charitable endeavour. Clinton, meanwhile, flew on multiple occasions in the same plane to Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, between 2002 and 2005 as he developed his philanthropic post-presidential career. It would later be alleged in court that Epstein organised orgies on that same private island in the US Virgin Islands.

So why is this coming out now when the story was out back in 2011?  To ensure Bush in the White House? to take down British Royalty?

Prince Andrew should be questioned because he ‘knows the truth’ about billionaire U.S. paedophile
2011-06-11 0:00



Vicky Ward said Jeffrey Epstein “attacked both me and my sources” and “spooked” Vanity Fair magazine out of printing the stories told by two young sisters

…..She says the girls’ mother told her: “At the time I wanted to go after him. I mean, physically, mentally, you know, in every way, shape, and form.

“And the advice I was given was, you know, he is so wealthy, he can fight you, he can make you look ridiculous, he can make your daughters look ridiculous, plus he can hurt them.

“And that was the thing that frightened me was that he would know where they lived and could possibly just send somebody when they walk the dog at night or something around the corner, and we’d never hear from them again.”


Sociopath: People of this personality disorder may display no empathy towards others and no remorse or guilt. However, they can mimic emotions almost perfectly to further their own personal agendas, are very skilled in the arts of deception, and may actually appear charming, friendly, or even likable. Some psychopaths will engage in severe antisocial behavior, such as murder (even serial or mass murder), animal cruelty, or sexual crimes. Conversely, some never do at all and the manifestation of their pathology is limited to non-criminal behavior such as promiscuity, cheating, or lying.

False Memory Syndrome Foundation

To counter the truth coming out, the shadow government, along with the CIA, has created websites like the “False Memory Syndrome Foundation” to discredit the witnesses who are coming out now.  The psychiatrists and those wishing to “deprogram” those that have been used by our “leaders” are threatened with loss of life and business. (Source)

It is only through all of us becoming strong, becoming truth seekers, to have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the voice to speak out will meaningful change begin to occur.  If we do not nothing will change, many more will suffer and be killed, especially the young and innocent, and our collective fate will be of further enslavement.

Personally, and I’m sure with many of you, the recent mass torture revelations authorized by our highest “leaders” as well as practiced with complicity acceptance by over 20 “allied” countries was physically, mentally and spiritually sickening.  That few even spoke to this in our communities is even more perverse and complicit as to consent by collective silence.

We are the only ones who will bring these ugly truths to light. The whorporate presstitues can’t/won’t. Our “leaders” won’t. So it is up to us for silence in these critical matters not only means many other children and innocents will have their lives taken from them, but we betray the very nature of who we are as spiritual beings in this physical realm of existence.

At the close are a list of books and videos for those who wish to learn more and be archivists of great historical reference. The biggest hat tip has to go to the works of David Icke and his tome, “The Biggest Secret”.  25 years ago he wrote of these grotesque practices and took much criticism, legal lawsuits and ridicule. Now he is being validated. Thank you Mr. Icke.

May Peace prevail.




Published on Apr 13, 2012

The memoirs of Bob Hope’s and Henry Kissinger’s mind-controlled slave by Brice Taylor

Brice Taylor is the highest level survivor of MKULTRA and government mind control ever to go public. In her new book, Thanks For the Memories: The Truth Has Set Me Free, she discloses hidden mechanisms used by the nations’ most ruthless oligarchs to control America, and reveals their intent to precipitate a global dictatorship. Taylor also identifies many of the individuals at the top of the power structure that she was personally involved with. Brice Taylor, (pseudonym for Susan Ford), a healed survivor of MKULTRA trauma-based mind control, is dedicated to ending mind control and abuse.

Her memories began to return in sporadic fragments in1985, following a car accident that threw her through the windshield of her car after hitting a tree. It wasn’t really an accident as much as a result of mind control programming which compelled her to commit suicide if she began to recover critical memories about her role as a top level NASA/CIA mind controlled ‘asset’ who was used as a sex slave and message (or drug) courier for every president from Kennedy to Clinton and was Henry Kissinger‘s personal secretary/human computer (file storage and retrieval) for over 19 years.

Her ‘owner/handler’ was comedian Bob Hope and she was ‘loaned out’ to many famous and well known entertainment personalities in order to oblige them to be beholding to and manipulated by Hope and his Illuminati pals so they could be used as “worker bees’ to help usher in the Luciferian, New World Order.

Her book is probably the most revealing account to date of well known, national personalities in both politics and the entertainment industry who are involved in the handling, programming, control, manipulation, and abuse of Illuminati/government created human robots like Brice or other, well known celebrity/mind control victims such as Barbara Striesand and Barbara Mandrel.

The book’s Table of Contents alone will give you an idea of the incredible number of nationally known names that Brice had been involved with from childhood into adulthood as a mind controlled slave. In my opinion, Thanks for The Memories and the two co-authored Illuminati Formula books of Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeir (see below) are the three most important and revealing books in print on the subject of Illuminati mind control and should be read by every concerned and thinking human being on this planet, for they reveal how the Illuminati mind control programs are accomplished and how they can be broken, allowing the victim to escape from its control.” Source


“If you program someone to have a perfect photographic memory and total
recall, then you have the capacity to be able to deal with many
different tasks and assignments simultaneously,” she explains. “Henry
Kissinger created a ‘mindfile’ inside of my head. I would be sent around
to all these leaders to keep their data – on some of their projects or
whatever their agenda was – sorted. When they’d meet people, I would be
programmed by either Kissinger or Nelson Rockefeller. This was in the

But who’s running the ‘show’?

“I think there’s this other layer that I call ‘the Council’ in my book,”
Taylor explained. “I know that this is a group of men that stand head
and shoulders above even Kissinger and the Rockefellers. They have been
genetically engineered in a way that they have [she hesitated, searching
for the right words] different leadership abilities and that they are
actually the ones running the plan.”

They refer to themselves as “the Council”?

“Yes. When I was telling other people within the intelligence community
about it that were involved in it, they said they call themselves the
Council. The CIA has all these mind-control operatives that are working
for the Government. Then there’s the Council, which also understands
about the mind-control project. But the Council is not CIA controlled.
They could take someone like myself and be able to debrief me to find
out what my agenda was.”


And how did Ms Taylor first figure out she was suffering from MPD and
that she was a programmed multiple?

“It started in 1985,” said Taylor. “I had a very serious car accident in
which my head went through the windshield. I began to have memory
flashes like a memory bleed-through from one alter to another. I think
what occurred was I began having access to both sides of my brain.
Before, with all the sophisticated programming, half my brain was shut
away from me. Now the neuron pathways had opened up because of the
accident. I know of other women who have also had memories come back.”

So a blow to the brain had broken up the programming?

“Exactly,” she said. “What happened is my memories began coming back. I
was in school, working on my Master’s degree in psychology, when a flood
of memories came back. I have a closet full of journals. I wrote down
everything I was remembering. Once I got to a certain level, I had a lot
of therapeutic support because, every time I’d start remembering, I’d
want to hurt myself or kill myself. I lost control of my body in a car
on the freeway in the fast lane one time as I was trying to really
understand how programming worked. I was trying to understand from
inside; a part of me was trying to explain programming to me, and I was
on the freeway in the fast lane and I could not move my body. It was
terrifying. These are the kinds of things I had to constantly fight.

“When I deprogrammed I literally spent two years in my bedroom, drinking
coffee, just writing everything down,” she said. “They programmed me
with perfect photographic memory. When memories came back, like the ones
with Kissinger, I not only could hear his words and his voice, I could
smell his cigar. I could smell his farts. I mean, I could hear and see
as I remembered everything in my mind.”



by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips


My name is Cathleen (Cathy) Ann O’Brien, born 12/4/57 in Muskegon, Michigan. I have prepared this book for your review and edification concerning a little known tool that “our” United States Government is covertly, illegally, and un-constitutionally using to implement the New World Order (One World Government). This well documented tool is a sophisticated and advanced form of behavior modification (brainwashing) most commonly known as MIND CONTROL. My first hand knowledge of this TOP SECRET U.S. Government Psychological Warfare technique is drawn from my personal experience as a White House “Presidential Model” mind-control slave.

I feel extremely fortunate to have survived my CIA “M K Ultras” mind control abuses. I’m extremely fortunate to have survived the White House/Pentagon level that I was forced to operate under. Many government secrets and personal reputations were staked on the belief that I could not be “deprogrammed” to remember those things that I was supposed to forget. They were wrong.

They never counted on the strength of the human spirit. They never imagined what would happen when a good man like Mark Phillips got hold of their secrets and used them for restoring the mind rather than controlling one. As a White House//Pentagon level mind controlled slave, I heard perpetrators behind the New World Order (NWO) say that they were counting on good people to do nothing because good people don’t have criminal minds.

The people in control of our country are extremely intelligent but they’re limited in their thinking by their own immorality. They don’t think deep enough or they would have realized that one — and then many — of their mind control slaves would survive and tell their secrets.

Now that I’m in control of my own mind and ultimately my free will, I am dedicated to telling those things that I have witnessed behind this New World Order because I know that when the people lead, the leaders follow.


 My pedophile father, Earl O’Brien, brags that he began substituting his penis for my mother’s nipple soon after I was born. My multigenerational incest-abused mother, Carol Tanis, did not protest his perverse actions due to (reportedly) having similar abuse as a child which caused her to acquire Multiple Personality Disorder.(1) My earliest recovered memory was that I could not breathe with my father’s penis jammed into my little throat. Yet I could not discern his semen from my mother’s milk. I do not recall thinking, but I am aware through education that this early sexual abuse distorted my primitive concepts of feeding, breathing, sexuality, and parental perceptions.

I recall as a toddler being unable to run (I could barely walk) to my mother for help as my instincts demanded. Through my gulping sobs, my terror rose as I tried to clear my throat of my father’s semen and draw a breath of air. My mother finally arrived at my side. Rather than comfort me, she accused me of throwing a temper tantrum and “holding my breath”. She responded only by throwing a glass of cold water in my face. I was shocked! As the water splashed my face, I knew she would not help and it was up to me to save myself. I automatically Multiple Personality Disordered. I was, of course, too young to logically understand that what my father was doing to me was wrong.

I accepted his strangling sexual abuse as a normal and natural part of my home life, and split off a personality to deal with the pain and suffocation to satisfy his perversions. Therefore as a child, I was dissociative of my father’s abuse. I was totally unable to recall his sexual abuse, even in his presence, until I saw and felt his penis. Then the terror, which was my conditioned response, triggered access to that part of my brain that previously endured the trauma. I was remembering the abuse and how to deal with it. This part of my brain developed into a personality of its own–which belonged to my father–which he rented out and later sold to the U.S. Government as will be explained and detailed in the following pages.

Other parts of my conditioned mind dealt with other abusers, abuses and circumstances. My father was (as revealed by my own investigations) apparently a multigenerational incest child from a large, poor, and horribly dysfunctional family. His mother earned a living as a prostitute for local lumbermen after his father died when he was two years old. My father’s brothers and sister were all sexually and (occult) ritually abused just as he was. They grew up to be drug addicts, prostitutes, street derelicts, and pedophiles who also sexually abused me and my brothers and sisters. I developed more personality splits to deal with the traumas of these torturous relationships.

….When I was in second grade, my Brownie Troop marched in the Memorial Day Parade in which then Michigan State Senator VanderJagt also participated. At the end of the parade, he took me into a nearby motel and had me perform oral sex on him before sending me back to where my Brownie Troop was waiting. My Brownie leader and peers thought it commendable that VanderJagt took me with him. They gathered around to hear all about it. I noticed a white splash of semen on my sash, and hurriedly explained that he had “taken me for a milkshake” as I wiped it away. Having to cover for his perversion to my Brownie Troop infringed on my school personality, and the “normal” remainder became even smaller.

Nowhere to run to hide

When I was 13 years old, I was dedicated to a man who would become my mind control owner. That’s US Senator Robert C. Byrd. Senator Byrd had been in office as long as I had been alive. Senator Byrd is head of our US Senate appropriations committee. He holds the purse strings for our country. And I know from my victimization under his control that he had absolutely no concern for the American public. In stead he was interested in appropriating our money to usher in the NWO. Senator Byrd’s perversions were extremely brutal and just being sexually assaulted by him was sufficient to traumatize my mind to readily accept anything that he instructed me to do.

After graduating from Muskegon Catholic Central, Senator Byrd ordered that I go to Nashville, Tennessee. Although Senator Byrd is from West Virginia, his influence in Nashville is still very strong be cause of the corruption that permeated the country music industry. CIA drug running operations were going on within the country try music industry. White slavery was prevalent. And corruption all the way to the top of the politicians from Tennessee was extensive.

Reversals and rites

I was brought up in Muskegonis St. Francis of Assisi Church; it was heavily involved in mind control and was among the criminal faction of the Jesuits that believed they could became the “one world church” in the NWO.

The Jesuits had gained much information over the years on the effects of trauma on the human mind. They gained that information from such things as the Spanish Inquisition and what the Crusaders had done They learned how people were easily led once they’ve been severely traumatized and they had been keeping records of that information for many, many years. This information was merged with what the CIA had gleaned from the Hitler/Himler research of WWII. By combining their efforts and information, mind control capabilities increased dramatically.

I was subjected to occult rituals in keeping with the “reverse psychology” programming This “reversal” of the Catholic mass into a Satanic rite had an enormous impact on me because throughout my mind control victimization, I was manipulated by those things that I held most dear. I was manipulated by my religion, by my patriotism, and after my daughter Kelly was born, by my maternal instincts.

As a child, I was right there when the CIA was merging with the Catholics. I witnessed and experienced so much and even though I didn’t consciously comprehend it then, through the deprogramming process I have recorded conversations photographically that I overheard surrounding the trauma.

Gerald Ford, U.S. President, VP

I was taken routinely to Mackinaw Island, Michigan. Mackinaw Island is a political retreat because it is located between the US and Canadian borders. And it is where the Michigan governor’s mansion is located. It was there that I was subjected to the sexual perversions of certain politicians like Gerald Ford. I’m not saying Gerald Ford is a pedophile, a person who just rapes children. Instead, Gerald Ford is what I refer to as “tri-sexual”–he’ll “try” anything with anybody, any age, any time, any where, it doesn’t matter to him, as long as he can be in control. He had a perversion for power.

It was in Mackinaw Island that I first met then-Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, a professed Jesuit. Through conversations that I overheard between him and Governor Romney, I learned how the CIA and the Catholics were merging their information for NWO controls.

Michigan’s Governor George Romney was very much interested in implementing mind control of the masses. He wanted to bring the Satanic rituals of child abuse that were proliferating in the Catholic Church into the Mormon church. He wanted a robotic society growing up within the Mormon church so that they would give more money to the NWO effort.

Governor Romney was also interested in an early version of the Global Education 2000 Program (Outcome-Based Education) that’s infiltrated our school system It was designed to increase our children’s learning capacity while decreasing their ability to critically analyze. As a result, the Michigan education system ranked first in the nation for many years but the devastation to the children was horrible.

As a very young child, I was also sexually abused by Michigan State Senator later US Congressman, Guy VanderJagt. This is the same US congressman who headed the Republican National Committee that put George Bush into the office of President. VanderJagt was more of a typical pedophile; he sexually abused me until I started developing a little bit and then I was too old for him.

When I made my first communion in 1966, I was subjected to what they termed the “rite to remain silent”. That’s r-i-t-e as in “ritual” – not r-i-g-h-t. The head of our Catholic Church, Father Don, and US Congressman VanderJagt were present and very much a part of the blood trauma ritual that followed my first communion. [Note: In her book Ms. O ‘Brien alleges she was completely bathed in the blood of a slaughtered lamb and later sexually abused. ]

This blood trauma was so horrific they got their desired results. It just blew my mind. There was no way for me to deal with what had happened. Using hypnotic language, using the language of the subconscious, they manipulated my subconscious mind to the extent that I lost all control. For example, the part of me that opened up to deal with my father’s sexual abuse, no longer could, when a sexual abuse occurred. Instead a series of codes, keys and triggers had replaced the original triggering mechanism–that compartment within my brain only opened through hand signals or their codes. keys and triggers.

It was also at this “rite to remain silent” that I lost my ability to make decisions for myself. Because up until that time, if I had a decision to make, I would pull it from all those different compartments to my brain so that I could make the best decision possible. I heard voices in my head, but it was my own voice arguing back and forth so I could properly make the decision. But after the “rite to remain silent”, I no longer heard my own voice arguing in my head. I could only hear the voices of my abusers instructing me to do exactly what they wanted me to do.

Hail to Bush

Throughout the 1880s we were forced to carry out numerous activities dealing with the drug industry, pornography, and prostitution. In 1983 Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to then-President Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan is an actor and the smoke and mirrors illusion he created certainly fooled many people into believing that our country was still ours when in fact we were rapidly losing control as our country was being sold out into the NWO. It was Ronald Reagan who–I heard him say to then prime minister of Canada Brian Mulrooney (who’s also very much involved in this NWO effort) that he believed the only way to world peace is through mind control of the masses.

Consider the ramifications. I know from experience that there’s no peace of mind under mind control. Without free thought there’s no free will. Without free will–without that God-given free will, there’s no spiritual expression. And I wonder at a so-called “world peace” that involves mind control. that keeps people from having a spiritual connection. keeps people from having free will and free thought. It seems to me that in order to have world peace we must have peace of mind. Ronald Reagan’s justification for the NWO absolutely terrifies me in that we’ve got to consider the effects on the spirit.

It was my experience during the Reagan/Bush administration that Ronald Reagan followed orders from George Bush ! Look at George Bush’s background. He began with the United Nations, then he went on to head our CIA and then he ran our country right into NWO controls through three administrations: Ronald Reagan followed orders from George Bush; then George Bush was in office; and I know for a fact that Bill Clinton follows orders from George Bush. Not robotically – but because he also believes in mind control of the masses.


Excellent presentation by Mind controlled slave, Arizona Wilder about what it is like being in the belly of the beast and who “they” are:



Ritual Abuse and Mind ControlKathleen Sullivan

Descriptive Definition

Ritual abuse is a brutal form of abuse of children, adolescents, and adults, consisting of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and involving the use of rituals. Ritual does not necessarily mean satanic. However, most survivors state that they were ritually abused as part of satanic worship for the purpose of indoctrinating them into satanic beliefs and practices. Ritual abuse rarely consists of a single episode. It usually involves repeated abuse over an extended period of time.

Ritual abuse is usually carried out by members of a cult. The purpose of the ritual elements of the abuse seems threefold:

  1. Rituals in some groups are part of a shared belief or worship system into which the victim is being indoctrinated;
  2. Rituals are used to intimidate victims into silence;
  3. Ritual elements (e.g., devil worship, animal or human sacrifice) seem so unbelievable to those unfamiliar with these crimes that these elements detract from the credibility of the victims and make prosecution of the crimes very difficult.

Many victims are children under the age of six who suffer the most severe and longstanding emotional damage from the abuse. These young victims are particularly susceptible to being terrorized and indoctrinated into the abusers’ belief system. During and even long after the abuse victims live in a state of terror and dissociation and suffer from the impact of mind control techniques. All this makes the initial disclosures of abuse exceedingly difficult, and can make each subsequent disclosure a terrifying and painful experience.

Ritual abuse is known to occur as an integral part of the life of some families in which one or both parents participate in conjunction with the extended family or other group. These groups are typically satanic in their symbols and beliefs. Children in these settings are severely abused on an ongoing basis with little time during which they are safe from abuse. The results are devastating.

Ritual abuse has also occurred, without parents knowing, at pre-schools, day-care centers, churches, summer camps, and at the hands of baby-sitters and neighbors. The ritual abuse in such an institutional setting is not incidental to its operation, but is in fact intrinsic to it, the very reason for the institution’s existence. Children are subjected to sexual abuse, ritual/intimidation to terrorize them into silence, and ritual/ indoctrination to convert them to the belief or worship system of the group.

Ritual abuse of adolescents, and participation by adolescents in perpetrating ritual abuse, can take place in family or school settings, or in youth gangs which orient themselves toward a self-styled satanism or other ritualism, and violence.

Many adults who are victims and/or perpetrators of ritual abuse came under the influence of such beliefs and practices in their childhood or adolescence and may function with severe dissociative disorders, including multiple personality disorder [now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder, since no person truly has more than one original personality]. Such adults are often working members of society whose identity as members of satanic or other cults is not known outside the cult. Some perpetrate abuse, infiltrate, and/or recruit for the cult in the context of their jobs. [Some dissociative adult victims are not even aware that they are living a dual life.] Some adults join the cult later in life, enticed by sexual promiscuity and perversion, the availability of illicit drugs, the promise of money, and the satanic spirituality oriented toward power and moral license.


You speak of a number of groups in a network of mind control abuse. Some elements of government agencies (CIA, NSA, NASA), and some not (organized crime, an occult/aryan network, the “Octopus”). Could you tell us something about the structure of that network: how you saw the groups relating to one another, and what hierarchy, if any, you observed?

As a human slave, I was not privy to information concerning the network’s structure, other than what I was told and what I observed. Anything that the perpetrators told me could have been designed to confuse and misinform me.

Most people know that the CIA, NSA, and other U.S. federal intelligence agencies are not self-contained. Their budgets must be approved by on a regular basis. Some of the agencies, and some of their representatives, also report to Congresspersons, special committees, and even the President on a regular basis. It is not uncommon for a person in one agency to transfer to another agency or committee or department. Some of these agencies and intelligence departments and committees are almost incestuous. As most of you know, President Bush Sr. was a CIA director years before he became vice president, then president. This means that our current president is the son of a former CIA director – a fact that, oddly enough, is rarely mentioned in the media. The media also fails to mention that our current president’s grandfather, Prescott Bush, reportedly had business interactions with Hitler, as did J.F.K.’s father. This is a family connection that may have affected some politicians’ decisions about whether or not to keep the Aryan network’s existence quiet.

One must also consider that, while working shoulder-to-shoulder with Nazi war criminals who were willing to share information gained from their prior human experiments in concentration camps, some of our government employees and contractors may have become close friends with the Nazi immigrants. After all, these men (and women?) were human. They were not monsters. Some of them might have even been quite likeable!

It is my understanding that NASA was, at least in the past, part of the overall network because NASA was initially formed by members of the same groups of Nazi war criminals who were brought to the U.S. by our government from the 1940s, on. This includes, of course, Werner Von Braun. Linda Hunt’s Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientists and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990 can give you more information about this. My personal belief, based on information I have received from several private investigators, is that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have worked hand-in-hand with NASA, and some of its employees and departments, to further mind-control experimentation. Although some of NASA’s programs are certainly legitimate, including space exploration, I believe that NASA is involved in much more than that, and that NASA has been used to hide certain activities within its own organizational borders. I believe this has been a shell game, in that – when the CIA was investigated – certain records and activities were simply moved to a cooperative sister agency, which enabled CIA spokespersons to speak truthfully when they claimed that the MKULTRA type experiments had been discontinued! As one spook, who confirmed my theory, would often say: same old same old.

It is also fairly common knowledge, although the CIA will continue to vociferously deny it, that the CIA has been involved in drug smuggling activities for decades, including via their Air America operations during the Vietnam War, to bring in additional money for their black budget type activities. I was a witness to massive street drug manufacturing and distributions, and was occasionally forced to smuggle illegal drugs and deliver verbal messages to participants in these illegal activities. Does this mean that the CIA, across the board, is guilty of involvement in drug smuggling and more? Of course not. Again, there are probably individuals, and groups of individuals, within the Company and other agencies who are involved in such activities, while fellow employees are completely unaware that such illegal activities continue.

How does organized crime fit in to the network? Alex Constantine has written a number of informative books that connect the dots between such organizations. My basic understanding is that individuals and small groups from certain government agencies regularly cooperate with, and do business with, organized crime families and networks. This is purely business. It’s about money, period. Huge amounts of money.

Some government employees – especially spooks and spook wannabes – are sociopaths with criminal agendas. Such employees will use whatever is at their disposal to get whatever they want in life. It’s really as simple as that. Life gets even easier for these criminals when they are able to use their agencies’ resources to entrap, and then either blackmail or coerce certain politicians, including those on Congressional oversight committees, to vote and act in their favor. I was forced to participate in some blackmail activities with D.C. level politicians. I know who they are. And from what I know about them, some of them are very unhappy about being unable to do what is honorable and right. They have to go along with the perpetrators, because if the truth were told about what they had done in the past, their careers and reputations would be permanently destroyed. I feel sorry for them, and consider them to also be victims.



Sullivan said that she was used to sexually service both males and
females in the Beta mode, and to do assassination, bodyguarding and
intrusions in hostage situations in the Delta mode.

And what is Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta programming?

“Alpha was the basis for all the other programs,” she continued. “It
seems to be where a lot of information was stored in my memory, in my
mind, that was used by programmers to develop the other programs. It’s
where some of my more generic alter states were also stored. Beta was
the sexual servicing part of me. They also sometimes called the alter
state ‘Barbie’. It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like
Barbie doll?

Survivors Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor were also subjected to Beta, or
sex-slave, programming. They, like actress Marilyn Monroe, were called
“presidential models”, mind-controlled slaves for the use of high-level

According to Springmeier’s book, “…in 1981, the New World Order made
training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O’Brien
was used to make the film How To Divide a Personality and How To Create
a Sex Slave. Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA
create these training films.”

Sullivan recalled: “I was used both as a child and as an adult in those
alter states, and I had more than one. In those alter states I would not
resist. I had no anger. I was an absolute sexual slave and I would do
whatever I was told to do.”

Delta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled
into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its
American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight.

Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: “…it was when I was
used to do hits, kills, and also bodyguarding and hostage extraction. I
had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training
and had different modes to do different things.”

Why was the training kept separate for different alters?

“Part of it was so I wouldn’t recall too much at any one time – if I did
start to remember,” she said. “And also because they hand-pick each part
out for a certain type of situation. If you had a part coming out that
was very loyal to people that that part was bodyguarding, you don’t want
that part going off and killing somebody. And you don’t want a part
that’s specifically programmed to kill coming out and feeling sorry for
the target. So you have to keep the emotions and the motives separate as
well. And so that’s why they had to have different parts.”

Sullivan’s description of Theta programming seems to correlate with the
development and use of so-called extrasensory powers and extraphysical

“Theta was where they used – I don’t like the word ‘psychic’ because I
think it’s been so misused – thought energy,” she said. “I just knew it
as magnetic-type energy from the individual to do a number of different
things that they were experimenting with, including long-distance mind
connection with other people – even in other countries. I guess you
would call it ‘remote viewing’ – where I could see what a person was
doing in another state in a room or something like that.

“It was both actual programming and experimentation. Because what they
did – they kept it encapsulated in several parts of me, several altered
states. It was a lot of training, a lot of experimentation.”

Theta programming also implies the use of thought energy to kill someone
at a distance.


Programming Triggers of Mind Control Celebrities


According to

, 800,000 children under the age of 18 go missing each year globally — 2,185 per day. Their hotline received an average of 580 calls per day to this point in the last quarter of 2012 — 3.5 million calls since the organization’s inception in 1984. It is clearly an epidemic of staggering proportions. 


Fmr US House Speaker Facing Only 6-months in Jail for Molesting 5 Children and Covering It Up

Former Republican and Speaker of the House of Representatives Dennis Hastert could be jailed for six months for trying to cover up a $3.5 million payoff to one of five boys he allegedly molested when he was a high school teacher in Yorkville, Illinois.

The abuse allegations date from 1965 to 1981, when Hastert was a teacher and wrestling coach at Yorkville High School in Chicago prior to becoming an Illinois state legislator.

Hastert was initially charged on a two-count indictment in May of 2015 for deceiving investigators about $3.5 million he had privately agreed to pay a certain “individual A” as restitution for an unspecified“prior misconduct.



Origins and Techniques of Monarch Mind Control

(NOTE: This article contains disturbing elements and might trigger Monarch survivors.)

Monarch Programming is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military  and civilians. The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim)  and  the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler.  While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program. This article looks at the origins of Monarch programming and some of its methods and symbolism.


Monarch programming is a mind-control technique comprising elements of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It utilizes a combination of psychology, neuroscience and occult rituals to create within the slaves an alter persona that can be triggered and programmed by the handlers. Monarch slaves are used by several organizations connected with the world elite in fields such as the military, sex slavery and the entertainment industry. This article will look at the origins of Monarch programming, its techniques and its symbolism.


Government Workers With Ties to Child Porn
2012-09-19, Forbes

There is a national crisis of federal employees engaged in the child porn industry and a related epidemic at the state level. Two states, Vermont and Maine … appear to be running state protected child trafficking rings with evidence of cops, judges, lawyers, clergy and government employees covering for each other.

This kind of racketeering creates powerful, and extremely profitable, pedophile rings. Money drives the crime. It is estimated that a criminal willing to molest a child in front of a live webcam can earn $1,000 a night. In Kittery Maine, at the “Danish Health Club,” one bust yielded $6.1 million in “door fees” over a five year period with “prostitutes” earning $12 million. Pimps’ earnings were not reported. The “door man” was a retired police officer whose wife worked in back.

Half of all global child porn is produced in America. Ten new images of children are posted daily. Estimates of the global profits from child porn range from $3-20 billion. The Department of Justice (DOJ)’s Child Exploitation and Obscenities unit has been, by many accounts, totally disabled under US Attorney General Eric Holder. Mr. Holder even refused to prosecute his own Assistant United States Attorney caught doing child porn on DOJ computers.

Child trafficking and porn are the fastest growing crimes in America. With billions being laundered in black money it makes solid economic sense for the IRS to focus on the child porn industry. Eric Holder’s Department of Justice has demonstrated they have no interest in prosecuting pedophiles, not even their own.


Continue reading Part I; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents

The United States is Not What You Think It Is

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see a brick wall at the back of the theater.”   ~ Frank Zappa


I post the following excellent article by Lisa Guliani in concert with a previous post of mine, “The Corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

This critical knowledge shows who makes the declared ownership of all the “Crown Lands” as well as all our “Lost Souls at Sea” and what legal means they used to gain this power over all.

The legal right owners of us all are, and have been for centuries, are ultimately the Jesuits of the Vatican, the original 13 families, and the Black Pope.

Our laws are derived of Roman Latin Maritime law and run out of Rome.

We go to Admiralty Court (yellow fringe around American flag) where we enter the DOCKET and a judge rules on our citizen-SHIP where liability is determined for any cargo (us) that was “Lost at Sea”.

So is our means of money exchange.

This is why we have a CURRENT-SEA (currency), with our RIVER banks of LIQUID and ill-LIQUID assets while we make our  deposit SLIPS.

This is also the legal language why goods are “shipped” even if they may go by ground or air.

Then we have our BERTH Certificates (not actual title which is held by our bankster owners) when our Mother, (not the Father) signs us into debt slavery for debt owed from our continued bankruptcy since 1933 as chattel, or collateral.

Also, another name for the Vatican is the “Holy SEE(A).

For a very good summation of the true owners of this country, the three city-states that rule all, see a short version here or read a previous post “Owner’s of the Empire”.



All roads lead to Rome it is said and this has never been more true than today.

To understand, or “stand-under” their centuries long jurisdiction over all is to consent by collective silence to agree to our own enslavement today. The reason we stand-under, or the judge asks us if we “under-stand” is because one would stand under a foundation to see if it was solid and true.

The first  Roman Latin laws, or Papal Bulls, of “trusts” written on the flesh of sacrificed child human skin and are the same laws applied to us today. (here)


The Owning of “All Souls Lost at Sea”

In 1302 Pope Boniface VIII (1294-1303) issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam, being the first Express Trust claiming control over the whole planet and effectively “King of the world”. In celebration, he commissioned a gold plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

The pinecone is an ancient symbol of fertility and one traditionally associated with Ba’al as well as the Cult of Cybele.

The next three Papal Bulls, or Canon Law trusts created by the Vatican, were administrative in nature and included the term “in perpetual rememberance” which means forever.

The 1st Crown of Crown Land

The first Testamentary Trust was the “Roman Panifex” in 1455. This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity. Hence, all land is claimed as “crown land”.

The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth

The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis meaning “Eternal Crown” by Sixtus IV being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.

This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is born being the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving them of ownership of their flesh and condemning them to perpetual servitude as a Roman person, or slave.

The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See

The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III through the papal bull Convocation, being the third an final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, being the trust set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See.

The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls.

The Crown was lost in 1815 due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England and granted to the Temple Bar, which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.

The Bar Associations have been responsible ever since in administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.

This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd cestui Que Vie Trust created when a child is baptized being the grant of the Baptismal certificate by the parents to the church or Registrar being the gift of title of the soul. Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, a man or woman may be “legally” denied right to stand as a person, but may be treated as a creature and thing without legally possessing a soul. Hence, why the Bar Association is able to legally enforce Maritime law against men and women- because they can be treated as things, cargo that does not possess a soul.



It is great to see more and more people write about the selling of this country, how the President of the U.S. is just the President of the U.S. Corporation and how the creation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA because of the Organic Act by Congress in 1871, began the selling of all to the few to server as slavery of debt for the Master plantation owners.

We are not who they have led us to believe we are. We are slaves to their systems, laws and govern (rule), ment (mind; mental).

Time to awaken. Time for change.


‘The Federal Reserve is no more Federal than Federal Express’

Critical dates of how and when we lost our freedoms and became slaves are:

  • The Organic Act of 1871 which is also written about below (Source)
  • The passing of the 13th and 14th Amendments which sold us all into slavery to the NWO so the U.S.A. Corporation could be created (Source)
  • The creation of the private corporation Federal Reserve Bank in 1913, that controls our currency, owned by Int’l banksters and answers to no one. (Source)
  • FDR and the “New Deal” by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933 when he confiscated personal gold, this ending our legitimate currency, then created the Freemasonic dollar bill, took the U.S. into bankruptcy and pledged our birth certificates as collateral to the banksters for collateral against the bankruptcy we are still in today.  (Source).


It should not be a surprise that the name Capitol Hill derives from Capitoline Hill, which was the seat of government for the Roman Empire. If you look at the wall behind the podium in the House of Representatives, you will notice that on either side of the US flag is the depiction of bundles of sticks tied together with an axe.

These are called fasci, the root word of fascism. This was the symbol of fascism in the Roman Empire, under the Nazis and it still is today. It is not a coincidence that these symbols are featured on the floor of Congress.

The United States Isn’t a Country — It’s a Corporation
by Lisa Guliani

Continue reading The United States is Not What You Think It Is

State of the Planet Report 2015

“If we don’t change direction we will end up exactly where we are headed”



As Above, So Below, A Cosmic Perspective



The Most Important Chart You Will Ever See in Your Lifetime

Though you will not hear about it on your corporate nightly news simply because there is zero benefit for corporations to inform us,  there is a desperate all out attempt that is being conducted night and day, 24/7, to use chemtrail spraying and HAARP heat ray guns (see below) to re-cover the Arctic with snow and ice so that the massive amounts of methane gas pools that are now seeping out refreeze once again. For over one million years trapped methane gas has stayed frozen but now significant melting ice sheets has caused the tundra to become exposed in the Arctic with accompanying released pools of methane gas releases occurring in wider swaths of the Northernmost regions.

Just recently the U.S. Navy released an extensive report that the Arctic could very well be ice-free by 2016, some 84 years ahead of most other climate models.  (Source)

Previously, an exhaustive EPA study was conducted in 2008 which found methane gas releases were an astounding 50% higher than previous estimates due to fracking and….wait for it…cow flatulence increases:

“The study estimates that in 2008, the U.S. poured 49 million tons of methane into the air. That means U.S. methane emissions trapped about as much heat as all the carbon dioxide pollution coming from cars, trucks, and planes in the country in six months.

That’s more than the 32 million tons estimated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration or the nearly 29 million tons reckoned by the European Commission. This study, however, was based on nearly 13,000 measurements from airplane flights and tall towers, the most used in any such research.

“Something is very much off in the inventories,” said study co-author Anna Michalak, an Earth scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science in Stanford, Calif. ‘The total U.S. impact on the world’s energy budget is different than we thought, and it’s worse.’”

“Last Hours” is the first in a series of short films that explore the perils of climate change and the solutions to avert climate disaster. Each subsequent film will highlight fact-based challenges facing the human race, and offer solutions to ameliorate these crises. The initial short film series will culminate in a feature film to be presented prior to COP21, the 2015 UN Conference on Climate Change in Paris.

Current Fracking sites in U.S.

An asset for the climate change movement, “Last Hours” will be disseminated globally to awaken modern culture worldwide about the various dangers associated with climate change.

“Last Hours” describes a science-based climate scenario where a tipping point to runaway climate change is triggered by massive releases of frozen methane. Methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, has already started to percolate into the open seas and atmosphere from methane hydrate deposits beneath melting arctic ice, from the warming northern-hemisphere tundra, and from worldwide continental-shelf undersea methane clathrate pools.

So prevalent it is Methane release is picked up in Space.

Burning fossil fuels release carbon that, principally through greenhouse effect, heat the atmosphere and the seas. This is happening most rapidly at the polar extremes, and this heating has already begun the process of releasing methane. If we do not begin to significantly curtail the use of carbon-based fossil fuels, this freed methane threatens to radically accelerate the speed of global warming, potentially producing a disaster beyond the ability of the human species to adapt.

This first video is designed to awaken people to the fact that the earth has experienced five major extinctions in the deep geologic past — times when more than half of all life on earth vanished — and that we are now entering a sixth extinction. Industrial civilization with its production of greenhouse gases has the ability to trigger a mass extinction; in the extreme, it could threaten not just human civilization, but the very existence of human life on this planet.

Fracking sites

The world community and global citizens urgently need to chart a path forward that greatly reduces green house gas emissions. To take action and follow the pathway to solutions to the climate crisis, you can explore this website and you can also sign-up for future updates. Thank you.

“Last Hours” is presented and narrated by Thom Hartmann and directed by Leila Conners. Executive Producers are George DiCaprio and Earl Katz. Last Hours is produced by Mathew Schmid of Tree Media Foundation, and was written by Thom Hartmann, Sam Sacks, and Leila Conners. Music is composed and performed by Francesco Lupica.


Survive to Thrive Amidst the 6th Great Extinction Event in Planetary History


Published on Jul 24, 2012

In this NASA timelapse, satellite images show the rapid deforestation of the amazonian rainforest.


NOAA Radiation Fallout spread into Pacific Ocean



As seen from above video, once nuclear above ground testing exploded, we see melanoma and lung cancer proliferate


Get Rich, Live Longer: The Ultimate Consequence of Income Inequality

First, let’s look at the guys. A rich man (top decile) born in 1940 can expect to live 10 years longer after he turns 55 than a poor man (bottom decile). That longevity gap grew by four years in one generation.

Women live longer than men, overall. But their inequality gap getting worse. A rich woman at 55 can expect to live a decade longer than a poor woman, too. But this gap grew even more between the Silent and early Boomer generations, by six years.

Here’s the money chart and it tells a really sad story. In the richest country in the world, the expected lifespan of middle- and lower-income women is actually declining. At every income level, more money means more life.



European Wars until the “Age of Discovery” spread the killing ways of White Euro Man


Commercial and Military (GWEN) buildout of radiation emitting cell phone towers

Cell Phone Towers Network US Map

GWEN Towers Network

WiFi; The Invisible Killing Fields

Male Sperm Count Decline

Epicyte Spermicide in GMO Corn

(since 2001 this includes all corn by products with high frutcose corn syrup….which is virtually everything food related these days.)

..A small California biotech company, Epicyte, in 2001 announced the development of genetically engineered corn which contained a spermicide which made the semen of men who ate it sterile. At the time Epicyte had a joint venture agreement to spread its technology with DuPont and Syngenta, two of the sponsors of the Svalbard Doomsday Seed Vault. Epicyte was since acquired by a North Carolina biotech company. Astonishing to learn was that Epicyte had developed its spermicidal GMO corn with research funds from the US Department of Agriculture, the same USDA which, despite worldwide opposition, continued to finance the development of Terminator technology, now held by Monsanto.

Epicyte developed a genetically modified spermicidal corn in 2001 with a view to saving the world from overpopulation. The pregnancy prevention plants are the handiwork of the San Diego biotechnology company Epicyte, where researchers have discovered a rare class of human antibodies that attack sperm.




World’s Largest Electronics Manufacturer Foxconn Wants 1 Million More Robots In 3 Years. Bye-bye Human Labor



Incarceration for type of drug bust.



Note increase in vaccinations correlates with increases in Autism, ADHD, Allergies, and Asthma

Bar chart versus time. The graph rises steadily from 1996 to 2007, from about 0.7 to about 5.3. The trend curves slightly upward.

Reports of autism cases per 1,000 children grew dramatically in the U.S. from 1996 to 2007. It is unknown how much, if any, growth came from changes in autism’s prevalence.[23]