Category Archives: WWIII

Tavistock Institute for Mind Control

The Tavistock Institute which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation is a research program involved in human behavior, social sciences, and psychology.

Today the Tavistock Institute is covertly involved with social networking sites, alternative media, and conspiracy forums. The USAF and DARPA run covert programs on the internet using research developed from the Tavistock Institute and Tavistock Clinic. Their goal is mass manipulation of society through social networking and psychological torture on those researching “conspiracy” or on those opposing the criminals running society.

The word “Conspiracy Theorist” is a term these criminals created as a form of neuro-linguistic programming to automatically discredit those that research or investigate criminality.

The Tavistock Clinic is stationed in London and is directly involved with the British government and House of Windsor. The United States Department of Defense and intelligence agencies are infiltrated by British Crown knights and Freemasons serving the British Crown.

Usually even mentioning the word “Tavistock” on a conspiracy site will get you banned immediately. The websites Conspiracy Outpost, Godlike Productions, and Lunatic Outpost are Tavistock operations.

The moderators Cinnamon and UKshep on Conspiracy Outpost are highly trained Tavistock agents and extremely sadistic. Craig Oxley is a high level member of the Tavistock Institute which was financed by the Rockefeller Foundation. There is a statue of Prometheus at Rockefeller Plaza. Craig Oxley’s site states on its header “Support the Promethians.” The Russell, Parsons, Carnegie, and Spencer families are covert managers of the Tavistock Institute. Andrew Russell, 15th Duke of Bedford and Marquess of Tavistock is the top overseer and he is worth over 500 million. This organization is pure evil and involved with ruthless mind control and has the entire internet running brain reading software. Dr Eliat Aram, Robert Branagh, Joel Featherman, Joanna Hill, Julie Newlan, Christopher Warhurst, Alice Long, and Cliff Oswick are all Council members of the Tavistock Institute and also ruthless criminals.

Major “Alternative Media” outlets are part of the FBI’s COINTELPRO operation or similar agencies and programs intended to infiltrate political organizations in order to disrupt, subvert, and radicalize them. Some start out legitimate and later become compromised. They operate as fishing nets drawing in opposition.

The entire internet is used like a net and managed by criminal hacking groups connected with military and intelligence agencies. The legitimate opposition that they cannot manipulate are targeted and persecuted. The government works with privatized organizations like Stratfor Intelligence which gather information on the legitimate opposition. These groups are then connected with secret societies which covertly carry out persecution for payment.

Secret Societies use criminal style initiations to incorporate its members so that they can blackmail members if they try to turn against them. Secret Societies are organized crime groups and include Jesuits, Freemasons, Knights of Columbus, Chabad, fraternities, sororities and they work with less organized and unofficial groups like Wiccan cults, and New Age cults. Facebook and smart devices use Tavistock brain reading software as part of their social engineering program.

Organized religion is also involved including Christian Churches and especially the Church of Latter Day Saints. Freemasons and Jesuit agents at the Department of Defense work with the British Tavistock Institute and run COINTELPRO like operations based on the Tavistock’s programs.

The Tavistock Institute works with British intelligence and they work with the CIA and USAF. They are involved with most of the major alternative media outlets like Godlike Productions, Lunatic Outpost, Conspiracy Outpost, David Icke Forum, Infowars, Reddit Conspiracy, and DiscloseTV. Alternative media channels like these use brain reading software along with disinformation agents that gather intel on people who speak out. Their goal is to understand and control the minds of their opposition. The ones involved are all ruthless sadists and all out criminals.

MIND GAMES: Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, The Best Kept Secret in America

5 Dark Things About the Tavistock Institute #NWO #MKultra

The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation.

Theodor W. Adorno; Songwriter for All Beatles Songs; Director of Frankfurt/Tavistock Social Engineering School

“Truth is Truth and Has No Feelings One Way or Another” Theodor W. Adorno (Tavistock Institute) was the brains behind the ‘Beatles’ as he held the rights to the music and eventually his estate sold those rights to Michael Jackson. Adorno a classical musician wrote their music and it was all filtered down through Paul …


R.I.P. Ziggy Stardust; Another Tavistock/Jesuit Creation

“Your Rock ’n RoLL hairstyle is not your OWN – The Tavistock Institute HairDo”  David Bowie – “Rock has always been the devil’s music. You can’t convince me that it isn’t.” The final albums and music videos by Bowie evoked a dark and deathly Satanic vision of life during the first decade and a half …

The Manufactured Invention of the Beatles, Stones, Grateful Dead and the Birth of Rock n’ Roll by the Tavistock Institute; A Jesuit Corporation.

Quote of the Day

Of all “conspiracy theories” I’ve been called crazy for not simply beLIEving but that I KNOW TO BE FACTUAL, vaccines are BY FAR my favorite & the easiest to prove!! It takes A LOT of definitions, “side effects” searching, specific disease definitions & pointing out the absolute fact that the manufacturers (inserts) AND CDC actually TELL US THEYRE DANGEROUS AND TOXIC, however, knowing most Americans are either too lazy, gullible &/or dumb to actually spend even 5 mins on the CDC’s site let alone recognizing the semantics- they left it right in plain sight for anyone to find but sadly, those of us intelligent enough to do such a thing are a dying breed. Though I get such satisfaction in sharing what they say then decoding it for the masses of retards (who have received all their shots, on time, presumably). CDC lists these ingredients; Msg Albumin Formaldehyde Egg protein Antibiotics Animal bovine Thimerosal Etc etc So, they list these ingredients, first off in a very deceitful way- why not call it what it is… Formaldehyde- embalming fluid Thimerosal- MERCURY worst of all in my opinion… “Albumin” sounds harmless enough, right? Well that’s if you’re the average American who looks no further. If you’re the type to say, “sounds harmless…but let’s check it out” will discover ITS HUMAN TISSUE….FROM ABORTED FETUSES!!!!
Essentially- you can not be pro life AND pro vaccine. So they list these ingredients, many of which, insidiously. BUT – they DO NOT EXPLAIN WHAT ANY OF THEM ARE, THE POTENTIAL DANGERS, WEIGHING THE DANGER VS BENEFITS, OR NAME A SINGLE SIDE EFFECTS- of which, there are MANY!! Some you’d expect, others you’d never expect, some that horrify you, others you’ve never even heard of…then you look them up & your horrified yet again…and again….and again! So the way the cdc “informs” the public is by listing a few, not all, just a few of the exceptionally dangerous ingredients, masking the identities behind scientific names, then all that’s listed for each toxic ingredient is WHY THEYRE USED/THEIR ROLE WITHIN THE CLUSTER FUCK OF CHRONIC AILMENTS YOU ANY PRO VAXXER’s IMMEDIATE FUTURE!
Any vaccine I’m challenged on, I screenshot what the cdc says, the manufacturer inserts, sometimes I’ll even toss some Harvard literature in there….then I break down (or shall I say, dumb down) exactly what’s being said in these articles by using an ancient tool called….wait for it…..THE FUCKING DICTIONARY!!!! Once I define the major points, I then spend an ungodly amount of time typing each & every individual ingredient into google followed by “adverse reactions” or “risks” or “side effects”, depends on my mood but they all return the same infinite amount of reading material listing all sorts of horrifying reasons not to inject a single one directly into your bloodstream Nevermind an entire vaccine’s worth of said ingredients.
I have literally had ppl argue with me who were so aggressive & confident in their ad hominem attacks suddenly go completely silent once I drop this undeniable truth bomb on them. I used to get worked up about it but since I’ve started doing this, I like to play with them just to see who can come up with an impressive argument before I ruin their day with facts that came directly from the very entities that have brainwashed them to fight on behalf of their opponent 😂 Also, seeing as they’ve obviously received god knows how many toxic doses of all sorts of disgusting disease causing shit, I just assume they’re working with at least some type of neurological damage. Which, btw, neurological damage is often paid out in vaccine court to the plaintiffs…so “neurological disorders” are widely accepted & admitted ….. a funny little side note here, ya know what falls under the “neurological damage” category?
If you guessed autism, YOUD BE 100% CORRECT!! When considering how they use semantics from start to finish when addressing vaccines to the public, common sense should scream in your face that arguing vaccines do not cause autism bc no studies have found a significant amount of evidence of that claim to consider these toxic shots a hazard….BUT I GUESS THERES ONLY BEEN JUST ENOUGH EVIDENCE FOUND TO PAY OUT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO ALL THISE WHO SUFFER NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE (up to & including AUTISM) !!!
Let me repeat that- they say not enough credible (another semantic twist, who do they consider credible? Science will say anything at the right price) evidence for the cdc to pull these vaccines off the market yeeeeeeet there’s definitely enough evidence of this danger for vaccine court to shell out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO THOSE AFFLICTED ?! It’s definitely not “crazy conspiracy theorist” of anyone to apply common sense here to draw the conclusion…. Vaccines = neurological damage = autism x billions in settlements = THE FUCKING VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM!!! & btw based on my research, I wanted to know why is there a flu season! How is that even possible?? Turns out the cdc nor the manufacturers of any influenza vaccine have ever even addressed this question all the do say is that there is indeed a flu season & market their retardation recipes to us accordingly. Harvard on the other hand did at least attempt to answer this question, their answer as to why is the a season for flu is….”👨🏽‍🔬beats the shit out of us 🤷🏼‍♂️?”
The do however offer theories; 1. Winter = less sun = less vitamin D = more likely to get sick. (So here’s a needle full of your worst nightmares to keep you healthy bc we at big pharma don’t depend on your ailing health for profits so we want everyone to be optimally healthy 😂😂) To which I ask the geniuses at Harvard- How bout some vitamin d supplements & calling it a day? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2. Winter = cool dry air = people indoors = windows/doors closed = close proximity + coughing = everyone gets the flu! The flu must enjoy the cool conditions👨🏼‍🔬 To which I’d ask, Sooooo, what you’re saying is when bears go into hibernation, the flu gets booted from its own hibernation then chills inside of homes/buildings waiting to be caught??? Cause that “hypothesis” only address is survival not its origins at the start of the season. Does it manifest outta nowhere??
Also, during the summer months, the majority of Americans still have to go to work all day long (but this applies at home, too) where they sit in air conditioning all day….AC = cool dry air, windows/doors closed, coughing sneezing nowhere to exit & this describes the flush preferred environment according to the first hypothesis yet flu season is from fall-early spring?? During a time of the year when those same buildings in which you claim the flu is thriving, are actually BLASTING THE FUCKING HEAT ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG??? Sounds like the exact opposite of an ideal climate if you ask me 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lastly … 3. It’s hard to tell/study why there’s a flu season bc animals (who get herpes, lymes, rabies, cancer & AIDS) do NOT get the flu & doing research on humans is unethical (except when testing the untreated effects of hpv syphillis Ebola Zika polio cancer AIDS & any other bio weaponry that’s been patented on unknowing human subjects, but I digress…) To which I’d say….about that; animals don’t catch the flu…ya know what else they don’t do? GET THE FLU VACCINE!! Based on everything I just wrote, sit on this for a moment… When does the flu season begin? When big pharma pays big $$ in commercial advertising TELLING US ITS ABOUT TO BEGIN…ever ask yourself “how do they always know for sure they flu won’t stay dormant this year?”
Cause that doesn’t make a profit or any life long chronically ailing customers, duh! When does the flu season end? Just shortly AFTER BIG PHARMA SELLS THE LAST OF THEIR FLU VACCINES AND THEIR COMMERCIALS NOW BEGIN PROMOTING THE SEASONAL ALLERGIES (they’ve undoubtedly created as a side effect of shit like the flu shot!) So, if flu season begins shortly after they start pushing the vaccine. If flu season ends shortly AFTER the last flu vaccines are administered. If animals DO NOT get the flu shot. And also DO NOT get the flu. Given the history of polio outbreaks caused by flu vaccines, one year fully active strains not at all weakened were given to countless people, and the year the flu vaccine contained a cancer causing agent.
Given the vast majority of vaccine court cases including the most dangerous side effects including irreversible neurological damage & even death, that have been settled in the favor of the vaccine recipients far surpasses any other vaccines in volume & intensity…. With all of the above considered, dare I suggest that maybe, just maaaaaaaaybe, ITS THE FUCKING ANNUAL FLU VACCINE THATS THE CAUSE FOR THE ANNUAL FLU SEASON THAT BEGINS AFTER VACCINES ROLL OUT AND ENDS JUST AFTER THE LAST OF THE FLU VACCINES ARE INJECTED INTO SOME POOR GULLIBLE FOOL….honestly, you’d be the crazy bastard if you think otherwise!!

Continue reading Quote of the Day

Chairman of Israel Medical Association and World Medical Association Opposes Mandatory Flu Vaccines for Doctors

In order to get a perspective on sane and rational vaccine policy, we must again turn away from the U.S. corporate media and their primary advertising sponsors, the pharmaceutical industry. The flu vaccine is, by far, the most prosperous vaccine produced and sold in the U.S., with over 300 million doses produced annually. It is also the leading vaccine, by far, injuring and killing people as evidenced by the quarterly Department of Justice (DOJ) reports of vaccine injury and death compensations by the Vaccine Court.
In the U.S., one cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for injuries or deaths related to vaccines. By simply reading the U.S. corporate “mainstream” media one is led to believe that all doctors and medical personnel support mass flu vaccination, and believe all medical staff should be forced to receive the flu vaccine every year. But such is not the case. As we have reported over the past several years, many doctors and nurses nationwide oppose mandatory flu vaccination for medical personnel. There are several lawsuits by individuals and unions nationwide fighting loss of employment due to refusing a flu vaccine. The Jerusalem Post recently reported that Prof. Leonid Eidelman, chairman of the Israel Medical Association and the next president of the World Medical Association, opposes mandatory flu vaccinations for doctors, and he opposes identifying which doctors have been vaccinated for the flu, and which ones have not.
Read More…


Flu deaths up in California amid concern over vaccine

As of Dec. 16, the date of the most recent report from the California Department of Public Health, 10 people under age 65 had died from influenza-related illness statewide. Typically, only one or two deaths, and sometimes none at all, have been reported in the same time frame. The state does not track flu-related deaths among people age 65 and older.

The higher-than-usual number of fatalities — plus other reports of increased influenza activity.

What has some experts concerned, though, are reports that this year’s flu vaccine is not offering good protection against the strain that’s circulating most widely: Type A, subtype H3N2.

H3N2 “tends to be the strain of virus that most impacts the elderly, that causes the most complications, and up until this point the vaccine results have been quite disappointing,” said Dr. Randy Bergen, clinical lead for Kaiser Permanente’s flu vaccination program in Northern California. “Those things make us concerned that we’re going to have a lot of sick people.”

In Australia, hospital admissions for influenza were more than double what is reported in a normal season, according to officials there. Deaths more than tripled, but some of that increase may have been due to discrepancies in how fatalities are counted.

The increase in deaths in Australia was not necessarily because the flu virus in circulation was more severe. It was just infecting more people, experts said.

“They just had a lot of cases — the most they’ve had since 2009, which was a pandemic year,” said Dr. David Relman, an infectious disease specialist at Stanford Health Care.

One reason for the high rate of illness was the lack of vaccine protection, public health officials said. Australian officials believe that the H3N2 strain mutated in a way that weakened the impact of the vaccine.

The vaccine — which protects against three or four different influenza strains — reduced the overall risk of flu infection by about 33 percent. But for the H3N2 strain, officials believe it reduced the risk by only about 10 percent.

Nationwide, the flu season also seems to be starting a bit early, with elevated levels of hospitalizations and positive lab tests being reported in most states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Cuban Castro Corporation


just like US, CHILE, FRANCE, AUSTRALIA, & the East Indian Tea Corporation, ETC., ETC.

Cuba is used as a haven for La Cosa Nostra, Cartel bosses, and a headquarters for criminal operations in the Americas. Jose Miguel Battle Sr. was a top Cuban crime boss operating in the United States. His son Jose Miguel Battle Jr. was convicted in 2007 for running the Cuban Mafia’s operations in Miami. The Cuban Mafia is known as the “Corporation” and is partly owned by the Castro family. Cuba was settled by the Spanish early on through Christopher Columbus who was a relative of the Colonna family of Rome originating in Alban Hills and they have a family branch in Spain known as the Dukes of Alba.

The Colonna family also married with the Gaetani-D’Aragona family with Prince Leone Gaetani and Duchess Vittoria Colonna. A Gaetani family branch took up the name Aragon through the marriage with the Spanish-Sicilian Countess Lucrezia d’Aragona married to Prince Onorato Gaetani III. This created Italian-Gaetani Spanish-Aragon alliance. Christopher Columbus’s son Diego Colon married into the Alba clan with Maria de Toledo. The Spanish House of Bourbon married with the Farnese family of Italy and created the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and House of Bourbon-Parma to continue the Farnese bloodline and their titles.

The Farnese family were the Dukes of Castro and it is Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies who is the Dukes of Castro today. The House of Castro was a related Farnese branch in Spain that later handed their dukedom over to the Dukes of Alba. The Castro family of Cuba are closely related descendants of the original Farnese Dukes of Castro which settled a branch in Spain. Angel Castro y Argiz was the father of Fidel Castro and was born in Lancara Spain before the Castro family migrated into Cuba where they were set up as a proxy family to rule Cuba for the House of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and other Spanish-Italian nobility.

The Bourbon-Two Sicilies family own the Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia clan which operates in Aruba and Venezuela. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg is married to Grand Duke Henri and he is a Prince of Bourbon-Parma through his grandfather Prince Felix of Bourbon-Parma. Grand Duchess Maria Teresa was born in Cuba to the Alvarez family which are a branch of Dukes of Alba. The name Alvarez derives from Alba and the name Alvarez was used by the Dukes of Alba for eleven generations. Joaquin Castro and Julian Castro are brothers and politicians in Texas. Mafias use corrupt politicians to enable their criminal activities.

The Farnese family were also the ones who authorized the Jesuit Order through their Pope Paul III and Fidel Castro was Jesuit educated in a school in Santiago, Cuba. Fidel Castro’s rise to power was directed and financed by Italian-Spanish nobility so that they could set up a criminal haven in the Americas which is what the name Havana really means. Cuba is a mafia hideaway and this is why La Cosa Nostra had one of their most well known meetings in Cuba known as the Havana Conference of 1946 set up by Genovese boss Lucky Luciano.

Jesuit Fordham Cuban-American Jose Fanjul and his brother Alfonso Fanjul Jr. own Fanjul Corp. a large sugar company based in Florida. Alfonso Fanjul was a shareholder in Southeast Banking Corporation and this was verified in court documents. Don Francisco de Borbon the Duke of Seville has been the CEO of the Bank of Miami and International Bank of Miami. The Five Families, the Trafficante crime family, and the Florida based Cuban Mafia have a lot of influence at the ports in Florida. The Ruspoli family are a Spanish-Italian nobility with ownership over various drug cartel operations in South America. They married with the billionaire Mattarazzo family from Brazil. Prince Alessandro Ruspoli was even in the movie Godfather III.

The Italian Mafia are the eldership and oversee other criminal gangs like the Cuban Mafia’s operations inside the United States. They use the shipping routes with the Dominican Republic as a cover. Italian President Sergio Mattarella’s Jesuit brother Piersanti Mattarella faked his death and I think that he fled to Cuba. Cuba ties in with Mexico and it is Cuban-Spanish-Italian bosses overseeing the Mexican Mafia and drug cartels for the Italian and Spanish nobility.

The purpose of Cuba is to operate as a hideout for wanted or threatened made men in the United States or in Mexico. Cuba is also a base of operations like a military stronghold. Havana is a haven for Crooks and the US embargo restricting trade and some travel creates a layer of protection for those who flee to Cuba. Public figures are also involved in faking their deaths and hiding out in Cuba. Fake deaths are a tactic developed by the Italian military tactician Niccolo Machiavelli which is being covered up and removed from historical texts. I believe that Duke Pier Luigi Farnese was Machiavelli’s agent handler.

The Farnese and Machiavelli families were both involved with military in Florence around the same time. Tupac Shakur who is nicknamed Makaveli faked his death in Las Vegas and then fled to Cuba. Jay Z visited Cuba to have a meeting with Tupac who is a top crime boss over some of the West Coast street gangs as well as the boss of the Folk Nation. Tupac Shakur is a military tactician for organized crime. They respect his intellect which is why Tupac was authorized to fake his death.

Chicago boss Sam Giancana was a member of the Havana Conference and believed to be a operative for the CIA and involved with their Bay of Pigs Invasion disguised as a plot to overthrow Castro however it was really designed as support for Castro during the Cuban Counter Revolution which is why the Castro family are still in power today.

At the time CIA was headed up by Allen Dulles who was a suspected Knight of Malta and his nephew Avery Dulles was a Jesuit priest. Allen Dulles was involved in various criminal CIA operations involving government takeovers, coups, and infiltration like the operations AJAX, GLADIO, and PBSUCCESS. The CIA was founded by OSS Director William Donovan a two time Vatican knight and friend of Allen Dulles. Robert Maheu was a Jesuit Georgetown graduate, Las Vegas businessman, and an agent of the FBI and CIA whose ties with mafia bosses Sam Giancana and Santo Trafficante Jr. involving the Bay of Pigs operation were revealed in  the CIA Director Memorandum on mobster Johnny Roselli.

Bay of Pigs was really code for the Spanish-Neopolitan House of Pignatelli which have strong ties with the Vatican and Sicily producing the Jesuit educated Pope Innocent XII. The Pignatelli family have shares in the Spanish royal family’s Mexican drug syndicates like the Gulf Cartel.

It was really the Bay of Pignatelli Invasion. Bourbon is related to the word boar as well. Duke Ettore Pignatelli e Caraffa of Monteleone was Ambassador to Naples and his half sister was the Spaniard Joanna of Aragon the Queen of Naples. There is also a Naples, Florida. Orlando is named for the noble House of Orlandini in Florence. Duke Alvaro de Urzaiz y Azlor de Aragon y Escobar is the Duke of Villerhermosa today. The Aragon-Escobar family of Spain were part owners of Pablo Escobar’s Medellin Cartel. The Colonna, Gaetani-D’Aragona, and Aragon-Escobar families made tens of billions off Escobar and still receive dues from their South American drug enterprises.

Escobar’s reported wealth of about 50 billion was never accounted for. Aragon is important because today Chicago-Florida billionaire businessman Kenneth C. Griffin created and runs Citadel Investment Group which manages around 149 billion in assets and his Jesuit Georgetown ex-wife and former Soros associate Anne Dias-Griffin founded Aragon Global Management based in Chicago. Investment firms are often used for funneling cash, money laundering, and making criminal payoffs disguised as loans and investments. The heads of the Pignatelli family today are Patricia Pignatelli de Aragon y Ramiro the Countess of Fuentas and Jose Maria Pigntelli de Aragon y Burgos the Duke of Monteleon.

The Corruption of Science: Who Funds Vaccine Safety Studies?

Betrayal of Public Trust & Institutional Corruption: Vaccine Safety Ratings & Vaccine Science Falsified

by Vera Sharav
Alliance for Human Research Protection

APPENDIX 9: of  L’Affaire Wakefield: Shades of Dreyfus  (Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Fraud or Scapegoat?)

[Fully referenced pdf copy of Appendix 9]

The exponential increase in the autism/autism spectrum prevalence rate since 1985 (1 in 2,500) to (1 in 45) in 2916, is evidence of an epidemic, not, as the deniers will have it, “an optical illusion” or “a statistical mirage”:

“today a million and more Americans, almost all under thirty, have been formally diagnosed with autism…Most with an autism diagnosis will never [lead normal lives] or be responsible for their health and welfare. Both the increase and the burden it imposes are widely recognized by thousands of parents and frontline professionals such as nurses and teachers. Yet some of the most prominent and powerful people in medicine, the media, and government deny it.”
[DENIAL: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future, Mark Blaxill & Dan Olmsted 2017]

Are children’s right to a normal life being sacrificed as collateral damage to protect high utilization of vaccines?

The focus of this appendix is how the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the vaccine industry control vaccine safety assessments, control the science of vaccines and control the scientific and mass channels of information about vaccines.

These primary stakeholders gained control by establishing an elaborate web of collaborating institutional partnerships which they fund. The collaborating institutional stakeholders include:

  • the American Academy of Pediatrics,
  • the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI, UK),
  • the World Health Organization (WHO -Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS)),
  • the European Medicines Agency (EMA),
  • the European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDPC),
  • the Brighton Collaboration and the Brighton Collaboration Foundation,
  • the Cochrane Collaboration,
  • the Institute of Medicine,
  • the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS),
  • the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) which is bankrolled by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and
  • the World Bank and others.

Numerous additional industry front groups are popping up on social media to spread vaccine propaganda, such as the European Health Parliament (EHP, situated in Brussels, created in 2017). EHP is bankrolled by Johnson and Johnson and is affiliated with Google, Politico. [See Appendix 10]

All of these institutions became de facto stakeholders in promoting vaccination policies while presenting themselves as independent authoritative sources of information about vaccine safety.

Through this elaborate network of collaborative partnerships, industry gained global control of vaccine safety assessments – which are applied as the single standard, used mostly to rule out a causal relationship between vaccination and serious adverse events following vaccination. These centrally controlled assessments are applied indiscriminately in all cases, disregarding individual human susceptibility factors.

One of the intended features of these collaborating partnerships is to camouflage the identity of the funding source for vaccine research and professed independent reviews of vaccine research.  Medical journals, as the editor-in-chief of The Lancet, Dr. Richard Horton acknowledged, “devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry.”  Indeed, the BMJ (British Medical Journal) entered into undisclosed partnership agreements with both major vaccine manufacturers. In 2008, BMJ and Merck entered into partnership and in 2016, BMJ and GlaxoSmithKline formed a partnership as well. Additionally, vaccine stakeholders control the vast channels of propaganda – including Google, which has formed a partnership with GlaxoSmithKline.

The financial interest of these collaborating partnerships conflicts with the tenets of medical ethics and scientific integrity – such as transparency and independent assessment of the data. The consequences of these ill-suited partnerships are demonstrated by evidence of corrupt vaccine safety assessments; evidence of harm following vaccination is either concealed or defined as non-related; journal publications are corrupted by fraudulent reports, and honest scientific findings are suppressed. The entire web of vaccine stakeholder- collaborations is geared toward issuing uniform vaccine safety pronouncements that promote vaccination policies crafted to ensure high vaccination rates, translating to ever higher profit margins.

Much of the evidence is documented in thousands of internal CDC documents (some were obtained in 2011);[1] additional CDC internal documents were obtained in July 2017.[2] The evidence is also documented in transcripts of closed-door meetings, such as the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) at Simpsonwood (2000); the Institute of Medicine  Committee on Immunization Safety Review (2001); and the UK Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI, 1990). These documents were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Evidence was also gathered in the course of a criminal investigation of Dr. Poul Thorsen[3] by the U.S. Inspector General, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


What Did CDC Officials Know About Thimerosal; When Did They Know It, & What Did They Do About It?

In 1974, the FDA convened a panel of experts to conduct a comprehensive review of the safety and effectiveness of over-the-counter medicines. One facet of the review was OTC drugs that contained mercury whose function was to kill bacteria to prevent infection. In 1980, the Advisory Review Panel submitted its report to the FDA, having reviewed 18 products containing mercury. It found the products either unsafe or ineffective. The report cited several studies demonstrating human hypersensitivity to thimerosal:

“mercury compounds as a class are of dubious value for anti-microbial use. Mercury inhibits the growth of bacteria, but does not act swiftly to kill them.”

“The Panel concludes that thimerosal is not safe for OTC topical use because of its potential for cell damage if applied to broken skin, and its allergy potential. It is not effective as a topical antimicrobial because its bacteriostatic action can be reversed.”[4]

After the determination by the FDA advisory committee, Eli Lilly chose to cease production of Thimerosal-containing products. Despite the evidence, Thimerosal continued to be added to vaccines. In 1990, Professor Hans Wigzell, Rector of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, and member Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, wrote “Difficult to Substitute Mercury as a Preservative in Bacterial Vaccines”, in which he recommended that:

“a study [be conducted] to show if there is a difference in general toxicity when uptake of mercury is from the stomach-intestines or after injections…This should be studied in relation to the tremendous large number of subjects vaccinated with preparations containing thimerosal sodium; Our goal is to develop, as soon as possible, vaccines completely free of mercury.”[5]

In 1991, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, an internationally renowned Merck vaccinologist, wrote a memo to the president of Merck’s vaccine division stating:

“6-month-old children who received their shots on schedule would get a mercury dose up to 87 times higher than guidelines for the maximum daily consumption of mercury from fish. When viewed in this way, the mercury load appears rather large. The key issue is whether thimerosal, in the amount given with the vaccine, does or does not constitute a safety hazard. However, perception of hazard may be equally important.”[6]

 The FDA delayed issuing its final rule on thimerosal until 1998, stating: “safety and effectiveness have not been established for the ingredients (mercury based preservatives)… manufacturers have not submitted the necessary data in response to earlier opportunities.”[7] The rule, however, applied only to OTC products.

In 1991, Dr. Peter Aaby, Director of the Bandim Health Project, a demographic surveillance system (in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa), which is affiliated with the Statens Serum Institute, identified non-specific adverse vaccine effects which go beyond the specific protective effects of the targeted disease. He noted that these non-specific effects can be beneficial or harmful. Dr. Aaby has conducted a series of comparative “natural studies” of vaccinated and unvaccinated children in high-mortality regions in rural Africa, that consistently confirmed that:

  • Though a vaccine protects children against the target disease it may simultaneously increase susceptibility to unrelated infections.”[8]

The First Large-Scale Scientifically Sound CDC Epidemiological Study

The 1999 CDC study sought to determine the relative risk for infants following exposure to thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines was conducted by Dr. Thomas Verstraeten and three CDC colleagues who examined the evidence documented in CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). They analyzed the medical records of 400,000 infants born between 1991 and 1997 that were maintained by four HMOs and assessed the risk of autism for the children at different ages.

This was a scientifically solid study; it provided scientific documentation that: exposure to thimerosal during the first month of life increased the relative risk of autism by 7.6 i.e., 760%.

The VSD data revealed additional risks as well: 1.8 increased relative risk for a neurodevelopmental disorder; 2.1 relative risk for speech disorder; and 5-fold increased relative risk for a nonorganic sleep disorder. The evidence documents that infants exposed to vaccines laced with thimerosal during the first month of life are at alarmingly high increased the relative risk of serious harm.

In December 1999, Dr. Verstraeten sent an email to his co-authors and CDC colleagues, Dr. Robert Davis and Dr. Frank DeStefano; the subject line was “it just won’t go away”. The email attachments included four tables with relative risk data and the Abstract of their study findings, that he was submitting for a presentation, at the high level (by invitation only) meeting, convened by CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service, at Simpsonwood Retreat Center in Georgia (2000).[9]

  • The title of their study: “Increased Risk Of Developmental Neurologic Impairment After High Exposure To Thimerosal-Containing Vaccine In First Month Of Life.

The meeting was chaired by Richard Johnston, M.D., an immunologist and pediatrician (University of Colorado) who stated:

Dr. Richard Johnston

“The data on its toxicity (shows) it can cause neurologic and renal toxicity, including death. We learned [sic] a number of important things about aluminum, and I think they also are important in our considerations today.”

“Aluminum salts are important in the formulating process of vaccines, both in antigen stabilization and absorption of endotoxin. Aluminum and mercury are often simultaneously administered to infants, both at the same site and at different sites.”

“However [sic] there is absolutely no data, including animal data, about the potential for synergy, additively or antagonism, all of which can occur in binary metal mixtures that relate and allow us to draw any conclusions from the simultaneous exposure to these two salts in vaccines…” [p. 19-20]

Dr. Tom Verstraeten

Dr. Verstraeten began his presentation by stating: “what I will present to you is the study that nobody thought we should do.” The study categorized the cumulative effect of thimerosal-containing vaccines administered to infants after one month of life and assessed the subsequent risk of degenerative and developmental neurologic disorders, and renal disorders before the age of six. Dr. Verstraeten stated that ALL of these relative risks were statistically significant.

And he noted that:

“mercury at one month of age is not the same as mercury at three months, at 12 months, prenatal mercury, later mercury. There is a whole range of plausible outcomes from mercury.” When asked about the risk of aluminum, he stated: “the results were almost identical to ethylmercury because the amount of aluminum goes along almost exactly with the mercury one.”

Following the presentation, Dr. Roger Bernier (Associate Director for Science NIP) stated:

“We have asked you to keep this information confidential….Consider this embargoed information.”[p. 113]

It is clear from the EIS transcript that the response to Dr. Verstraeten’s research findings differed between pediatricians, who were genuinely concerned about the hazards of both Thimerosal and aluminum, whereas officials of government and non-government organizations (NGOs, that are dependent on government and industry support, such as the World Health Organization), focused on the threat to vaccination policy and the risk of litigation.were intent on burying the data and maintaining secrecy about the findings.

Pediatricians focused on the risks, public health: Dr. William Weil, represented the American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) stated:

Dr. William Weil

“moving from one month or one day of birth to six months of birth changes enormously the potential for toxicity. There are just a host of neurodevelopmental data that would suggest that we’ve got a serious problem. the potential for aluminum and central nervous system toxicity was established by dialysis data. To think there isn’t some possible problem here is unreal.”[p.24]

“Although the data presents a number of uncertainties, there is adequate consistency, biological plausibility, a lack of relationship with phenomenon not expected to be related, and a potential causal role that is as good as any other hypothesized etiology of explanation of the noted associations.

In addition, the possibility that the associations could be causal has major significance for public and professional acceptance of Thimerosal containing vaccines. I think that is a critical issue. Finally, lack of further study would be horrendous grist for the anti-vaccination bill. That’s why we need to go on, and urgently I would add.” [pg. 187 & 188]

“The number of dose related relationships are linear and statistically significant. You can play with this all you want. They are linear. They are statistically significant.” [p.207]

[Dr. Weil may well have been informed by the following research report: Aluminum Neurotoxicity in Preterm Infants Receiving Intravenous-Feeding Solutions in the NEJM (1997) whose authors concluded: “In preterm infants, prolonged intravenous feeding with solutions containing aluminum is associated with impaired neurologic development.” More on aluminum vaccine adjuvants below]


New CDC Guidelines: 5 Year-Old Can Receive up to 19 Vaccinations in One Month

On November 2, 2017, Neil Z. Miller made an online announcement that was guaranteed to shock thousands of parents worldwide. In a post, written on the popular social media platform Facebook, Miller exposed that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had recently hatched a plan to ensure that ALL children were up to date with their scheduled vaccinations, whether they were vaccinated or unvaccinated. He revealed that the CDC had launched a catch-up program which could cause an unvaccinated 5-year-old to receive as many as 19 vaccinations in one month. He wrote that: “The CDC has just launched a program that will calculate a catch-up schedule for children who were not vaccinated on schedule. A 5-year-old child who was not previously vaccinated would be required to receive 19 vaccines in one month, including 6 doses of aluminum-containing injections! This catch-up schedule was NOT tested for safety to determine the immediate or long-term risk of neurological or immunological damage.” Could their latest step be yet another one of the many underhanded tactics used by the CDC to implement mandatory vaccination?
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President Trump Nominates Big Pharma Pro-Vaccine Exec as Secretary of the Health and Human Services

November 17, 2017 4:50 pm
President Trump just nominated former chief lobbyist and President of the US division of drug company Eli Lilly, Alex Azar, to be the next Secretary of the Health and Human Services (HHS). Eli Lilly is the inventor and was the primary manufacturer of thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative used in vaccines that is linked to autism and other neurological disorders. Prior to employment at Eli Lilly, under George W. Bush, Azar was general counsel and later deputy secretary of HHS at the time the decision was made to give an expedited efficacy and safety review to Gardasil, a vaccine for human papilloma virus produced by Merck that has enormous safety issues. As general counsel (head attorney) for HHS, Azar participated in the Autism Omnibus Proceeding that denied more than 5000 claims of vaccine injury, even though HHS settled one of the test cases that found that Hannah Poling’s autism was indeed caused by vaccine injury. While the head of Eli Lily in the US, Azar was also on the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Association, a trade and lobbying association for manufacturers of biological products including drugs, vaccines and GMOs. Azar’s career perfectly mirrors the “revolving door” door between regulatory agencies and the industries that they supposedly regulate in the public interest. The revolving door is one of the clearest indicators of government corruption. Azar is exactly the wrong person to head HHS. Azar must be approved by the Senate, and the Autism Action Network will be working hard to stop his confirmation. Please call the White House and politely express your opposition to Azar’s nomination at (202) 456-1111
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