Monthly Archives: April 2016

Googles Future for All; Transhuman Syntho-Man

Each year Google’s top guys come out with their “predictions” which is like owning the results of the horse races, before you bet!

Last year it was that we were all going to be at home a lot more and not being as transient as we have been, (Google driverless cars?).

We already know they have installed nano bot robots inside us with Smart Dust as they plan to make over all cities in “Smart Dust”

Google IPO 10 years after: Reshaping itself, the world, and the future – whether you like it, want it, or not.

Google’s IPO, a decade ago this week, launched the company on a trajectory that continues to reshape its business and much of the world in its orbit.

And CEO Larry Page is determined to push even further.

Page’s vision is that Google’s products and services will become the control center of people’s lives:

  • The company’s driverless cars will chauffeur people around safer roads and deliver goods within hours of an online order.
  • People won’t even have to bother leaving their homes, which will be made more comfortable and enjoyable through the use of smart appliances.
  • Robots will handle tedious chores and other jobs, freeing up time for people to enjoy lives prolonged by health-management tools and disease-fighting breakthroughs engineered by Google.
  • Internet-connected eyewear and watches will supplement the smartphones that ensure Google is a constant companion capable of anticipating questions and desires.

Google’s big bets are fueled by Page’s belief that “… incrementalism leads to irrelevance over time, especially in technology, because change tends to be revolutionary, not evolutionary,” he wrote in May in Google’s annual letter to shareholders.

Although Page has been taking risks since he co-founded Google with Sergey Brin 1998, the stakes probably wouldn’t be as high if not for the company’s pivotal IPO on Aug. 19, 2004

Google flat earth dome 2014 - Copy

Google Flat Earth Day 2014

This year, it is the merging of AI w/ Humans “for you added comfort and convenience”. Yea Righhhhhhhhhhhhhht!

Google predicts the future: Go big on artificial intelligence

In his first-ever letter to shareholders, Google CEO Sundar Pichai says the next wave of computing is all about machine learning

“Looking to the future, the next big step will be for the very concept of the ‘device’ to fade away,” wrote Pichai, who took over as CEO eight months ago. “Over time, the computer itself — whatever its form factor — will be an intelligent assistant helping you through your day. We will move from mobile first to an AI first world.”

Buzz about AI is pretty loud in Silicon Valley. Earlier this month, Facebook set up a new Applied Machine Learning group, tasked with making advancements in AI. Mark Zuckerberg’s company, along with others such as Microsoft, are investing big in chatbots, software that answers questions and performs simple tasks like making a calendar appointment for you.

Thursday’s letter is the first time Google’s update has been written by anyone besides Page and Brin, who founded the company as Stanford grad students in 1998. In 2,100 words, Pichai doubles down on the mission laid out by Page and Brin back in the day — to “organize the world’s information” — and adds to it.

“Today we are about one thing above all else: making information and knowledge available for everyone,” Pichai, 43, wrote.

Just how important is search to Google? In some cases, Pichai capitalizes the word when he writes it, like “He” or “Lord” is capitalized in the Bible. Page and Brin didn’t capitalize it in their 2004 founders’ letter when the company went public, even when referring to it as a product.
See related:

Selling of Transhumanism; “Body Hacking” being made Cool

The “Body Hacking” Movement Pushes Transhumanism to Disturbing New Limits via Vigliant Citizen ( ~ ED Google glass was permanently shelved when Google-iites went into bars with the Glass and got callled “glassholes” and the name stuck.  The Google glass CPU was located directly over the subjects temple to alter brain wave frequencies.  Once they …

The Agenda and You ~ Part III; Transhumanism and You in the Age of Transitions

CDC Admits Flu Shots Fail Half the Time

CDC Admits Flu Shots Fail Half the Time

Americans have never been big fans of flu shots. During the 2009 “swine flu” influenza A pandemic, only about 40 percent of adults bothered to roll up their sleeves. 1 Last year, flu vaccine rates were still just 47 percent for adults but pediatricians had vaccinated 75 percent of children under two years old. 2

Perhaps it is because parents are being thrown out of pediatricians’ offices if they don’t give their children every federally recommended vaccine – or maybe it is just because adults can talk about how they felt after getting vaccinated and infants and children under age two cannot.

sick-young-woman.jpgHow many times has someone told you: “The year I got a flu shot is the only year I got sick” or maybe you learned that the hard way yourself after getting vaccinated.

Doctors insist that just because we get sick with a fever, headache, body aches and a terrible cough that hangs on for weeks after getting vaccinated, it doesn’t mean the vaccine made us sick. They say it was just a “coincidence” because correlation does not equal causation. 3 4

Well, that may be true some of the time, but now the CDC is admitting that flu shots don’t prevent influenza most of the time. 5 In fact, studies show that a history of seasonal flu shots can even make people more susceptible to getting sick with a fever, headache, body aches and a terrible cough that hangs on for weeks! 6 But just like with pertussis infections, a lot of people also get and transmit influenza infections without showing any symptoms at all. 7 8 9

Previous Flu Shots Raised Risks for Pandemic Flu

During the 2009 swine flu pandemic, scientists in the Netherlands asked a big question: Do annual flu shots preventing natural influenza A infections in infants and young people increase their risk of illness and death when a highly pathogenic pandemic influenza strain develops and circulates? 10 The answer to that big question was “Yes” when, in 2010, Canadian health officials confirmed that school aged children and healthy young adults, who had gotten a flu shot the previous season, were at twice the risk of coming down with pandemic A swine flu in 2009 that was severe enough to require a trip to the doctor’s office. 11

Then, between 2011 and 2014, researchers in Europe published a number of studies providing evidence that immune responses to natural influenza infections and vaccinations are quite different, and very much affect the quality and length of immunity. 12

Most People Don’t Show Flu Symptoms, Vaccinated People More Likely to Get Sick



National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

Now, can we bring down Big Pharma with NASA – T??

National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

Apparently the left hand of this government doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or more likely doesn’t want to know. With the easy prey of grabbing marijuana users in most states and locking them up in prisons for cheap labor while destroying families, there’s little motivation to curb that racket by dropping marijuana out of its DEA Schedule 1 Controlled Substance rating.

Schedule 1 includes drugs that are dangerous, addictive, and without any medical merit. The DEA needs to justify its budgetary funding and the FDA prefers rubber stamp approving pharmaceutical drugs that are far more dangerous than marijuana and far less effective. The FDA has to oblige their corporate clients to keep their licensure payments from Big Pharma rolling in.

The unpublicized studies that prove cannabis’s medical merits are referenced within the NCI (National Cancer Institute). Though they are pre-utical drugs to enhance chemo or suppress some of chemotherapy’s terrible side effects, there are many, many actual case histories of curing cancers with cannabis.

Of course those are dismissed as anecdotal and not paid any attention by government agencies and the mainstream media. People who are cured by cannabis doesn’t satisfy medical “science”. It has to have a chance to disprove it and carry on with business as usual.

Nevertheless, the following list is excerpted directly from one of the NCI Question and Answer pages about cannabis:


See Also:

Naturally Healing All Cancers With Hemp Oil

Rudolf Steiner, Secret Societies & ‘The Ahrimanic Deception’

steiner satan devil

~ hat tip to


The whole trend goes in a direction where a way will finally be found to vaccinate bodies so that these bodies will not allow the inclination towards spiritual ideas to develop and all their lives people will believe only in the physical world they perceive with the senses. Out of impulses which the medical profession gained from presumption ” oh, I beg your pardon, from the consumption they themselves suffered ” people are now vaccinated against consumption, and in the same way they will be vaccinated against any inclination towards spirituality. This is merely to give you a particularly striking example of many things which will come in the near and more distant future in this field ” the aim being to bring confusion into the impulses which want to stream down to earth after the victory of the spirits of light.” Read original lecture

Founder of the Waldorf Schools-Christian Mystic Clairvoyant

Founder of Bio Dynamic Agriculture

A lecture by Rudolf Steiner

Translated by M. Cotterell
Revised by William Riggens
Zurich, October 27, 1919
Bn 193, GA 193, CW 193

The lecture presented here was given in Zurich on October 27, 1919. In the collected edition of Rudolf Steiner’s works, the volume containing the German texts is entitled, Der Innere Aspekt des sozialen Rätsels; Luziferische Vergangenheit, Ahrimanische Zukunft (Vol. 193 in the Bibliographic Survey, 1961). Translated from the German by M. Cotterell and revised by William Riggens.

Thanks to an anonymous donation, this lecture has been made available.

In addressing a public audience today on the most important question of our time, it makes a great difference if one speaks from a knowledge of the deeper forces of world-historical evolution, that is, from initiation-science, or if one speaks without such knowledge. It is relatively easy to speak about modern questions if one relies upon data of external knowledge which are considered scientific, practical, and so on. It is, however, extraordinarily difficult to speak about these questions from the standpoint of initiation-science — from which indeed everything is derived with which we have to deal at such gatherings as ours today. For he who speaks from that standpoint about problems of the time knows that he is opposed not only by the casual, subjective opinions of those to whom he speaks. He knows too that a great part of mankind today is already under the control, from one side or another, of Ahrimanic forces of a cosmic nature which are growing stronger and stronger. To explain what I mean by this, I must give you a kind of historical survey of a fairly long period of human history.

From various statements which have been made here and which you will also find in some of my lecture-courses, you know that we have to place the beginning of our modern age in the middle of the fifteenth century. We have always called this period — of which we are really only at the beginning — the Fifth Post-Atlantean epoch. It has replaced the Greco-Latin Epoch, which we reckon from the middle of the eighth century B.C. to the middle of the fifteenth century; and further back still, we have the Egyptian-Chaldean epoch. I have merely indicated this so that you may remember where, in human evolution as a whole, we place the epoch in which we feel ourselves standing as modern men.

Now you know that at the close of the first third of the Greco-Latin Epoch, the Mystery of Golgotha took place. And from many different aspects we have characterized what really came about for human evolution through the Mystery of Golgotha, in fact for the whole evolution of the earth. Today, into this broad historical survey, we will place various things concerning mankind which are connected with this Mystery.

With this in view, let us glance back into far earlier times, let us say, into the ages about the beginning of the third millennium B.C. You are aware how little is said in external historical tradition about this early evolution of the human race on earth. You know, too, how external documents point over to Asia, to the Orient. From many anthroposophical sources, you will know that the further we go back in mankind’s evolution, the more we find a different constitution of the human soul, and something like an ancient, original wisdom underlying the whole evolution of humanity. You know, further, that certain traditions of an ancient wisdom of mankind were preserved in close, secret circles, right into the nineteenth century. They have even been preserved into our own time — but not, for the most part, at all faithfully.

When a man of today learns to know something of this original wisdom, he is astounded at the depths of the realities to which it points. Yet in the course of the studies we have been pursuing for many years, it has been shown that this widespread wisdom-teaching of ancient times must always be contrasted with the understanding of life and the world that was possessed by the old Hebrew people and bore a completely different character. With a certain justice the widespread original wisdom is described as the heathen, pagan element, and to this is opposed the Hebrew, Jewish element. From external traditions and literature you are aware how the Christian element then arose out of the Jewish.

You can already gather from these external facts something that I beg you to bear in mind, namely, that it was essential in humanity’s evolution to confront the ancient heathen element and its wisdom with the Jewish element out of which Christianity evolved partially, at all events. The primeval heathen or pagan wisdom in its totality was not destined to have the sole influence on the further evolution of mankind. And now the question must arise: Why had the ancient pagan wisdom, which is in many respects so wonderful, to experience a new form, a transformation, through Judaism and Christianity? This question inevitably arises.

The answer is supplied for Initiation-wisdom only through a very, very weighty fact, through an event which took place far over in Asia at the beginning of the third millennium of the pre-Christian era. Clairvoyant vision finds in looking back that an incarnation of a super-sensible Being in a human being had taken place there, just as in the Event of Golgotha an incarnation of the super-sensible Christ Being had taken place in the man Jesus of Nazareth. The incarnation that took place at the beginning of the third millennium B.C. is extraordinarily difficult to follow up, even with the science of seership, of initiation. It gave humanity something of immense brilliance, having an incisive effect. What it gave to humanity, in fact, was the primeval wisdom.

Viewed externally, one can say that it was a wisdom penetrating deep into reality; cold, based purely on ideas, permeated little by feeling. The actual inner nature of this wisdom can be judged only by going back to that incarnation which took place over in Asia at the beginning of the third pre-Christian millennium. It is revealed to the retrospective clairvoyant gaze that this was an actual human incarnation of the Luciferic Power.


On Death and Dying; Final Reflection on Self

In late 1999, Erik Davis conducted what would be the last interview with McKenna.[27] During the interview McKenna also talked about the announcement of his death:

I always thought death would come on the freeway in a few horrifying moments, so you’d have no time to sort it out. Having months and months to look at it and think about it and talk to people and hear what they have to say, it’s a kind of blessing. It’s certainly an opportunity to grow up and get a grip and sort it all out. Just being told by an unsmiling guy in a white coat that you’re going to be dead in four months definitely turns on the lights. … It makes life rich and poignant. When it first happened, and I got these diagnoses, I could see the light of eternity, a la William Blake, shining through every leaf. I mean, a bug walking across the ground moved me to tears.[51]

McKenna died on April 3, 2000, at the age of 53.[11][12][19]

You Are Not Alone

Poem to all true Truth Seekers ~

Passover Remembered,
By Alla Bozarth Campbell
Pack Nothing.
Bring only your determination to serve
and your willingness to be free.

Don’t wait for the bread to rise.
Take nourishment for the journey,
but eat standing, be ready
to move at a moment’s notice.

Do not hesitate to leave
your old ways behind—
fear, silence, submission.

Only surrender to the need
of the time— to love
justice and walk humbly
with your God.

Do not take time to explain to the neighbors.
Tell only a few trusted friends and family members.

Then begin quickly,
before you have time to sink back
into the old slavery.

Set out in the dark.
I will send fire to warm and encourage you.
I will be with you in the fire
and I will be with you in the cloud.

You will learn to eat new food
and find refuge in new places.
I will give you dreams in the desert
to guide you safely home to that place
you have not yet seen.

The stories you tell one another around your fires in the dark will make you strong and wise.

Outsiders will attack you,
and some who follow you,
and at times you will weary
and turn on each other
from fear and fatigue and
blind forgetfulness.

You have been preparing for this for hundreds of years.
I am sending you into the wilderness to make a way and to learn my ways more deeply.

Those who fight you will teach you.
Those who fear you will strengthen you.
Those who follow you may forget you.
Only be faithful. This alone matters.

Some of you will die in the desert,
for the way is longer than anyone imagined.
Some of you will give birth.

Some will join other tribes along the way,
and some will simply stop and create
new families in a welcoming oasis.


Satan, BAAL, and the Sacrifice of a Prince

Purple Niagra Falls for the Queens Birthday~

BAAL structure in London bathed in Red along with the Empire State Building

Prince/the Purple court jester dies a strange mysterious death?

All during the 13 days of Blood Ritual Sacrifice…

Strange Details Behind PRINCE Blood Sacrifice To Baal!!

thinks they are just co-incidents? think again?  See Robin Williams death foretold by Family Guy one year before..

Our Entrainment = Entertainment = Mental Containment of the Sheeple

Niagara Falls Was Colored Purple For The Queen’s 90th Birthday On The Same Day That Purple-Associated Prince Died In An ‘eerie coincidence.’

Are Celebrities Being “Suicided” in Their 60’s by MKUltra?



Destroying the “Salk Cures Polio w/ Vaccine” Myth

In order to qualify for classification as paralytic poliomyelitis, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for at least 60 days after the onset of the disease. Prior to 1954, the patient had to exhibit paralytic symptoms for only 24 hours. Laboratory confirmation and the presence of residual paralysis were not required. After 1954, residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days and again 50 to 70 days after the onset of the disease. This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease, namely, paralytic poliomyelitis with a longer lasting paralysis.3

I argued that, “Under the new definition of polio, thousands of cases which would have previously been counted as polio would no longer be counted as polio. The change in the definition laid the groundwork for creating the impression that the Salk vaccine was effective.”1 2 

The Story of Measles’ Sharp Decline


Clinics around the world are destroying an old, problematic polio vaccine in favor of a new oral one, in an unprecedented effort that has never before been attempted. The problem with the old vaccine? It was causing polio. Oops. The massive global eradication effort takes place within the next few weeks at thousands of sites in 155 different countries, and requires a complete destruction of every single vial of the vaccine for the worldwide plan to work. “Health workers have been taught to destroy the old vaccine by boiling it, incinerating it, even burying it in the ground,” reports

Huffington Post Pulls Veteran Columnist’s VAXXED Movie Review