Tag Archives: bee hive

Why Is Evil In Such A Hurry?

Titan! to thee the strife was given.

Between the suffering and the will, which torture where they cannot kill; and the inexorable Heaven; and the deaf tyranny of fate, the ruling principle of hate.

Which for its pleasure doth create, the things it may annihilate,

Lord Byron.

by Elva Thompson



The Out-breath of the Earth.

The four days of the Summer Solstice, June 19-22nd are a time of great cosmic significance for humanity. Over the solstice, the Earth’s etheric body is drawn outwards by the heat of the sun into the heights of the universe, informing all beings in the cosmos of our Mother’s sacred presence.

As the sun rises on the 21st of June, the living world of nature will rejoice in the glory of the sun. In the elemental kingdoms, the nature spirits will dance upon the fields and misty meadows. Their nurturing work with earth’s natural systems is done and after the Feast of St John, the 24th June, as the light begins to die, they turn inward and retreat into their hollow hills…waiting for the ‘sun at midnight’ when man sows seeds into the in-breath at the Winter Solstice.


The Shamanistic Dream and Vision

At one time, we were all tribal.

The shaman’s of old knew that there was a network of celestial power points’ across the planet. They called them song lines, dragon lines and ley lines and where they intersected were sacred sites, places of power and prophecy. They marked these ‘points of power’ with stone circles, standing stones and sacred rocks. They understood that the earth was a living, breathing being and were well aware that at certain ‘sacred’ times of the year, these ‘special sites’ were open to cosmic forces, great powers that infused celestial energies into the earth’s grid renewing and sustaining all of life.

Even today, what is left of the aboriginal tribes know they have a divine responsibility to the living earth at these auspicious times. They are the humble guardians and protectors of the ‘sacred’.

The Black Twins of Crown and Cross.

In Deuteronomy 12:2 we read that ‘god’ ordered the Israelites  “to destroy all the places, wherein the nations whom you shall dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains and upon the hills and under every green tree; you shall tear down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire.”

Basically the ‘small god’ ordered his minions to search for places of celestial power and possess them for the darkness.

The hidden, satanic rulers of our planet, learned of the Earth’s grid and Logos from the ancient libraries that they plundered. They hoarded the knowledge of the ancient world, locking it away in dark basements for the predilection of the few.

The Attack on the ‘Natural Man’

All across the planet in the last five hundred years, tribal people have been systematically exterminated and enslaved. Their places of power and renewal have been violently usurped by the twins of darkness, the Black Crown and the Black Cross. The devil’s twins use the high and holy places at the winter and summer solstice, the quarters, new and full moons, planetary alignments, to poison the Earth’s grid with terror and human sacrifice, deliberately negating the frequency that bathes all life.

The onslaught on ‘the natural man’ began in earnest after the Black Church was established at the beginning of the Piscean Age, and together with the Black Crown they have systematically exterminated and enslaved tribal people across the planet. The Black Church, Jesuit priests and the Christian factions that came after them, tortured and killed the wise men and women, healers, herbalists, midwives,  branding them as witches. The black priests  oversaw the destruction of stone circles, secretly coveting the broken stones for their churches. They cut down sacred trees and groves, demonized the water elementals of springs and pools, and dug under the ground removing ore and precious stones, the electro-magnetic life blood of our Mother. They attacked our ‘native spirituality’ on every level, turning our feminine, inclusive, earth based way of life, into the exclusive, male dominated ego madness of today’s world.

The genocide of native people, the destruction of shamanistic knowledge, the rape of the earth, the decimation and manipulation of animal and plant life,  our obsession with electronic gadgets that are quickly replacing meaningful conversations is, in my opinion, all part of a long laid plan that is coming to fruition at this time. The new world order of trans-humanism.

It is obvious to those who have awareness that our species is under attack on every level. Engineered wars and bloodshed, the rise of  brutal police states, electro-magnetic pollution, manufactured food shortages, droughts and storms, and the insidious poisoning of our air, water and food. Fear, religion, poverty and drugs are the weapons that they use to keep us fearful, distracted and controlled. World events are escalating into madness.  Why is evil in a hurry?

This is my take on the situation.


The Reset of the Cosmic Year

At the end of the  Cosmic Year of twenty six thousand years, the programme resets for the next cycle.  In the second of cosmic time that it takes to reset the new programme, the blocking frequencies of the moon and planets are weakened and we can attune to the multi dimensional information and consciousness that has been so cruelly denied us. The evolution of the life waves’ as it is called lasts for four years and started on Dec 21st 2012 . This window is only open for a short time during the re-setting of the programme.

Time is literally flying and the quickening of the spiritual realms are upon us.

Our time is now. The dark side knows it and they are in a panic.

The Return of the Light

There is a sleeping power within the human collective unconscious that is rising from its slumber. Our dormant faculties are awakening and we have an opportunity to rediscover the truth of what we are, and tear down the veils that have smothered us for eons.

All is energy and the truth is ……

I care not for the scoffers, the nay-sayers and their third dimensional thinking. This understanding of the nature of our time, is  a clarion call of the highest order to all that resonate on its frequency.

We must envision our dream of oneness, take back our sacred sites from evil, and liberate with our love and prayers the demonized earth and water elementals, that have been clothed in darkness by the servants of the Black cross and crown.

Once we begin to take an inclusive, spiritual view of our living earth, and understand the true meaning of the festivals, we can celebrate them with a new understanding of their cosmic significance and power. This gives us a spiritual opportunity to commune with nature and attune to the titanic elemental forces within us…and without.

But, we have to take the initiative and seek out the nature spirits and petition them to help us at this time. They can turn a desert into paradise, in the blinking of an eye.

The elemental kingdoms are waiting for us to invite them into our lives… for are we not made up of earth, water, fire, air and space?


The rediscovery of the ‘oneness’ of life and our visioning of a lighter brighter world, is the wrecking ball that will smash the evil programme called reality that has been created for us. One person working with the celestial hierarchy is able to offset a thousand working against it…

We are spiritual beings, a living focus of celestial power…not the drip of water from a tap.

We are the storm troopers of divine will.

We are cosmic butterflies.


The Agenda and You ~ Part III; Transhumanism and You in the Age of Transitions

A man with a cable plugged in the back of his neck

There is a moment in the near future where scientists believe we will transform the notion of what we believe to be human. By conducting some of the most controversial experiments, scientists are unlocking the secrets of the Human Brain, moving us towards the moment where it will be possible to store our minds in machines. Then we will be able to change what we are, and who we are. This is the story of how biology and technology will combine to create a new type of human. Human version 2.0

August 22, 2012
Part I covered how the Eugenics of selective breeding of humans through science was founded in California with funding by the Rockefeller’s, who then transferred the knowledge to Nazi Germany where, through Operation Paperclip, the Nazi scientists were allowed to enter the U.S., given passports and furthered practiced Eugenics, then renamed ‘Transhumanism’ or ‘Transcendant Man’ or ‘Humanity +’ or Human 2.0.Part II dealt with the dark side of science/technology where much evidence is available to suggest that the technological control of man through chipping and vaccination is taking place and is projected to accelerate in the imminent future where chips will be embedded in us to monitor our health, interface with internet/computer and provide memory and speed functions of humans at the speed of computers.

Part III
now attempts to disclose the design and plans of the Transhumanist Agenda in the Age of Transition developing the Human 2.0.  The Singularity, where all are ‘connected’ through computer/human interface seamlessly blurring where technology begins and Man ends in the Posthuman world to come.The Beehive is where the collective mind will meet and interact in 3D ‘reality’ where imagination and creativity along with ‘2nd Life Creation’ allows the user to take on any persona in a unified virtual field.Cyber warriors, chipped children downloading a language a day with implanted memory sticks, designer babies of superior physical capabilities, Artificial Intelligence replaceable body parts and the Holy Grail promise of immortality are on the Agenda for our collective futures.  And this future is much closer  than anyone is aware or ready for.Will we have a choice of assuming God/Computer like abilities? Will it be used to heal or control? Will we create cyber warriors who then turn on their designers? Will we create such Artificial IntelligentI/Humans that the lines between Man and machine no longer can be determined until the machine becomes so superior that “IT’ no longer needs Man and eliminates us?Will children be compelled to be implanted or be left behind where Cyborkids dominate when they can literally download a memory stick in their brains?  Will designer babies now be created that develop greatly superior ‘qualities’ as normal ones?  Will people accept any technology without question that promises them immortality?And will now ‘Transcendent Man’  achieve long dreamed Apotheosis  and become one with the heavens?

Or will the human being decide to ‘be’ and ‘let be’ in God’s image as to accepting the limitations and all that it is to be human and reject the gross interference on humanity, achieve higher consciousness and Oneness through inner journeys and not exoteric artificial gadgetry?

Only time will tell and if the Cyborgians are correct, it will not be that long of a wait to find out.


There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.”
– Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World


“Transhumanism is an international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities. The movement regards aspects of the human condition, such as disability, suffering, disease, aging, and involuntary death as unnecessary and undesirable. Transhumanists look to biotechnologies and other emerging technologies for these purposes. Dangers, as well as benefits, are also of concern to the transhumanist movement.

The term “transhumanism” is symbolized by H+ or h+ and is often used as a synonym for “human enhancement”. Although the first known use of the term dates from 1957, the contemporary meaning is a product of the 1980s when futurists in the United States began to organize what has since grown into the transhumanist movement. Transhumanist thinkers predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman”. Transhumanism is therefore sometimes referred to as “posthumanism” or a form of transformational activism influenced by posthumanist ideals.

The transhumanist vision of a transformed future humanity has attracted many supporters and detractors from a wide range of perspectives. Transhumanism has been described by one critic, Francis Fukuyama, as the world’s most dangerous idea,while one proponent, Ronald Bailey, counters that it is the “movement that epitomizes the most daring, courageous, imaginative, and idealistic aspirations of humanity”.

“singularity” represents a point in a future time when technological change takes place so fast it produces a qualitative shift in society: the birth of a super-intelligence, the merging of Man and Machine.
THE HIVE MIND One of the primary concepts of the Transhumanist agenda is “The Hive Mind”.One of the early Transhumanist elites, along with Julian Huxley, was Sir Charles Galton Darwin, the grandson of Charles Darwin, who founded the theory of evolution. Here is one of Charles Galton Darwin’s quotes relating to the Hive Mind:”There might be a drug, which, without other harmful effects, removed the urgency of sexual desire, and so, reproduced in humanity the status of workers in a beehive.”The founders of Transhumanism have elitist views about what humanity should be. This Human Beehive concept has been envisioned by the ruling elite class throughout history as the ideal society. The ultimate slave race, scientifically designed to conform, obey and serve the needs of the elite – worker bees who do not question or rebel.Transhumanists envision this Hive Mind as being possible when all people across the world can link their minds together using technology, creating a symbiotic existence through the new superintelligence of this collective Hive Mind. Forget about the needs of the individual – it’s all about the Hive. They refer to this collective, superintelligence as the Singularity.


The Hive Mind, or Singularity, that they are working toward, will occur, they believe, when technology exists that will allow humans to “upload their minds” (by scanning and mapping a biological brain and copying it’s state) into a computer or an artificial memory device, a sort of global hard drive, so that the combined intelligence of all our minds will create this new superintelligence that is the Singularity, or Hive Mind.

Changing the societal “fabric” towards a new structure


In the effort of the global Elite to rewire human DNA and alter the very structure of our genome, vaccines designed to alter our brain functions have emerged into the mainstream medical community.

The transhumanist agenda seeks to:
• Control who has the right to life through the application of eugenics
• Control reproduction of the general population with sterilization campaigns, contraception and abortion
• Identify disabilities that can be “enhanced” with implants, prosthetics, RFID chips genetic engineering and modifications
• Scientific-based experimentation into life-extension therapies
• Rewiring of the brain with pharmaceuticals, psychoactive drugs and RFID chips

Organizations like Humanity+ seeks “the continuation and acceleration of the evolution of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limitations by means of science and technology, guided by life-promoting principles and values.”

They are “an international nonprofit membership organization which advocates the ethical use of technology to expand human capacities.”

In their Transhumanist Declaration, they assert:

• Using technology to “broaden human potential” by overcoming aging and “cognitive shortcomings”
• Provide forums where globalist scientist and researchers can “deliberate how [to enhance humanity through science] to expedite beneficial applications”
• Facilitate “social order, improve human foresight and wisdom” through genetic enhancement
• Influence policymakers to include the transhumanist “responsible and moral vision”

Through funding research and development, they move toward improving on humanity intellectually and culturally by utilizing technology to enhance cognitive and physical capacities. In a posthuman world, when science has enhanced humanity, intelligence will be enhanced by augmentations to the biological human.

One way to usher in the era of Transhumanity is to curb addictions such as smoking. Globalist scientists like Dr. Kim D. Janda, professor at the Scripps Research Institute, believes that immunizations against nicotine addiction is “an alternative or better way for some people” as a “system to get people off the drugs.”

Janda’s vaccines cause the immune system to produce antibodies that control the brain’s response to narcotics prior to the onset of addiction. This is based on the hypothesis that addiction causes physical changes in the brain and has spurned medical advocacy for solving America’s drug problems with immunizations.

The “scientific principle” is “simplistically stupid” according to Janda. Vaccines introduce a foreign substance into the blood that coerces the immune system to develop antibodies; however molecules like cocaine, nicotine and methamphetamine are smaller than disease molecules. This means that the immune system ignores them. To ensure the vaccine effects the immune system, a chemical cocktail is used to coerce the production of antibodies. Smugly, Janda claims that this process does not “mess with brain chemistry.”

However Janda says that the vaccine works by “blocking the pleasure centers in the brain” that respond to either the synthetic or actual drug, i.e. nicotine. “These vaccines would be very useful for those weak moments.”

In 2011, Janda’s team successfully produced a vaccine that would blunt the effects of heroin on the brains of rats. However, when introduced in human trials, Janda’s vaccine was no more effective than placebo in forcing people to quit smoking. And even still the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Janda’s vaccines for use on the general public.

Janda admits that “the big problem plaguing these vaccines right now is difficulty predicting in humans how well it’s going to work.”

– See more at: http://www.occupycorporatism.com/addiction-vaccines-scientists-use-human-experimentation-to-advance-transhumanist-agenda/#sthash.hLw1GgT2.dpuf


Continue reading The Agenda and You ~ Part III; Transhumanism and You in the Age of Transitions