Monthly Archives: February 2017

Bill Maher Goes Flat Earth Last Friday Night!!

Good time for a book release!



this shirt was for sale 5 days ago on the same day Kylie Irving of the Cleveland Cavaliers basketball team brought it up. hmmmmm…profitting or planting a Meme?


Richard Jefferson’s Flat World Champions Shirt Becomes an Internet Sensation

Inverse  – ‎22 hours ago‎

Conspiracy theories can even run wild in the NBA. Earlier this month, Cleveland Cavaliers player Kyrie Irving outed himself as a flat Earth truther. Then, on last Wednesday, teammate Richard Jefferson appeared wearing a shirt that read “Flat World .


I just saw this from Lefty gatekeeper Bill Maher bringing up Flat Earth. This is a huge psyops, not popularity opinion to sell ads but to create conflictual natures like LBGT and #Black Lives Matter to seed conflict amongst the sheeple.  Their just feeding the Flat Earth Debate or you would not hear about it on TV…just like the end of the protests at the North Dakota…it’s over and no one even reported it. they  are putting the FE topic to divide and conquer, pure and simple but the cat is officially out of the bag and 2017 is the Year of the Flat Earth Awakening!

Seth MacFarlane’s family guy perfectly predicted Robin Williams “suicide” one year before the event and was pulled at the last minute from boarding the 9/11 plane out of Boston, he is also known for his animation, including “I am a Weasel”…

also note the link between Flat Earth and climate change …..again…all a set up, but hey, heads are turning and there is no such thing as bad publicity, right?

And check out the manufactured cover look about Flat Earth…talk about body language and implanted memes to the masses!!

Welcome Aboard… But First US Marshals Will Scan Your Retina

~ Prediction: Within one year, you will also be required to be vaccinated to travel


biometeric-eyeapplications-of-biometrics-in-technology-9-638 applications-of-biometrics-in-technology-18-638

Welcome Aboard… But First US Marshals Will Scan Your Retina

 For some 15 years, airport security has become steadily more invasive. There are ever more checkpoints, ever more requests for documents as you make your way from the airport entrance to the airplane. Passengers adapt to the new changes as they come. But my latest flight to Mexico, originating in Atlanta, presented all passengers with something I had never seen before.

We had already been through boarding pass checks, passport checks, scanners, and pat downs. At the gate, each passenger had already had their tickets scanned and we were all walking on the jet bridge to board. It’s at this point that most people assume that it is all done: finally we can enjoy some sense of normalcy.

This time was different. Halfway down the jetbridge, there was a new layer of security. Two US Marshals, heavily armed and dressed in dystopian-style black regalia, stood next to an upright machine with a glowing green eye. Every passenger, one by one, was told to step on a mat and look into the green scanner. It was scanning our eyes and matching that scan with the passport, which was also scanned (yet again).

Like everyone else, I complied. What was my choice? I guess I could have turned back at the point, decline to take the flight I had paid for, but it would be unclear what would then happen. After standing there for perhaps 8 seconds, the machine gave the go signal and I boarded.

I talked to a few passengers about this and others were just as shaken by the experience. They were reticent even to talk about it, as people tend to be when confronted with something like this.

I couldn’t find anyone who had ever seen something like this before. I wrote friends who travel internationally and none said they had ever seen anything like this.

I will tell you how it made me feel: like a prisoner in my own country. It’s one thing to control who comes into a country. But surveilling and permissioning American citizens as they leave their own country, even as they are about to board, is something else.

Where is the toggle switch that would have told the machine not to let me board, and who controls it? How prone is it to bureaucratic error? What happens to my scan now and who has access to it?

The scene reminded me of movies I’ve seen, like Hunger Games or 1984. It’s chilling and strange, even deeply alarming to anyone who has ever dreamed of what freedom might be like. It doesn’t look like this.

Why Now?

I’ve searched the web for some evidence that this new practice has been going on for a while and I just didn’t notice. I find nothing about it. I’ve looked to find some new order, maybe leftover from the Obama administration, that is just now being implemented. But I find nothing.

Update: a reader has pointed me to this page at Homeland Security:

As part of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) border security mission, the agency is deploying new technologies to verify travelers’ identities – both when they arrive and when they leave the United States – by matching a traveler to the document they are presenting. CBP’s goal is to enhance national security and protect a traveler’s identity against theft through the use of biometrics.

Biometric information (such as finger, face, or iris) measures a person’s unique physical characteristics. CBP incorporated fingerprints for biometric identification and verification in 2004, and is now testing facial and iris imaging capabilities to help improve travelers’ identity protection, the integrity of our immigration system, and our national security.

I happened to be on the “one daily flight” that gets exit scanned.

Another change has to do with new rules for Homeland Security just imposed by the Trump administration. They make deportation vastly easier for the government. I have no idea if these rules are the culprit for intensified emigration checks.

What people don’t often consider is that every rule that pertains to immigration ultimately applies to emigration as well. Every rule that government has to treat immigrants a certain way also necessarily applies to citizens as well.

Chandran Kukathas is right when he says that “controlling immigration means controlling everyone.”

 Regulating immigration is not just about how people arrive, but about what they do once they have entered a country. It is about controlling how long people stay, where they travel, and what they do. Most of all, it means controlling whether or not and for whom they work (paid or unpaid), what they accept in financial remuneration, and what they must do to remain in employment, for as long as that is permitted. Yet this is not possible without controlling citizens and existing residents, who must be regulated, monitored and policed to make sure that they comply with immigration laws.

To be sure, there might have been some tip off that security officials received that triggered these special measures for this flight only. Maybe they were looking for something, someone, in particular. Maybe this was a one-time thing and will not become routine.

The point is that it happened without any change in the laws or regulations. Whatever the reason, it was some decision made by security. It can happen on any flight for any reason. And who is in charge of making that decision?

On the plane, finally, my mind raced through the deeper history here. Passports as we know them are only a little over a century old. In the late 19th century, the apotheosis of the liberal age, there were no passports. You could travel anywhere in the world through whatever means you could find. Nationalism unleashed by World War I ended that.

And here we are today, with ever more controls, seeming to follow Orwell’s blueprint for how to end whatever practical freedoms we have left. And we are going this way despite the absence of any real crisis, any imminent threat? The driving force seems to be this: our own government’s desire to control every aspect of our lives.

Think of it: there might be no getting out of the country without subjecting yourself to this process. It’s a digital Berlin Wall. This is what it means to put “security” ahead of freedom: you get neither.

DHS Quietly Testing Mandatory Facial Recognition of Passengers *Exiting* U.S.

We’re all used to having to identify ourselves as we enter a country. It is the only way we can hope to have any attempt at a secure border. But, so-called “exit controls,” where documents are checked as travelers are leaving the country, were popularized last century by Nazi Germany as a great way to ensure that they could control, round up, and exterminate the Jews and other “undesirables.” It can obviously serve no purpose of keeping terrorists out, because it only affects those who are already in. The U.S. has never had exit controls, although they remain popular in Europe, Russia, and China.

Last week, privacy advocate and blogger Jeffrey Tucker posted his experience before a flight from Atlanta to Mexico:

Halfway down the jetbridge, there was a new layer of security. Two US Marshals, heavily armed and dressed in dystopian-style black regalia, stood next to an upright machine with a glowing green eye. Every passenger, one by one, was told to step on a mat and look into the green scanner. It was scanning our eyes and matching that scan with the passport, which was also scanned (yet again).

Hi-tech eye scanners that track passengers as they walk through airport go on trial in UK

Words and Swords; Our Deceptive Language


Bible   Bi-Bull    

Baal   Ball Earth

Paradox     pair of Ox

A Lie N’           aliens

Tell Lie Vision    Television

Be Lie ve            Belief Believe

Scripture         Your Script

Egypt           got gypted

Isis               Sissy backwards

System         sissy stem

Hores Meet     Horse meat

Gospel           Go-Spell

Convergence          On the Verge of a Con

Conspiracy             Cons Piracy

Hospital      Ho’ spit ALL

Lincoln         Lie and Con

Xmas            X miss

Mossad         More sad


Maritime Roman Law

Judges have a Masonic hammer or gavel which they hit to declare the word of Law. The idea of law comes from the biblical ten stone commandments and so it is said that you “break” the law. Judges always sit on a three-tier high platform representing the first three blue degrees of freemasonry.  

The same tritier platform is found at Congress, and the altar in most Catholic and Protestant churches is three tiers high. That’s also why you get/give someone the “third degree” related to the third degree of Masonry where the initiate is asked a series of probing questions he must answer correctly in order to become a Master Mason.  

There is usually a gate around church altars just as there are gates with swinging doors in every courtroom. The congregations at church all stand up to recognize the priest, just as all rise when the judge walks in.  

Then the judge takes a “recess” because he is in “court” playing a game of “ten”nis (commandments), with lawyers who play the dialectic protagonist/antagonist game, bouncing the advantage into each other’s court. In the courtroom witnesses must place their hand on the old/new “testament” before giving their “testimony,” just as a priest’s sermon is often called testimony (also notice “mon” from “moon” in testimony and sermon).  

As a witness swears in, one hand is placed on the bible while the other is held up; In church, when parishioners feel the holy spirit, often during song, they will hold one or both hands up to praise the lord.

“Then when you get further into Saturn, you begin to understand that his color is black, that he was a God of one of the many different Semitic tribes, or groups, and one of his symbols was a square. Then you get into the square black mortarboard that the university or high school students wear when they graduate.

When you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe, which is black for Saffron, the God of the Hebrews, requiring that you wear the square mortarboard on top of your head.

The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni. It all has to do with Freemasonry; it all has to do with the control of education in this country.”   

It is a square on his head, and it is usually black. The color of Saturn, one of the ancient Hebrew Gods. This is the same black used on the robe the judge wears when he is going to throw you in jail. Because the black represents Saturn. Saturn is the old Semitic God.

That is why churches and courtrooms look the same today, because when you go into churches you sit out here with the poor folks in the chairs out here in the pews, but you cannot go up onto the lifted higher elevation, you can’t go inside the gate, you can’t go inside the little doors, only the priest can go inside there and officiate for you.

You stay on the outside with the poor folks. The altar is always raised at least three tiers, because in Egypt that was the way it was always done.

 The altar was always raised so the people could see the representative of God dressed in black. The priest comes out on the altar dressed in blac, and he is officiating for you, he is the mediator between you and God. That is the same thing that happens in the courtroom, you walk in and you are part of the poor folks sitting out here in the audience, and here is the fence, or gate, that separates you.  

The attorneys can go inside the gate and they are your mouthpiece, to go talk to ‘God’ for you and see if they can get you off, and the lawyers will be the mediator between ‘God,’ or the ‘judge’ who judges you, and man. That is where all of this comes from in our society today.”

                                                                                                   ~ Jordan Maxwell, “Matrix of Power

In addition, when we go into court we have a “hearing” and present “oral” arguments to “plead” our case. The spoken word over the written word.

Deaf Phoenician = Definition

Continue reading

Face2Face Cloning

Imagine what this could be used for.

 The world of technology just got a little more interesting. Researchers have developed a pretty mind blowing new piece of video technology that allows a person the ability to transfer their facial expressions on to another person in real-time – creating a video that looks real enough to convince almost anyone.

The technology comes out of a collaborative effort between Germany’s University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics, and Stanford University in California. The incredible technology has already being tested on George W Bush, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin.

The study, Face2Face: Real-time Face Capture and Reenactment of RGB Videos, “animates the facial expressions of the target video by a source actor and re-renders the manipulated output video in a photo-realistic fashion,” according to the researchers.


The way the technology works can be explained simply, it tracks the facial expressions of both the source and target video and addresses details like teeth by finding the mouth interior that best matches the re-targeted expression and warping it to produce the right fit.

Do you think this technology is safe to have? Given the implications of what this could be used for with the proper voice tone recreation technologies out there, couldn’t this make anyone say anything someone wanted?

This technology is decades old, as is cloning

FDA Approves Cloned Meat

How Champion-Pony Clones Have Transformed the Game of Polo

Perhaps the greatest polo player ever, Adolfo Cambiaso is planning to compete on a pony that died nearly a decade ago—a clone of his beloved stallion Aiken Cura. With more than 25 replicas of champion horses now in existence, Haley Cohen explores how the science came to polo.


CIA Psyop Creation of the word “Conspiracy” in 1967

Just before the JKF, RFK, MLK looooooooooooooooooooone gunman assassinations….how convenient!



In 1967, the CIA Created the Label “Conspiracy Theorists” … to Attack Anyone Who Challenges the “Official” Narrative

Conspiracy Theorists USED TO Be Accepted As Normal

Democracy and free market capitalism were founded on conspiracy theories.

The Magna Carta, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence and other  founding Western documents were based on conspiracy theories. Greek democracy and free market capitalism were also based on conspiracy theories.

But those were the bad old days …Things have now changed.

The CIA Coined the Term Conspiracy Theorist In 1967

That all changed in the 1960s.

Specifically, in April 1967, the CIA wrote a dispatch which coined the term “conspiracy theories” … and recommended methods for discrediting such theories.  The dispatch was marked “psych” –  short for “psychological operations” or disinformation –  and “CS” for the CIA’s “Clandestine Services” unit.

The dispatch was produced in responses to a Freedom of Information Act request by the New York Times in 1976.

The dispatch states:

2. This trend of opinion is a matter of concern to the U.S. government, including our organization.


The aim of this dispatch is to provide material countering and discrediting the claims of the conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section and in a number of unclassified attachments.

3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the [conspiracy] question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active addresses are requested:

a. To discuss the publicity problem with and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors) , pointing out that the [official investigation of the relevant event] made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and that further speculative discussion only plays into the hands of the opposition. Point out also that parts of the conspiracy talk appear to be deliberately generated by …  propagandists. Urge them to use their influence to discourage unfounded and irresponsible speculation.

b. To employ propaganda assets to and refute the attacks of the critics. Book reviews and feature articles are particularly appropriate for this purpose. The unclassified attachments to this guidance should provide useful background material for passing to assets. Our ploy should point out, as applicable, that the critics are (I) wedded to theories adopted before the evidence was in, (II) politically interested, (III) financially interested, (IV) hasty and inaccurate in their research, or (V) infatuated with their own theories.


4. In private to media discussions not directed at any particular writer, or in attacking publications which may be yet forthcoming, the following arguments should be useful:

a. No significant new evidence has emerged which the Commission did not consider.


b. Critics usually overvalue particular items and ignore others. They tend to place more emphasis on the recollections of individual witnesses (which are less reliable and more divergent–and hence offer more hand-holds for criticism) …


c. Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal in the United States, esp. since informants could expect to receive large royalties, etc.


d. Critics have often been enticed by a form of intellectual pride: they light on some theory and fall in love with it; they also scoff at the Commission because it did not always answer every question with a flat decision one way or the other.


f. As to charges that the Commission’s report was a rush job, it emerged three months after the deadline originally set. But to the degree that the Commission tried to speed up its reporting, this was largely due to the pressure of irresponsible speculation already appearing, in some cases coming from the same critics who, refusing to admit their errors, are now putting out new criticisms.

g. Such vague accusations as that “more than ten people have died mysteriously” can always be explained in some natural way ….

5. Where possible, counter speculation by encouraging reference to the Commission’s Report itself. Open-minded foreign readers should still be impressed by the care, thoroughness, objectivity and speed with which the Commission worked. Reviewers of other books might be encouraged to add to their account the idea that, checking back with the report itself, they found it far superior to the work of its critics.

Here are screenshots of part of the memo:


Conspiracy theories proven to be True

Spiritual & Cultural Values Through the Religions

Spiritual & Cultural Values Through the Religions

Click to access Cultural%20Sensitivity%20handbook%20from%20HealthCare%20Chaplaincy%20%20(3-12%202013).pdf

Table of Contents                                                                                                                       5

Introduction                                                                                                             6


Western Religions

Comparison of Jewish, Christian and Muslim Traditions                                                                                                                         7

Christianity                                                                                         8

Christian Science                                                                                        8

Eastern Orthodox                                                                                      9

Jehovah’s Witness                                                                                      10

Mormonism                                                                               11

Protestantism                                                                            12

Roman Catholicism                                                                                13

Seventh-day Adventism                                                                                 15

Islam (Muslim)                                                                                             16

Sunni vs. Shiite

Judaism                                                                                             19

Eastern Religions

Buddhism                                                                                         22

Hinduism                                                                                           23

Sikhism                                                                                              25

Other Religions

Bahá’í                                                                                       27

Hawaiian Spirituality                                                                              28

Native American                                                                                30

Rastafarian Movement                                                                              31

Santeria                                                                                  32

Voodoo                                                                                    32

Wicca                                                                                       33


Major American Cultures

African-American/ Black Culture                                                                                                 34

Hispanic-American Culture                                                                                                 35

Native American Culture                                                                                                 37

Native Hawaiian Culture                                                                                                 40

African Cultures

Ghanaian Culture                                                                                                 44

Kenyan Culture                                                                                                 46

South African Culture                                                                                                 48

Caribbean Cultures

Cuban Culture                                                                                                 50

Haitian Culture                                                                                                 52

Jamaican Culture                                                                                                 54

Middle Eastern/North African Cultures

Arab Culture                                                                                                 57

Egyptian Culture                                                                                                 59

Iranian Culture                                                                                                 61



The Jesuits and Vaccines


The Jesuits and Vaccines

No better description of the Company has ever been so simply put than that of Mr. Luigi Desanctis, who later became a Reformed pastor. When his description is applied to the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dental Association (ADA) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) we can easily see these three agencies as arms of the Great Jesuit Conspiracy, described by Abate Leone in his The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order printed in 1848.

The purpose of the AMA, ADA and FDA is to destroy the American people in the name of helping them. By making the people chronically ill these agencies break any will to resist an American fascist tyranny (possibly to be led by the Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta, Patrick J. Buchanan) and the coming “New World Order” under the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope.
The AMA, as we know it today, began in the early 1900s.

The Jesuits, through Shriner Freemasonry, the Morgans and the Rockefellers in particular, began to control the medical education of young physicians, teaching them to treat symptoms with their drugs. Later came surgery, and then radiation completing the medical “unholy trinity” of “cut, burn and poison.”

Warning us of the drug-happy doctor we read in 1912:

“ . . . for the doctor who imagines he can kill disease by his drug gatling-gun will quite as oft kill his patient. Be suspicious of the doctor who comes into the sickroom with an air of omnipotence, takes out his stethoscope as tho it was Gabriel’s Trumpet, writes a lot of Latin prescriptions and asks never a question regarding the daily habits of the patient…Beware, I say, of this class of physicians. They will sit with one hand on your pulse and the other on your pocketbook and not leave until one or the other gives out; but cure you — never! It isn’t in them. They haven’t the first conception of what a real, progressive, up-to-date physician really is able to do for his patients.” {7}

Dear truth-seeker, is this not the heart and soul of American medicine?

The massive drug companies controlled by the Knights of Malta were some of the financiers behind the Jesuits’ Council on Foreign Relations, which in turn created and then controlled the medical inquisitors, the AMA, ADA and FDA.
Purposing to sicken White Celtic-Anglo-Saxon Protestant American people, the AMA and FDA promoted mass vaccinations and immunizations.

(Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, that darling of Georgetown University and Boston College Jesuits, knowing who really murdered his brothers, recently introduced new legislation that would attempt to vaccinate all children in the American Empire, while severely limiting exemptions parents could claim. He also seeks to set up a nationwide vaccine registry to track parents who resist the injections of monkey pus, mercury and formaldehyde into their childrens’ bloodstreams.)

These slow poisons in the name of medicine contained live viruses, which would later erupt into “incurable diseases” such as “Cancer.” Dr. William Campbell Douglas tells us in his Second Opinion,

“I reported nearly 10 years ago, on the alarming finding that a monkey virus – simian virus 40 – had contaminated both the Salk and Sabin [Jesuits using Jews in the forefront] polio vaccines. It was known at the time that this virus caused brain cancer in experimental animals but, it was covered, there was no worry as it caused no problems in humans.

What the public was not told is that since SV40 is a retro virus (like AIDS), it would take 20 to 40 years before we would know what damage had been done. I noted at the time that brain tumors had increased in frequency since I was graduated from medical school. In 1950, they were rare, but by 1990 they were common — 1950 plus 40 equals 1990 (the year I made my first report on SV40 and brain tumors).

The horrifying truth came out in the February 14, 1999, London Telegraph:

‘The mass vaccination campaigns of the 50’s and 60’s may be causing hundreds of deaths a year because of a cancer-causing virus which contaminated the first polio vaccine, according to scientists. Known as SV40, the virus came from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture the first Salk Vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was injected into tens of millions during mass vaccination campaigns before being detected and screened out in 1963. Those born between 1941 and 1961 are thought to be most at risk of having been infected.’ . . .

‘Now a new study of the effects of SV40 points to disturbing evidence that the monkey virus causes a number of human cancers’ . . . ‘such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and prostate cancer . . . and bone cancer.’ . . . the monkey virus may be passing from those given the contaminated vaccine to their children, spreading the cancer risk still further.’ ” {8}

Additionally we read:

“Polio Vaccine: Developed in the late 1940’s from dead pig and monkey kidney pus infected with poliomyelitis, and lactalbumin hydrolysate, chemical antibiotics, and calf serum. This live-virus vaccine recently tested to harbor 149 live viruses and bacteria living in the vaccine; including the SV40 virus, also found in cancer cells. Can cause intestinal flu, autoimmune diseases, (juvenile) childhood diabetes, children’s rheumatoid arthritis, and childhood lupus.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported that during 1973 to 1983, 87% of polio cases were caused by the polio vaccine injection and from 1980 to 1989 the polio vaccine shots caused 100% of all domestic polio incidences. Dr. Jonas Salk is quoted as admitting,

‘When you inoculate children with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep well for two or three weeks’ (E. McBean, The Poisoned Needle, Health Research, Mokelumne Hill, Calif., p. 144). Dr. Salk’s killed-virus vaccine proliferation resulted in polio incidence doubling nationwide, some states reporting 400-600% increases.” {9}

The Vatican, with its Sovereign Military Order of Malta, has created many viruses that have been used for the systematic annihilation of the “heretic and liberal” American people. The Knights, with their former Nazis, CIA and drug companies, created the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) causing the present Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic. That virus is in every hepatitis B vaccine administered by the medical inquisitors, the AMA!

We read from Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, by Len Horowitz:

“Though polio vaccines are also suspected of transmitting HIV-1 and other viruses, the unique epidemiology, and concurrent outbreaks of AIDS in New York City and Central Africa, appears to coincide more closely with the administration of experimental hepatitis B vaccines than with either the Salk or Sabin vaccines.” {11}

Since the 1930s, during the tyranny of FDR, the Jesuit Conspiracy against the health of Protestant America has greatly advanced. The true cures for viral diseases were heavily suppressed. Those cures were primarily oxygen-ozone, light with color, ultra-violet blood irradiation (so ably explained by Dr. William Campbell Douglas in his Into the Light {12} and Kenneth J. Dillon’s Healing Photons: The Science and Art of Blood Irradiation Therapy {13}) and direct current frequency generators using both photons and electrons.

The Origins of Vaccines Will Shock You!

18 Vaccine Patents Owned by the CDC

Continue reading The Jesuits and Vaccines

Metal Nanoparticles Contaminate Vaccines: Shhh It’s a Secret


30 States Move to Enact Vaccine Bills Including Tracking and Mandatory Vaccines

We have only finished the first full month of the 2017 legislative session, and already we are tracking 103 vaccine related bills across 30 states on the NVIC Advocacy Portal. To put the sheer volume of bills in perspective, we tracked a total of 106 bills in the entire legislative session last year. If you live in one of the following states, there are already vaccine bills filed that can affect your right to refuse vaccines or have your privacy violated by being listed in a database as opposing vaccines: AR, AZ, CT, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, MA, ME, MN, MO, MS, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OK, OR, PA, RI, SD, TN, TX, VA, and WA. The following states are priority opposition alert states as they now have bills to restrict or eliminate vaccine exemptions: AR (withdrawn), CT, IA, MN, NY, OK, PA, and TX. The following states are priority support alert states as they now have bills to add or expand vaccine exemptions: HI, IA, MS (died), NJ, NY, OK, RI, and TX.

Metal Nanoparticle Contaminated Vaccines: Why Size Matters

A highly controversial new study on heavy metal contaminated vaccines is under fire, but its detractors fail to understand that, in nano-toxicology, size matters much more than commonly believed. Indeed, sometimes the smaller the size, the greater the toxicity. 

Following the publication of a highly concerning new vaccine study conducted by Italian researchers, which found all 43 human vaccines tested were contaminated with heavy metal nanoparticles, the pro-vaccine pundits began their anticipated criticisms. Interestingly, Dr. David Gorski, who writes under the pseudonym ORAC, did not argue the research findings were inaccurate, rather, he chose to minimize their toxicological relevance to the issue of vaccine safety.

The paper by Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montanari, published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, and entitled New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination,” revealed the presence of “micro-, submicro- and nanosized, inorganic, foreign bodies (ranging from 100nm to about ten microns).” These were identified in all human vaccines tested, but their presence was not declared by the vaccine manufacturers.

The researchers further described their findings:

“Some metallic particles made of Tungsten or stainless steel were also identified. Other particles containing Zirconium, Hafnium, Strontium and Aluminum (Vivotif, Meningetec); Tungsten, Nickel, Iron (Priorix, Meningetec); Antimony (Menjugate kit); Chromium (Meningetec); Gold or Gold, Zinc (Infarix Hexa, Repevax), or Platinum, Silver, Bismuth, Iron, Chromium (MMRvaxPro) or Lead,Bismuth (Gardasil) or Cerium (Agrippal S1) were also found. The only Tungsten appears in 8/44 vaccines, while Chromium (alone or in alloy with Iron and Nickel) in 25/44. \

The investigations revealed that some particles are embedded in a biological substrate, probably proteins, endo-toxins and residues of bacteria. As soon as a particle comes in contact with proteic fluids, a nano-bio-interaction [6] occurs and a “protein corona” is formed [7-10]. The nano-bio-interaction generates a bigger sized compound that is not biodegradable and can induce adverse effects, since it is not recognized as self by the body.

Similar aggregates, though in different situations (patients suffering from leukemia or cryoglobulinemia), have already been described in literature. The link between these two entities generates an unfolding of the proteins that can induce an autoimmune effect once those proteins are injected into humans.”

Below are the contamination tables listing the metals identified in each vaccine tested.


Romanic Depression: A Must Read New Book for Truth Seekers


This is a must read book from Mr. Mclaren/William Garner.  Mr. Garner is one of, if not THE, premier Jesuit/Vatican conspiracy researchers in the world today. His books are a must read for anyone wishing to know who really holds the power and who “they” are.  Share with friends. This book is critical to your awakening as to who, how long and where power is truly based on our OneWorld enslavement by those who wish to “eradicate us off the face of the Earth”.

other books by Dean Garner


By Sean Maclaren, from his site:

For years William Garner wrote about the manipulation of Americans by a hidden power. When he discussed the details of these machinations, without actually naming the true masters behind them, people read the work with great interest, wanting to learn more on all levels.

jesuit-romanic-depressionMy latest book, Romanic Depression, details many of these manipulations.

When he threw out a red herring and named the public face of this power, people still took interest and shared it with others. After all, this public face the American people could stomach, as they had been exposed to the House of Rothschild for hundreds of years.

But as soon as he named the true human element behind the House of Rothschild and other public powers, readers and followers dropped off almost completely, some even resorting to berating Garner in public.

Fact is, the world is not prepared to hear the truth, and the Jesuits know this. Even now, only a handful of you will read this without dismissing it outright, let alone share it with family and friends and colleagues.

Historically, people like Garner and me didn’t live long. The various powers could not afford dissent among their subjects, and usually had the odd ones and their families murdered.

Nowadays, the Jesuits have new weapons to counter the accurate truth from people like me: calling my writing “conspiracy theories” and “fake news.”

Labeling as such gives the powers “legitimate” cause to shut down websites and blogs that may harm or disparage their public image, or reveal too much damaging information and history. I’ve written about this in a previous post, but I discuss briefly here because of this new label, “fake news,” that has surfaced in the past 18 months.

The Jesuits have instituted a new organization, The News Literacy Project, that seeks to “educate” all Americans about so-called “fake news.”

From their website:

“The News Literacy Project (NLP) is a nonpartisan national education nonprofit that works with educators and journalists to teach middle school and high school students how to sort fact from fiction in the digital age. NLP provides these students with the essential skills they need to become smart, active consumers of news and information and engaged, informed citizens.

“News literacy teaches that all information is not created equal. It helps young people use the aspirational standards of quality journalism to determine what they should trust, share and act on. It also fosters an understanding of the importance of the First Amendment and a free press in a democracy, especially the watchdog role.

“Through NLP’s original educational materials, which deliver news literacy instruction through classroom, after-school and innovative e-learning programs, students learn how to discern verified information from spin, opinion and propaganda — whether using search engines to find information about specific topics, browsing social media feeds, watching videos on YouTube or reading a news article or blog post.

“Students are also encouraged to share and produce information that is accurate, fair and responsible and that empowers their voices. This is vital, because in an age of unparalleled access, in which unprecedented amounts and types of information can be shared with more people more easily than ever before, anyone can be a publisher — and everyone must be an editor.

“NLP’s goal is to see news literacy embedded in the American educational experience as an essential skill, giving every student an appreciation of credible journalism and the skills to be an active participant in a robust democracy.”

What is interesting is the acronym, NLP, also for neurolinguistic programming. It is designed to associate The News Literacy Project with the other NLP on many subconscious levels. The Jesuits use this practice in clever ways. In Africa, for example, the Jesuits use the power of the chicken, KFC, to attract prospective donors, volunteers and workers, not to mention children and their ignorant parents, to the other KFC, the Kingdom for Children, a so-called NGO that provides welfare relief and education for children.

The association of one obscure acronym with a popular and trendy one is a powerful tool to attract unwitting followers.

With The News Literacy Project, the Jesuits tell us what to read, how to read it, what to think about it, and then what and how to share with others after we’ve been told what to do. And they practice it on our young teens during critical years of intellectual and emotional growth.

The Jesuits also did the same thing with Hitler Youth in the 1930s and ’40s. These young kids were taught to manipulate their parents and other family members, friends and schoolmates. Those who did not comply with Hitler Youth were handed over to the authorities.

Who Really Owns Your Gold: How the Jesuits Use Gold Economics to Control Humanity
Who Really Owns Your Gold: How the Jesuits Use Gold Economics to Control Humanity