Monthly Archives: March 2018

Rhode Island Urges Congress to Repeal Law Protecting Big Pharma from Vaccine Injuries and Deaths: Subpoena CDC Whistleblower

While many state governments across the U.S. are trying to pass legislation to increase vaccination rates and make vaccines mandatory, one state is seemingly going in the exact opposite direction. The Rhode Island General Assembly has just introduced a Senate resolution calling on the U.S. Congress to repeal The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) of 1986.
The NCVIA gives legal immunity to pharmaceutical companies producing vaccines, so that any injuries or deaths caused by vaccines have to be litigated in a special government vaccine court funded by taxpayers. Pharmaceutical companies bear no responsibilities for producing faulty or dangerous vaccines in the United States thanks to the 1986 law. However, there is one result of vaccine injuries that is not allowed to be litigated even in the vaccine court: autism.
The government position is that the “science is settled” regarding any link between vaccines and autism, and therefore, if your child develops autism after being injected with vaccines, you currently have no legal recourse. It has been well documented that since 1986, the rates of autism have skyrocketed.
The ability for parents and families to defend themselves against injuries due to vaccines seems to be the motivation for the Rhode Island Senate Resolution.
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All Hogwash; The ABsurdity of the Fake FLA Shootings′

Image result for david hogg's father dhs crisis actor management meme


First we find out that David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez Are Cousins

Meet crisis actors Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg — Men In Black goes Mainstream for Maximum Effect

Then the Parkland shooting psyop exposed Emma as an accomplished crisis actor

SOTN Editor’s Note:
SOTN quite purposefully memed the Parkland false flag shooting Operation Hogg Wash from the get-go. See: OPERATION HOGG WASH: Phase I of Deep State’s Psyop to Impose Strict Gun Control Measures Nationwide

It was pointed out in the same exposé that a highly radioactive scandal would eventually result from this glaring psyop now known as H O G G g a t e. See HOGGgate: The Inevitable Consequence of OPERATION HOGG WASH

However, we had no idea at that time just how much “Hogg Wash” we were really fed by the MSM.  For instance, with each passing day more hard evidence is uncovered which clearly indicates that the alleged shooter Nikolas Cruz is completely innocent and was set up as a patsy.