Category Archives: fracking

Weather Wars Atmo Rivers & Too Hot Now- Earth Frying ~Judas Amigo Blues

Must Watch. Critical New Information about Geoengineering and Mis-Deception by members of the Geoengineering movement to keep us from knowing what is really going on and why the very life giving system of Earth is completely manufactured by land and ocean Wet Surface Air Coolers (WSAC)_making massive amounts of steerable water vapor into weather when combined with Aerosol spraying of chemtrails.

For The Arctic Ocean Above 80 North, It’s Still Summer in November


For The Arctic Ocean Above 80 North, It’s Still Summer in November

It’s going to be the hottest year on record — by a long shot. Just ask Gavin Schmidt at a NASA that the climate change denying Trump Administration has now imperiled. But in one region — the Arctic — the rate of heat accumulation has been outrageously extreme. And it is there that this new record warmth could inflict some of the worst damage to an increasingly fragile Earth System.

Summer Heat During Fall Above 80 North

For in the Arctic Ocean above the 80 degree north latitude line which encircles the crest of our world, temperatures today are around 17 degrees Celsius above average. These are the warmest temperatures for this region ever recorded. And they include numerous locations in which temperatures spike to well above 20 C (36 F) warmer than average.


(Temperatures above the 80 degree north latitude line during mid November are about equal to what you would typically expect for late summer. This record warmth in the Arctic is notably severe and could produce serious near term climate and weather impacts. Image source: DMI.)

Taken in total, this region — one that includes the North Pole — is currently experiencing temperatures that it would typically see from September 15 through 21. In other words, it’s about as warm now, on November 14th, in the zone surrounding the North Pole as it typically is during the last week of summer.

It wouldn’t be quite so bad if temperatures had simply rocketed to new highs on this particular day as part of a wild temperature swing. Unfortunately, readings instead have remained consistently high throughout autumn. They have levitated off the baseline 1958-2002 average range for the better part of 80 days. And as temperatures maintained near late summer or early fall averages, the departure from normal (represented by the green line in the graph above) has continued to intensify throughout November. Such long-term maintenance of high temperatures risks producing some severe lasting impacts on both the Arctic and the global environment.

The North Pole’s Big Red Hole

The temperature range we see now is nothing less than astonishing and, to this particular observer, terrifying. A huge hole has been blown in the heart of what should be the building cold of winter. And if it doesn’t reform soon, it will have some serious knock-on climate effects to include worsening atmospheric circulation changes, related increasingly extreme weather, impacts to growing seasons, impacts to sea ice, impacts to Greenland ice, and impacts to life in the Arctic and beyond.


(Today, large swaths of the Arctic Ocean are expected to see temperatures hit 20 C [36 F] + warmer than normal. These temperatures are so high that recently ice-covered sections will, over the next five days, experience temperatures between -2 C and 0 C — or warm enough to produce temporary melt. Such a condition has never been witnessed to the extent that it is now so late in the year. A clear sign that global warming is starting to bite deeper than we had hoped. Image source: Climate Reanalyzer. Note — the map shows temperature departures above [red shift] and below [blue shift] the, already warmer than normal, 1979-2000 baseline average.)

This record fall warmth appears to be part of an ever-more-pervasive ‘death of winter’ type scenario related to human-caused global warming. And unless temperatures in the Arctic revert back toward base-line pretty soon, we are at increasing risk of hitting some state-change tipping points. In particular, these center around a nearer term loss of Arctic Ocean ice than expected. An event that could happen this year if we experience an anomalously warm winter followed by a similarly warm summer — but one that many experts expect to hold off until the 2030s. An alteration that, longer term, under the continued fossil fuel burning presently promoted by the Trump Administration, basically removes winter as a season pretty much altogether (at least as we know it).



Answers to Tuesday’s Bread and Circus Theatrical Performance

write your own laws, build your own support networks with people you can look in the eye.
Declare that you are the author of your own authority, and enact agreements around your community of common unity.
In Mendocino County, we passed a first of its kind ever Community Bill of Rights in Nov. 2014. I had worked with the Council of Environmental Legal Defense Fund and Democracy School to help get this passed.  This new law gave Nature rights of standing in court, (following Ecuador’s lead), this is huge to protect our rivers, trees, etc. We also put laws into place that preemptively bans fracking and gave priority standing in the County to Community Bill of Rights over State and Federal Laws. Thus, our Board of Supes must, by law now, follow local Community laws before all others.  Unfortunately, getting Mendonesians to agree on anything is like herding cats, but the law is still there and a very solid, legal template should other muni’s and counties wish to follow. I’m most proud of this work.
Only when we take back the authors of our own authorities, by empowering ourselves once again, can we make the changes we must to activate the new visions of much better ways, IMHO.

(starts at 7:00) rip Abby and Breaking the Set

Mendocino County, CA. Makes History and Passes Law Establishing Local Self-Governance

rights are not gits

“The sacred rights of mankind, are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records.  They are written, as with a sunbeam, in the whole volume of human nature, by the hand of divinity itself, and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.”   ~ Alexander Hamilton

Mendocino County, Ca Makes History

by Jamie Lee

Mendocino County, in the pristine northern lands of California, where the magnificent ancient coastal Redwood trees meet the inland California Oaks, has voted itself into the constitution writing (righting) business.

Yesterday, by a significant margin, they became the first county in California, and only the second county in the country to pass into law a very powerful local ordinance that declares local self-governing rights in their communities over state and federal jurisdiction. Over 67% of the votes cast were in favor of the measure.

The ordinance provides for waters free from toxic trespass; preemptively bans all fracking activities countywide with heavy fines and penalties for violation of the ordinance; and establishes a Community Bill of Rights to, for, and by the residents of Mendocino County while checking corporate powers as well.

In addition, the newly created law gives the Rights of Nature to exist and flourish without toxic trespass whereas previously Nature had no standing in the court of law.

Here is some of the powerful language in the proposed ordinance which you can read (source):

“Right to community self-government.

All residents of Mendocino County possess the right to a form of governance where they live which recognizes that all power is inherent in the people and all free governments are founded on the people’s consent.

Use of Mendocino County government by the sovereign people to make law and policy shall not be deemed by any authority to eliminate or reduce that self-governing authority. Rights as self-executing, fundamental and unalienable.

All rights delineated and secured by this ordinance are inherent, fundamental and unalienable; and shall be self-executing and enforceable against both private and public actors.”

The people of Mendocino County have made history once again after being the first county in the nation to ban Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) in 2004. Now these Mendonesians of premier wine making, medical marijuana growing and self-declared independence are continuing to assert and reclaim their inherent rights to decide for themselves what the laws will be in their communities and their county.

What may seem radical to many is only following in declarations and rights acknowledged to, by, and for them by the California State and U.S. Constitution’s as well as the Declaration of Independence:

Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776:

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

Article 1 of the California State Constitution of 1849:

Sec. 1. All men are by nature free and independent, and have certain inalienable rights, among which are those of enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property: and pursuing and obtaining safety and happiness.

Sec. 2. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people; and they have the right to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.

Across the nation a truly grass-roots movement of taken back power by, and for the people at the local levels has begun in earnest.

Abby Martin of RT Int’l TV speaks with Jamie Lee, a farmer and activist, who helped craft a first of its kind fracking ban in Mendocino County, California that gives nature legal rights.

Is it Legal?

Many in Mendocino County are asking about the legality of writing their own laws preempting the power of state and federal law over their county. One answer is provided by the founder of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), Thomas Linzey :

The law is not currently on your side. Over the past century, both corporations and state government have restricted the authority of municipal corporations so that the people of the municipality have very few rights at all. Your right to govern your own county has been canceled out by the “rights” of corporations, and the authority of the State to preempt your lawmaking.

Measure S is about changing that. It is about changing the law by challenging the law. Openly, frontally, and directly. The current system of law does not allow you to say “no” to fracking within the County. You therefore have a choice – you can either accept that current status of the law, or you can work to change it. Measure S is about asserting your right – as residents of the County – to change how the municipal system operates.

Measure S is about challenging what the law “is” and adopting a new system of law which enables you to control what happens in the County.

(CELDF), along with Global Exchange of San Francisco, have been instrumental in providing assistance and guidance across the country to help we the people take back our rights and reclaim our power to decide for ourselves what laws we wish in our communities. For over 14 years they have been active in helping communities pass local ordinances across the nation. Currently there are over 8 states and some 800 communities who have recently passed local ordinances yet it has not been easy.

In 2008 and again in 2010, Spokane, Washington tried to pass local ordinances banning corporate power in their city and protection of their waterways but failed by a few percentage votes while being heavily outspent by outside corporate interests. They plan to try again in the next election cycle.

In 2008, the City of Mt. Shasta organized and began the process of empowering themselves when they learned that the corporate/state power company for Northern California, Pacific Gas and Electric, was actively spraying the skies above them with toxic chemicals through Geo-engineering.

PG &E cloud seeding, where the energy giant launches a cannon of silver iodide into passing storm clouds, forces the unnatural release of rain in one location to increase hydroelectric power for increased company profits from their dams.

Additionally, Mt. Shasta City citizens attempted to ban water withdrawal from the local aquifers by corporate water bottlers, who were taking water at will from local tributaries. The community wanted to stop these unwanted practices which posed serious environmental damage to their very pristine ecosystem at the base of Mt. Shasta.

Measure A had nearly the entire community support and was likely to pass until forces unseen got involved and due to “clerical error” removed Measure A from the ballot just two weeks before elections.

What is highly suspicious  about the “clerical error” was the same city voter registrar who helped the citizens of Mt. Shasta write the legalese language to the measure was also the same person who declared the measure invalid. You can read more about this act of subversion here.


“We will take America back, Sheriff by Sheriff, County by County, State by State.” -Sheriff Richard Mack

 “We are the watch keepers of Mendocino County”  Sheriff Tom Allman, Mendocino County


One Day of News 6.22.16

May Marks 8th Consecutive Record Hot Month In NASA’s Global Temperature Measure

May of 2016 was the warmest May since record keeping began for NASA 137 years ago. It is now the 8th record hot month in row. In other words, since October, every month has been the hottest such month ever recorded (October vs October comparison, November vs November etc). And May’s record is just the most recent high mark during a period that has now vastly exceeded all previous measures for global temperature tracking.

The heat goes on: Record global temperature for 13th consecutive month

Record Breaking Southwest Summers Will Get Worse

Longest Coral Bleaching Event Continues Into Third Year

The Threat From Climate Disintegration Is Not Coming, It’s Here

The Government Wants To Microchip All Kids “Sooner Rather Than Later”

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future.

Tax Foundation: ‘It Takes America 8.9 Billion Hours to Comply with IRS Paperwork’

According to the Tax Foundation, it will take Americans 8.9 billion hours to comply with IRS tax-filing rules in 2016, which equals a compliance cost of about $409 billion. In addition, the Tax Foundation reported that the U.S. tax code has grown from 409,000 words in 1955 to 2.4 million in 2015 – an increase of 486%.

New Report Reveals DEA Deliberately Blocked Scientific Research on Marijuana For 40 Years

It is now common knowledge that the plant called marijuana possesses medicinal value. But, the big question is why the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in the United States is unwilling to allow for a complete scientific research on the plant. The DEA is the United States federal law enforcement agency and is tasked with combating drug smuggling and use within the country. Although some people have made frantic efforts with their own resources to investigate the plant, it is still appropriate that scientific research on marijuana is carried out under government funding.

Two House Bills Would Completely Legalize Marijuana Across The U.S.

Blackouts Loom With California In Power Grid Emergency: “All Customers Should Expect 14 Days Without Power”

The entire Los Angeles metropolitan area and most of Southern California can expect blackouts this summer.

How did Orlando victim Antonio Devon Brown die in Pulse Nightclub shooting, when he was killed in 2013 in West Virginia?

According to media reports, Antonio Devon Brown was one of the 49 people killed in Orlando on June 12; except WOWK-TV News says Antonio Devon Brown died in shootout in 2013 in W. Virginia. Strange.

New Cleveland RNC Police & Military Docs: FEMA Base to Setup at NASA

A trove of new documents exposes how Cleveland’s impending Republican National Convention will subject the public to a massive domestic military operation. Following decades of planning and millions of dollars spent, the RNC this July will amass into an unprecedented security state, constricting the constitutional rights of thousands of people.

African Union plans to introduce single passport to create EU-style ‘continent without borders’

African leaders plan to turn the continent into one of “seamless borders” with the introduction of a single passport allowing free movement between countries. The idea from the African Union has been modelled on the controversial EU Schengen free movement deal, which has abolished many internal borders to enable passport-free movement across the bloc.

Mass Shooting Myth — U.S. Homicide Rate Hits 51-year Low as Gun Ownership Increased 141%

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre, politicians have attempted to use the tragedy as means of garnering public support for increased gun control measures. Four pieces of knee-jerk gun control legislation were defeated in Congress yesterday, but the debate surrounding gun rights continues unabated. The new narrative is that “mass shootings,” defined by the FBI as 3 or more people killed in one incident, are at epidemic level and thus require society to increase restrictions on gun ownership as a means of saving lives and lowering the U.S. homicide rate.

New Report Exposing Cover-Up of Fukushima Proves Conspiracy Theorists Right

According to a new report, the Japanese government worked in concert with TEPCO to purposely cover up the meltdown at Fukushima in 2011. “I would say it was a coverup,” Tokyo Electric Power Company President Naomi Hirose announced during a press conference. “It’s extremely regrettable.” Masataka Shimizu, president of TEPCO at the time of the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear disaster, told employees not to go public with the term “meltdown” — allegedly in capitulation to pressure from the Prime Minister’s Office.

Rice grown in nuclear polluted Fukushima to be sold in Britain

As if proof were needed that the government cares little for the health of British citizens one only has to read this to think what is the point of public health services when food tainted with nuclear waste enters the food chain with the sanction of politicians and their agencies. This article appeared in The Japan Times June 19th headlined “Fukushima rice set to make first EU foray with debut in Britain“ Fukushima-harvested rice will hit the stores in Britain in July, which might make it the first member of the EU to import the grain, following a sustained effort by a group of Fukushima natives in London fighting rumors about the safety of the crop.

New Cleveland RNC Police & Military Docs: FEMA Base to Setup at NASA

A trove of new documents exposes how Cleveland’s impending Republican National Convention will subject the public to a massive domestic military operation. Following decades of planning and millions of dollars spent, the RNC this July will amass into an unprecedented security state, constricting the constitutional rights of thousands of people.

As the panopticon descends on Cleveland, military forces will begin staging security operations at NASA’s Glenn Research Center, while other federal forces begin staffing a “Multi Agency Communications Center” (MACC), located at the International Exposition Center (IX) near the Hopkins International Airport.

50 Holistic Doctors Have Died In The Past Year But What’s Being Done About It?

How Investors Are Turning Cash-Strapped College Students into ‘Human Capital’

This Is End Of Days Stuff Right Here — Pansexuality

The Government Wants To Microchip All Kids “Sooner Rather Than Later”

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future.

Underage Sex Scandal Explodes at Oakland Police Department and Mayor Fires Succession of Interim Chiefs


Occult Ritual Programming: In The House Of The Strong Man Sodomy Is The Key — Starting At 3 Years Old (Explicit But Important!!)

Gnostic Note:

As rancid and distasteful as this subject matter may be, It’s important to understand how the perverse criminal elite control and program generations of children, be it their own bloodlines or not to carry out their delusional dystopian plan. This article takes a look at the actual effect of forced sodomy as a tool of physical, spiritual and psychological control levied against innocent children. Through this heinous act, the perpetrated usually become the perpetrators and eventually become full mind-kontrol slaves of the New World Order.

The doctors of the law, too, who had come down from Jerusalem, said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebub’ and ‘He drives out devils by the prince of devils.’ So he called them to come forward, and spoke to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; if a household is divided against itself, that house will never stand; and if Satan is in rebellion against himself, he is divided and cannot stand; and that is the end of him.

‘On the other hand, no one can break into a strong man’s house and make off with his goods unless he has first tied the strong man up; then he can ransack the house.’ (Mark 3:22-27, NE)

PRIVATE: This is Not A Public Communication. This is a private communication for Entertainment Purposes only. This private email message, and any attachment(s) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2521, and is for the sole use of the intended recipient and contains privileged and/or confidential information.  UCC 1-308  All rights reserved. Without Prejudice. Without Recourse.

Coast to Coast Destruction of Life on Earth Going Viral

Fukishima, Flint Michigan, Gulf of Mexico, Pacific Ocean fish die off, etc….and now….

40000 ppbv

Greatest Methane Release in History in CA and then this….coincidence?

Carbon Monoxide Spikes to 40,000 Parts Per Billion over California on February 26

On February 26, The Global Forecast System model recorded an intense and wide-ranging carbon monoxide (CO) spike over the US West Coast. A region stretching from British Columbia, through Washington and Oregon, and on over most of California experienced CO readings ranging from about 5,000 parts per billion over the mountains of Southwestern Canada to as high as 40,000 parts per billion over Southern California. Very high peak readings appear to have occurred from Northern California near Eureka and along a line south and eastward over much of Central California to an extreme peak zone just north and west of Los Angeles near Palmdale.

For reference, these readings were between 25 and 200 times above typical background CO levels of about 200 parts per billion and up to twelve times higher than second highest peak readings over polluted regions of China during the same period.

Major Spike Appeared in Just 3 Hours Starting February 25th


65,000% Spike In Radiation Outside New York Nuclear Plant Is Likely Worse Than Fukushima

Buchanan, NY — An uncontrollable radioactive flow from the Indian Point nuclear power plant continues leaking into groundwater, which leads to the Hudson River, raising the specter of a Fukushima-like disaster only 25 miles from New York City.

The Indian Point nuclear plant is located on the Hudson River, approximately 25 miles North of NYC, and serves the electrical needs of an estimated 2 million people. Last month, while preparing a reactor for refueling, workers accidentally spilled some contaminated water, containing the radioactive hydrogen isotope tritium, causing a massive radiation spike in groundwater monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity increasing by as much as 65,000 percent.

Heads Up! Warning To All LA Residents ~ Fast Increasing Toxicity from Methane Leak

What it all means is it is time for people in LA and the San Fernando Valley to get out of town.

  All the homes in the path of the gas leak are now contaminated with radiation.  It is on the roofs, on the sidewalks, the grass, the furniture in the backyards, children’s swings, sliding ponds, play toys and sand boxes outside.  It has drifted INSIDE those homes via open windows. 

It’s on the floor where you walk into the house, on the chairs where you sit (after it fell on your clothes outside as you walked into the house).  It’s on your pillows in bed, after radiation got onto your hair outside, and on your bed sheets, from exposed body parts where radiation fell on them outside.  It’s everywhere.  (Source)


Y.O.Y.O. for Your’re On Your Own. The EPA won’t warn you, or call for mass evacuation. Obama AWOL. Congress…forgetaboutit…Big Oil will not allow this tragedy to be reported and effect other operations.

Folks, we are under assault from Man’s technology to kill off all life possible.

Fukishima, NOW LA ..yet no one seems to care…or even report on this, another ongoing mass tragedy affecting millions, if not billions.  Methane releases are 100% more toxic to the environment than C02,and the Fresno Porter Ranch leak is now being reported to contain other deadly toxins.

And there is no end in sight.  “Experts” are at a loss on how to stop the leaks and have only been making the grave problem worse…much worse for the foreseable future. If you have friends/family in the LA area, please alert them..because NO ONE ELSE WILL!


There is a Expanding NO FLY ZONE over the LA Basin because they do not want engine fuel to combust with Methane Releases!  Think about that!

The rogue well is spewing huge amounts of Natural Gas and about 1.91 Curie an hour maximum of natural radioactive material in the natural gas. Not much, you think? That is about 45.95 Curies per day. It is a really, really Big leak of natural gas and the radiation it always carries. A Curie is a unit of measure used in the United States to describe very large radioactive releases easily and this is a very big radioactive release.

RADIATION Releases in LA Is More Toxic Than Revealed

According to experts from the International Association for Protection from Ionizing Rays (AIPRI) in France, lethal levels of naturally-occurring radiation are coming out of the well and people will die from that radiation.

The “methane” coming out of the well is usually called Natural Gas. It normally contains “natural radioactive materials” that are made in the inside of exploding stars. They are things like Uranium 238 and Radon which have been here since the planet was formed. They are in the very dirt of the Earth and thus are in natural gas, naturally. You can’t have one without the other.

Don’t believe us?  Buy your own little Geiger Counter and take some readings yourself.  Folks in the area where this gas is blowing will see radiation counts exceeding 2,000 counts-per-minute.  In some cases, exceeding that by many times.  Then ask the California Highway Patrol what their criteria is for a “Radiation Emergency?”  They’ll tell you “Any reading of 500 Counts-Per-Minute CPM or higher is considered a radiation emergency.”  It’s been their protocol for years.  Same thing with the LA Fire Department.  Ask them.  They’ll tell you

Why the public in Los Angeles is not being told this by authorities is simple to understand: They don’t want a panic on their hands and, more importantly, they don’t want business and industry to be shut down, costing jobs and billions in tax revenues to be lost.

AIPRI notes the rogue well is spewing huge amounts of Natural Gas and about 1.91 Curie an hour maximum of natural radioactive material in the natural gas. Not much, you think? That is about 45.95 Curies per day. It is a really, really big leak of natural gas and the radiation it always carries.

A Curie is a unit of measure used in the United States to describe very large radioactive releases easily and this is a very big radioactive release.

The French Becquerel is a much more human sized unit of measure for radiation. One Becquerel is one Radioactive Disintegration (Count) per Second. One Curie equals 37 Billion Becquerels or Radioactive Counts per Second. One point Seven Trillion Becquerels per day spew from the Natural Gas well. That’s a number with a bunch of Zeros – a real Fukushima-class  disaster number, right here in the USA.

From Europe, AIPRI finds:

“In 80 days of viscous and gaseous fumes at a breakneck pace of 1.7 million m3 per day (1115 tons per day at a rate of 46 tons per hour escape from the underground storage), 136 million m3 Natural gas dispersed in the air could carry with them having TBq 301.24 (3,01E14 Bq) is 8.14 KCI natural radioactivity for respirable (breathable) emanation of 12.060 Million Sieverts is equivalent 2.41 million potential lethal doses by inhalation according to the same dose coefficients from the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP).”

Recently, however, officials in California began to publicly acknowledge that the amount of gas spewing from the well had been dramatically under-estimated.  In fact, officials now admit that THREE TIMES AS MUCH GAS has been leaking as originally thought!

Using the same analysis from the AIPRI and the ICRP but with the newest numbers as to the amount of gas leaking, AIPRI amended their report to say the following:

If the leak, as it is now admitted, is actually 3 times greater i.e. 5.1 million m3 of effluent per day (3346 tons per day), with the same content per meter cube of radon 222 the natural radionuclides contained in the underground gas would skyrocket to 30.75 MBq (3.53 mCi) per second, of 470.69 GBq (12,72 Ci) per hour, 11.30 TBq (305.31 Ci) per day for an excursion in 90 days 1.02 PBq (27,48 KCi) a dispersion of 40.7 million Sieverts representing 8.14 million lethal doses by inhalation.

Looks Like the World Health Org. is going to have to up its estimates

Global cancer rates to skyrocket by 70% over next 20 years


Target California; Now Largest Methane Gas Rupture Ever

The Four Corners area (red) is the major U.S. hot spot for methane emissions in this map showing how much emissions varied from average background concentrations from 2003-2009. Dark colors are lower than average; lighter colors are higher. (NASA)

The Four Corners area (red) is the major U.S. hot spot for methane emissions in this map showing how much emissions varied from average background concentrations from 2003-2009. Dark colors are lower than average; lighter colors are higher. (NASA).  The hot spot in SoCAl is where the mass recent release is coming from.

Now to go along with the Greatest Drought in CA history, the declaration by the State that public schools are going to be only for children who shoot up with toxic dangerous chemicals, or no school, and depletions of ocean and river life to where the entire crab season is now shut down and fish hatcheries of wild salmon have hit all time lows…

….we got a blower…a Big Blower…Methane is 100% more toxic to greenhouse gases than C02 when entering the air.  My God what is next?

California’s Worst Gas Leak In 40 Years (And Crews Can’t Stop It)

While world leaders signed the ‘historic’ agreement signed in Paris to fix the world’s “greatest threat,” a natural gas storage site in southern California is belching 145,000 pounds per hour of Methane – a greenhouse gas 70 times more potent than carbon dioxide. What is worse, while official proclaim this a “top priority” a fix won’t arrive until spring as emergency crews recognize “the leak was far from routine, and the problem was deeper underground.”

Continue reading Target California; Now Largest Methane Gas Rupture Ever

Major Shift in Global Energy Power Sources Begins


It appears a major, century long shift is in its infancy of reordering how power is supplied to homes, businesses and modes of transportation.

Increases in battery storage technology, lower battery weights, available higher capacity lithium, and faster super-chargers are about to change how energy is supplied to the masses in a major way.

Hence the 60% haircut in the global price of oil over the past six months.

Over the past couple of weeks major announcements are coming out as to the utilization of solar, wind and battery storage. Two of the three largest global mega-corporations, Apple Computer and Google, have just announced, within days of each other, that they were going to be powering their main HQ’s by solar and wind power exclusively.

Apple to build $2B solar-powered “command center”

Google Will Soon Use Wind Power to Run Its HQ

Across the pond, in the U.K., announcements are also being made as to the mass rollout of the mini-electric car as well. And even IKEA, the home furnishing store, is also a stepping up as major player in the electric car charger market.

 Speedy charging driving a global boom in electric cars

IKEA promises rapid rollout of electric car chargers

This week, Tesla, the leader in battery powered automobiles, announced that they would be making decentralized battery powered home energy systems. In the not so distant future home power will come from either mini power stations in your neighborhoods or self -contained systems at your home.

Wall Street Journal: Apple Is Working on an Electric Car

The rumors have been getting stronger all week, and now they’ve come to a head: WSJ is reporting that Apple is indeed working on a car. “Project Titan,” as it’s known internally, is an all-electric vehicle that apparently “resembles a minivan” in its current iteration and has a team of several hundred people working on it.

That’s not to say that there’ll ever be an Apple car on the road, necessarily. WSJ hedges its report, noting that it’d be several years at least before Titan could be ready for production, and that’s assuming Cook and company decide to go through with the project.


BASF Doubles Nickel-Metal Hydride Energy Storage

Via: MIT Technology Review:

Almost every automaker interested in producing electric cars is betting on improvements to lithium-ion batteries to make the cars cheaper and extend their driving range.

But scientists at BASF are exploring the possibilities of an older type of battery, nickel-metal hydride, now used in hybrids. They recently doubled the amount of energy that these batteries can store, making them comparable to lithium-ion batteries. And they have a plan to improve them far more, potentially increasing energy storage by an additional eight times.

LG Chem to Build Battery Storage Systems Worth $272 Million for Japanese Solar Plants


Tesla Plans Battery for Household Energy-Storage Market

Tesla Motors Inc., best known for making the all-electric Model S sedan, is using its lithium-ion battery technology to position itself as a frontrunner in the emerging energy-storage market that supplements and may ultimately threaten the traditional electric grid.

“We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the consumer battery that would be for use in people’s houses or businesses fairly soon,” Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said during an earnings conference call with analysts Wednesday.

California’s largest utility also has just announced that it is moving heavily into the community solar grid business.

Continue reading Major Shift in Global Energy Power Sources Begins