Monthly Archives: May 2017

Heroines; JayVon Muhammad

JayVon Muhammad
The CEO of the Marin City Health and Wellness Center is a woman of many talents and, seemingly, endless energy.
THE ADDRESS OF the Marin City Health and Wellness Center is 630 Drake Avenue in Marin City. But the best way to find the place is to look for a jam-packed parking lot. Behind that parking lot is a singlestory shingled building that looks a tad tired. But on the inside, the place is full of energy. Phones are ringing, keyboards are clicking and folks of all ages, sizes and colors are asking for assistance. And quickly receiving it.
Within a crowded waiting room, a middleaged man in work clothes is checking in for his dental appointment; a kid in soccer shorts is about to get a sports physical; and a soon-to-be-mom is there for her prenatal care consultation. The Marin City Health and Wellness Center is a FQHC, a federally qualified health center, whose mission is “to provide primary medical, dental and behavioral health care to patients living in Southern Marin and San Francisco.” Last year, more than 3,400 patients availed themselves of the center’s services in almost 11,300 visits.
In addition to support from the federal government, the Health and Wellness Center receives help from dozens of individual Marin philanthropists, as well as the Marin Community Foundation, Marin General Hospital, Marin Housing Authority, Blue Shield of California, Good Earth and Whole Foods. It was also the only beneficiary this year of a county grant aimed at treating opioid addiction. The center, with 44 employees, operates on an annual budget of just over $5 million.
And in the middle of it all is CEO JayVon Muhammad, an exuberant 44-year-old mother of three and grandmother of three more, who oversees the entire operation. Currently, Muhammad lives in San Pablo but is determined to someday move to Mill Valley.

Can you tell us about your childhood, early years and current family arrangement?
My mother was a drug addict for most of my life; she’s been clean now for about six years. And my father was a drug dealer. But that’s not as strange as it may sound; in the neighborhood where I grew up, most folks were involved with drugs. In the 1980s, crack cocaine is what devastated most [such] neighborhoods, and Hunters Point, where I spent many of my teen years, was no exception. When I was born, all my family lived in the Fillmore, but when that got gentrified some of my family moved out to the East Bay, some to Sacramento, and my immediate family moved to Hunters Point. I have 11 sisters. They’re really half sisters: we all grew up together and knew each other very well, so we’re really like “sister sisters”; we just didn’t share the same mother. I also had three brothers, but one was murdered, so now it’s just the two brothers. Both my mom and dad are still alive and so are all my sisters; it’s just that we’re scattered between here and Sacramento, and we’re hoping to change that. So, it’s been a journey and it still is a journey.
What type of education did you receive?
I’m a midwife. I completed three years of a midwifery program and received an Associate Science of Midwifery (ASM) degree. I became pregnant in high school, so I got my GED a few years later than most people [my age], but I got it. Then I attended two years of general college courses in the U.S. and one year of medical school in Mexico. So I have a lot of education; it’s just not at the same time or, possibly, in the right location. But when I was in my teens and pregnant, I had the worst experience. I would go to the doctor and it was always really quick. The doctor would listen to my baby and measure my belly but no one would ever ask me,
“Where is the dad?” or
“Who did this to you?”
I was not made to feel like a mother, or a parent. So when I grew older and became a parent and was looking for ways to give back, I decided to become a foster parent to young mothers. I didn’t want other girls to go through their pregnancy like I did. At first, they said I couldn’t because I was too close in age to the girls who’d be living with me. Then they gave me two psychological assessments and I passed them both and, when I was 21, I had one of only two foster homes in San Francisco for teenage girls who were pregnant. Three girls at a time were living with me until I got married; then it was two girls. By the way, I selected my second husband very discreetly. I knew I did not want to live the way I’d grown up; I knew exactly what I did not want and what I could tolerate. It was always on my mind that things had to change. My husband and I have now been married 21 years and, in addition to my daughter, who has given me three grandchildren, we have a wonderful son who’s 18 and a beautiful daughter who’s 19. As for foster children, in all, I helped 20 girls through their pregnancies and several of us, children included, are still really close; we often chat on Facebook. So you could say I learned a lot about health and wellness in those years.
How did you acquire the leadership and management skills to be CEO of a $5 million, multitasked organization that employs 44 people?
I think part of it comes from growing up with challenges, like the challenge of poverty and lots of other challenges. I’ve always had a desire in my gut to do better. And, I want to create something better for poor people. All my life I’ve wanted to help poor people, create something better for them. But not just poor people; I want something better for all people. Here at work, I try to create a space for each of our employees that makes them healthy and happy, where they can be themselves and not have some rigid environment where a person is standing over them telling them what to do and how to do it. That’s how they can do their best to help other people. I’ve been the CEO at the Health and Wellness Center for three years, but before that I had a year in management with Sutter Health and, before that, in community relations with the Allen Group, which provided community relations services for the Third Street Muni light-rail project in San Francisco. Not having an advanced college degree has never held me back, because I won’t let it. And I don’t want to go back and get an advanced college degree. I’m not spending another dime to be what I already am, I just want to be a greater version of who I am — and I’ll get that by working with others. I learn from everyone. I choose people to work with us because of their passion; if they have leadership skills too, I can train them to do their job. I don’t care if they have a college degree; if a person has the skills required for the positions, has a good interview and passes a background check, I hire that person, and then I force [that person] to lead. Personally, I have a good work ethic. I’ll show up sometimes when nobody else does and I will stay late until the job is done. I probably work 12 hours a day and can get by with four hours of sleep. And I love my work; it’s who I am.
What are your goals for the Marin City Health and Wellness Center?
I think the Marin City Health and Wellness Center can grow into a life-changing clinic. In Marin City, if we have enough time, we will create a clinic that not only improves people’s lives through medical doctors, but also improves their economic health. Think about it: economic health is really what makes people healthy. And [the lack of] that’s what communities like Marin City suffer from. It’s so simple. People with financial resources eat better; they have better schools and parks because they have more tax money. So that’s what I want: I want to see the Health and Wellness Center grow into a life-changing clinic, where people become not only medically healthy, but also economically healthy.


The Health and Wellness Center has opened the Marin Family Birth Center. Please tell us about that.
It’s in San Rafael, on Las Gallinas near the Northgate mall. We’re very excited about it, but it has been very costly to build; we saved up before starting to build it out, and it will be costly to operate, but worth it. It’s an alternative birth center that offers the care and support of midwives, doulas, childbirth educators and lactation counselors. This will be Marin’s first licensed freestanding birth center; it creates an opportunity for families to deliver their babies in a homelike environment.
You are also a midwife. How many babies have you delivered?
Maybe 300; I haven’t really kept count. I was a volunteer midwife in Albania during the war in Kosovo; then I worked a little in Jamaica and I went to medical school in Mexico and to midwifery school in Canada. All the while I was “catching babies.” That’s what I call being a midwife, catching babies. And I got my license to be a midwife after three years of apprenticeship and two additional years of academic schooling at the National College of Midwifery in Taos, New Mexico. Midwifery means “being with woman,” but men can be midwifes too. A man midwifed my second child.
Are all midwifed births natural?
It depends on what we consider natural. Midwives are able to work within many hospitals, but out-ofhospital births are different. Different doesn’t mean it’s more painful. In fact, I believe it can hurt more when a mother is lying on her back in a hospital bed and pushing against gravity trying to get the baby under a curve and out. A mother working with a midwife decides how she wants to have her baby delivered. A lot of mothers choose the most comfortable way, and for many that means while squatting. That way they’re working with gravity, not against it. Many midwifed babies are delivered in water. There are two midwives present at every midwifed birth and emergencies are rare. That’s because you the mother must qualify by being healthy (what we call “low-risk”) before you can have your baby with a midwife. Because of my job as the CEO, I haven’t caught a baby in two years. But last week I helped out when my daughter gave birth to my grandbaby at Kaiser Hospital. The baby wasn’t coming out right, so I told my daughter to get up on her hands and knees; she did, and everything went fine. But it was crazy for a while because my daughter is deaf and we had to work through a sign language interpreter who was a 20-year-old boy who’d never experienced childbirth. So for a few minutes, it was really crazy. But, like I said, everything turned out fine.
What else do you have going on this summer?
Well, I’m about to leave on my fourth Quality of Life Road Trip. This year the Health and Wellness Center sponsors seven girls and 11 boys — most are at-risk youth living in public housing — and for 32 days we’ll travel in two big vans and visit 26 cities in the United States and we’ll even go into Canada, so the kids have to have their passports. It’s all about empowerment; many of these children — mostly they’re 14 and 15 years old — have never been too far out of Marin City. In Detroit they’ll tour Whole Foods; they’ll see Niagara Falls; they’ll visit a synagogue in Brooklyn; in Washington, D.C., they’ll meet Congressman Huffman; and in West Virginia they’ll go down into a coal mine. T
They’ll hopefully learn two things in those last two stops: one, how to respectfully ask questions, and two, that black people aren’t the only ones who are poor. We select the kids who are struggling the most to go on the trip, and they can’t bring their cellphones — we provide a phone so they can call home when they want to. Last year we toured Harvard; this year it will be Spellman and Morehouse colleges in Atlanta, Georgia. And we work with the kids while they’re in the van.
Like, we list the “Things You Can’t Say Anymore.” They can’t say they don’t understand business, because we toured a business in Detroit; they can’t say they can’t go to college, because in Atlanta they met college students just like them, only a few years older. We’ll stay in homes and churches; the Christ Episcopal Church in Sausalito has been so helpful in arranging places for the kids to stay. Once in a while we’ll stay in a motel. Each child is asked to bring money, and when that can’t happen we quietly slip them a few dollars. The trip costs about $100 a day for each child and we raise that from Marin businesses and individual donors.
We say Quality of Life Road Trip involves 26 cities, two countries, 32 days and 18 changed lives. And it does; it really changes lives — I’ve seen it happen.

Continue reading Heroines; JayVon Muhammad

Operation Mockingbird; How the Jesuit Controlled CIA Control Mainstream News

In 1977, a Rolling Stone magazine article written by Carl Bernstein alleged that over 400 mainstream media journalists were employed by the CIA to parrot their disinformation. He also claimed that one of the most important journalists contracted by Operation Mockingbird was Joseph Alsop (top), who wrote for over 300 different newspapers. Other journalists implicated by the investigation in promoting the tales of the CIA – true or false – were (pictured above, left to right): Stewart Alsop (NewYork HeraldTribune), Ben Bradlee (Newsweek), James Reston (The New York Times), Charles Douglas Jackson (Time), Walter Pincus (Washington Post) and Charles Bartlett (Chattanooga Times). At far right is Carl Bernstein, pictured about the time of his Rolling Stone expose.

According to Bernstein and other investigators, the CIA worked closely with CBS, Time magazine, The New York Times, ABC, NBC, the Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Newsweek magazine, The Miami Herald, and many other media outlets in America and abroad. In many cases, the CIA’s involvement and collaboration with major American media outlets was done with the full knowledge, consent and complicity of the management of these corporations.

The CIA’s primary purpose in infiltrating and collaborating with the major mass media outlets in America was twofold: to gather and assess information gleaned from its many contacts, operatives and sources in the mass media and to spread information (or misinformation) that ostensibly advanced American national interests, at least as perceived by the forces of the Deep State.

Many journalists who wrote propaganda stories on behalf of the CIA viewed their collaboration as patriotic justifying their actions as serving national interests against communism. “I’m proud they asked me and proud to have done it,” Joseph Alsop, a noted American journalist and syndicated columnist, unabashedly crowed after it was discovered he (along with many other top journalists) engaged in clandestine operations on behalf of the CIA. “The notion that a newspaperman doesn’t have a duty to his country is perfect balls.”

In congressional investigations into the CIA’s relationship and cooperation with major American media corporations, which included both House and Senate committee investigations in the 1970s, the agency acknowledged utilizing journalists to gather and spread information. However, as Bernstein notes in his report, “The CIA’s use of the American news media has been much more extensive than agency officials have acknowledged publicly or in closed sessions with members of Congress.”

The Deep State’s “special relationship” with the major media outlets in America “enabled the CIA to post some of its most valuable operatives abroad without exposure for more than two decades,” according to Bernstein. “In most instances, agency files show, officials at the highest levels of the CIA (usually director or deputy director) dealt personally with a single designated individual in the top management of the cooperating news organization. The aid furnished often took two forms: providing jobs and credentials (‘journalistic cover’ in agency parlance) for CIA operatives about to be posted in foreign capitals; and lending the agency the undercover services of reporters already on staff, including some of the best known correspondents in the business.”

Suffice it to say, the CIA and other Deep State actors had successfully infiltrated the major American media outlets, establishing a base of operations in which information could be gathered and spread to advance the agency’s clandestine agenda. “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media,” William Colby, who served as director of the CIA from 1973 to 1976, once remarked.

And although the extent of the CIAs involvement with and infiltration of major American media outlets was not entirely revealed, the fact the agency engaged in these type of operations was becoming clear and well established.


CDC: Death rate from Alzheimer’s up 55%

The burden on families and care takers is/will be overwhelming going forward, maybe this is why driverless cars will be such a hit. Our family just lost a loved one at 68 years young with a new type of frontal lobe dementia. Our toxic world by endless consumption and non-consequence living as well as humanities avarice are to blame.

US death rate from Alzheimer’s rose dramatically over 15 years. Why? (Can you Say “Geoengineering with aluminum???)

The rate of deaths from Alzheimer’s disease increased 55% between 1999 and 2014, according to CDC data recently published in MMWR.

The same data indicated the number of deaths at home attributable to the disease also increased from 14% to 25% during the same time period.

“Millions of Americans and their family members are profoundly affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Our new study reveals an increase in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease-related deaths.” CDC Acting Director Anne Schuchat, MD, said in a press release. “As the number of older Americans with Alzheimer’s disease rises, more family members are taking on the emotionally and physically challenging role of caregiver than ever before. These families need and deserve our support.”

According to the CDC, this is the first study to provide county-level rates for deaths caused by Alzheimer’s disease.

Chemtrails as “art” How sick can we get???

A team led by Christopher A. Taylor, PhD, of the CDC’s division of scientific education and professional development, determined mortality rates using population estimates produced by the U.S. Census Bureau in collaboration with CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics. Age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated using the 2000 U.S. standard population. Researchers used joinpoint regression to test the significance of trends in age-specific rates from 1999 to 2014.

Other notable findings included in the report, which is the first to provide county level rates for deaths caused by Alzheimer’s disease, include:

•age-adjusted rates of Alzheimer’s mortality significantly increased in 41 states and the District of Columbia from 1999 to 2014;

•most Alzheimer’s deaths still occur in a nursing home or long-term care facility, but fewer in 2014 (54%) than in 1999 (68%);

•counties with the highest death rates were primarily in the Southeast; other areas with high rates included the Midwest and West Coast; and

•only one state, Maine, had a significant decrease in age-adjusted Alzheimer’s disease deaths.

Researchers suggested that their findings indicate caregivers need greater support to care for patients with the disease.

“Significant increases in Alzheimer’s deaths coupled with an increase in the number of persons with Alzheimer’s dying at home have likely added to the burden on family members or other unpaid caregivers,” Taylor and colleagues wrote. “Caregivers might benefit from interventions such as education, respite care, and case management that can lessen the potential burden of caregiving and can improve the care received by persons with Alzheimer’s.”

Previous CDC data show that Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia, affecting an estimated 5.5 million adults in the United States and is expected to affect 13.8 million U. S. adults aged 65 years and older by 2050.

Modifiable risk factors associated with an increased risk for dementia include CVD, obesity and years of education, have been identified as factors associated with an increased risk for dementia, according to the CDC. – by Janel Miller

Disclosure: Healio Family Medicine was unable to determine researchers’ relevant financial disclosures prior to publication.

“From terminators to teddy bears, anything or any toy can be weaponised.”

Cyber kid stuns experts showing toys can be ‘weapons

An 11-year-old “cyber ninja” stunned an audience of security experts Tuesday by hacking into their Bluetooth devices to manipulate a teddy bear and show how interconnected smart toys “can be weaponised”.

American wunderkind Reuben Paul, may be still only in 6th grade at his school in Austin, Texas, but he and his teddy bear Bob wowed hundreds at a timely cyber security conference in The Netherlands.

“From airplanes to automobiles, from smart phones to smart homes, anything or any toy can be part of the” Internet of Things (IOT),” he said, a small figure pacing the huge stage at the World Forum in The Hague.

“From terminators to teddy bears, anything or any toy can be weaponised.”

To demonstrate, he deployed his cuddly bear, which connects to the iCloud via WiFi and Bluetooth smart technology to receive and transmit messages.

Plugging into his laptop a rogue device known as a “raspberry pi” — a small credit card size computer — Reuben scanned the hall for available Bluetooth devices, and to everyone’s amazement including his own suddenly downloaded dozens of numbers including some of top officials.

Then using a computer language programme, called Python, he hacked into his bear via one of the numbers to turn on one of its lights and record a message from the audience.

“Most internet-connected things have a blue-tooth functionality … I basically showed how I could connect to it, and send commands to it, by recording audio and playing the light,” he told AFP later.

“IOT home appliances, things that can be used in our everyday lives, our cars, lights refrigerators, everything like this that is connected can be used and weaponised to spy on us or harm us.”

They can be used to steal private information such as passwords, as remote surveillance to spy on kids, or employ a GPS to find out where a person is.

More chillingly, a toy could say “meet me at this location and I will pick you up,” Reuben said.

– ‘Timebombs’ –

His father, information technology expert Mano Paul, told how aged about six Reuben had revealed his early IT skills correcting him during a business call.

Using a simple explanation from dad on how one smart phone game worked, Reuben then figured out it was the same kind of algorithm behind the popular video game Angry Birds.

“He has always surprised us. Every moment when we teach him something he’s usually the one who ends up teaching us,” Mano Paul told AFP.

But Paul said he been “shocked” by the vulnerabilities discovered in kids toys, after Reuben first hacked a toy car, before moving onto more complicated things.

“It means that my kids are playing with timebombs, that over time somebody who is bad or malicious can exploit.”

Now the family has helped Reuben, who is also the youngest American to have become a Shaolin Kung Fu black belt, to set up his CyberShaolin non-profit organisation.

Its aim is “to inform kids and adults about the dangers of cyber insecurity,” Reuben said, adding he also wants to press home the message that manufacturers, security researchers and the government have to work together.

Reuben also has ambitious plans for the future, aiming to study cyber security at either CalTech or MIT universities and then use his skills for good.

Failing that maybe he could become an Olympian in gymnastics — another sport he excels in.

Weather Wars Atmo Rivers & Too Hot Now- Earth Frying ~Judas Amigo Blues

Must Watch. Critical New Information about Geoengineering and Mis-Deception by members of the Geoengineering movement to keep us from knowing what is really going on and why the very life giving system of Earth is completely manufactured by land and ocean Wet Surface Air Coolers (WSAC)_making massive amounts of steerable water vapor into weather when combined with Aerosol spraying of chemtrails.

Anniversary Thank You and a Favorable Review

Hi Dear Readers who read this here and now.

Thank you all who have supported this effort to alert, educate, and inform all to alternative thought and truths. It’s been quite the journey.

I have been blessed to have just gone over 4 million views on my blogs and You Tube as to viewership numbers. I began in 2008 and the definitive and very first Flat Earth website back in January of 2015.

Probably my most important vid/doc ever is about to be released and I hope you all watch/research and get to comprehend the meaning of what I will be presenting. It has been a very profound and deep search into our real state of affairs regarding Earth’s life support system that sustains all.

It is a Geoengineered world for sure, I just did not realize to the depth and extent everything has been controlled.. over a large period of land and time, but now the manufactured life support system is out of any man or machine control.

On a more pleasant note, I am asking anyone that can, to go on Amazon’s book site and give one or both of my books a review, if you bought the book. They are not allowing any non buyers to comment, just like I cannot just use music on my videos any longer. There all of the sudden protected, along with profit margins for producers, but it’s not about the money,

it’s about getting the word out and so far my few reviews have been very, very favorable and informative.


Amazon link for comment


Amor Russell

This book is a amazing… (I ordered it from Barnes and Nobel and picked it when it came in)  This book is the most direct approach to what we now know about our geocentric plane cosmology. This book is for everyone, no matter what your religion.  I had a miracle experience with the book as soon as I got it…  About 30 minutes after buying this book I walked across the parking lot to the mall, and went in to a T shirt department that customizes T shirts. It was run by 2 Arab Muslims. I told them I wanted a shirt made with “Research Flat Earth” on the back and “The Earth is not a Globe’ on the front… with large print so everyone can read it…. they told me the shirt would cost $65 dollars with Large print…… I really wanted the T shirt so I said, “yes.”  It took them an hour to make, and so stood on the side reading my new book and I flipped through the pages. Every now and then one of the Muslims would look at the cover of the book and smile at me, and I would just hold the book up and point to the cover and smile back.  As I was flipping through the pages I hit page 60 with the title “Flat Earth Quran” and I was still reading that page when one of the Muslims walked over and asked me, so “What is Flat Earth?” and I just handed him the book with that page still open and he read all the Flat Earth verses from the Quran that where listed out loud to the other Muslim making my T shirt, and they were really excited. And now they were really interested in hearing about Flat Earth, and overjoyed to make the shirt, and said that they would defiantly be researching “Flat Earth’ online.  When I got ready to pay for the shirt the Muslim that made it said” Look since you are using this T shirt to advertise Gods Cosmology, I want to pay for most of it … so he only charged me 15 bucks for the shirt and they both hugged my neck when I left. – I thought to myself, “man my next stop is a Hindu Indian restaurant” because there is a chapter in this book on Vedic Flat Earth cosmology as well. – This book is for everyone, no matter what your religion. 



RMY Titsinaringer ~

I don’t think I have ever found a more profound book to understand Flat Earth legend and theory. That is most likely because there are very few, maybe two books written in modern day on the ever growing topic of geocentrism vs. heliocentrism.

This book is laid out in a colorful introduction about whether we live on a ball or are reconnecting back to over 5,000 years of Theocosmology of our ancestral heritage. I find it strange that this rich history has never been presented in modern day education learning. Why hide 5,000 years of our ancestral history?

The religions all have Flat Earth reference and citation as well including hundred’s of KJV bible quotes as well as dozens of firmament and waters above in the Qu’ran as well.

I recommend the color book because the memes are priceless! I will keep this book on my coffee table. It as already stirred many debates in our family and my son even brought up the subject with his school teacher.


Jesus Saves Gretzky Scores

I LOVE THIS BOOK and how it shows what I’ve always felt about our world. I knew that the Roman Catholic Church had been controlling our world but I had no idea how long they’ve controlled the world until I made the connection in this heavenly world book of knowledge and Christ’s teachings.

Buy this book, you will not be disappointed. It’s a keeper. Blessings All.


At first I did not want to read Mr. Lee’s book on Chemtrails and Geoengineering. In fact he wanted to send me a free copy because I write often about the subject, but I said “no thanks”. Yet the other day someone handed me his book and said it was the scariest book he had ever read in his life, yet was grateful for the knowledge.

So last night I read his book, “Geo-engineering aka Chemtrails; Investigations Into Humanity’s 6th Great Extinction Event”. I could not put it down. I learned more about why chemtrails occur and who is making the weather than any top website I could learn about I know on the subject.

Who knows how long the internet will allow us to talk  about these subjects. Buy the book, it’s worth the money.

Oh yea, and sound the alarm to geoengineering the globe for our children’s sake.

Smiley T. Wigilton






50th Anniversary of Paul is Dead SGT. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band Album

“Paul Is Dead” Clues on Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sofia Smallstorm & Mike Williams – The Death Of Paul McCartney – September 11, 1966 (Sept 2016)

The Memoirs of Billy Shears brings many astonishing facts to light that have been hidden for decades. It is the source for Billy’s Back!, Beatles Enlightenment, and The Talent Contest, and also includes chapters that were not selected for those compilations. Billy’s Back! has the best of the Memoirs’ “Paul is Dead” material–excluding those chapters with enough philosophical significance to be included in Beatles Enlightenment, and also excluding those that were considered too dark to be included in either compilation.

Some of the Memoirs’ chapters that were excluded from compilations contain material that many readers would find disturbing–such as some Biblical humor (about the 666 beat with four heads), the Beatles involvement in Satanism, and, of course, their Paulism. We recommend that no one read this book until after reading Billy’s Back!, which, by the end of that book, puts all such things in context.

The Memoirs set world and regional records for its writing and encoding sophistication. Just as the Beatles heavily encoded many of their songs with clues about Paul’s death, so too is this book, which explains those songs, also encoded throughout. Although this book reads like an extraordinary autobiography, the encoding methods used technically make it a poem, the longest one ever written in the Americas.

‘Project Walrus’ and the Murder of John Lennon

KILL THE MESSENGER: ‘Project Walrus’ and the Murder of John Lennon – By Alex Constantine

“…Both the date of Lennon’s murder, and the careful selection of this particular victim are very important. Six weeks after Lennon’s death, Ronald Reagan would become President. Reagan and his soon-to-be appointed cabinet were prepared to build up the Pentagon war machine and increase the potential for war against the USSR. The first strike would fall on small countries like El Salvador and Guatemala. Lennon, alone, was the only man (even without his fellow Beatles) who had the ability to draw out one million anti-war protestors in any given city within 24 hours, if he opposed those war policies”:

‘Project Walrus’ and the Murder of John Lennon – By Alex Constantine

– It’s a scary thing about America. And for people who grew up in the ’60s, you know, that day, December 8, 1980, was one of the very worst days, because, you know, the dream really was over at that point. Lennon was a guy who you never knew what he was going to do. He was willing to embarrass himself. He tried out things that often didn’t work, but he was always interesting, and you know, we had the feeling that sort of he was part of us, and so, today, we miss his spirit. We miss his adventurousness. We miss his music. And, you know, it’s a sad day.

“At the morgue, the entrance was sealed shut with a lock and chain. Attendants with green mortuary masks moved around in a dumb show, their words inaudible, or typed out forms on grim civil-service type-writers. Behind them, in a refrigerator, lay the sixties.” — Pete Hamill, New York Magazine, “John Lennon Obituary.”

Project Walrus and the Murder of John Lennon


Continue reading ‘Project Walrus’ and the Murder of John Lennon

Biometric ID’s If You Fly

Delta Airlines Introducing Facial Recognition For Travelers

Delta Airlines is announcing that beginning as soon as this summer, Minneapolis-St. Paul airport will have automated baggage kiosks for “priority customers” that will first scan a travelers passport, then their face in order to match identity to checked luggage. It is being promoted as a pilot program that Delta is seeking customer feedback for in the hope that it can be rolled out more widely in the future. This move is part and parcel of what is quickly becoming global in scope.

I reported back in January that Australia was seeking to become the first nation to implement biometric identification for all airports nationwide. And, as correctly noted by The Verge, other U.S. states and nations have begun their own programs with varying degrees of scale:

CBP [U.S. Customs and Border Protection – Ed.] began testing facial recognition systems at Dulles Airport in 2015, then expanded the tests to New York’s JFK Airport last year. Face-reading check-in kiosks will be appearing at Ottawa International Airport this spring, and British Airways is rolling out a similar system at London’s Heathrow Airport, comparing faces captured at security screenings with a separate capture at the boarding gate.

Source: The Verge

U.S. Marshals Biometric Scan Passenger Retinas To Board Flight: “Like Everyone Else, I Complied”

By Mac Slavo During the war on terrorism, Americans compromised their liberties to fight for freedom. Now, during the war on immigration, Americans will again…

Orwell Could Never Have Predicted This Level of Surveillance

By Mark Nestmann, The Nestmann Group I love technology. I can’t imagine life without the modern conveniences of telephones, email, and the Internet. Not to…