Category Archives: battery

Internet of Things: Checkmate Humanity Powered by 5G

Internet of Things: Fascism by Another Name. Powered by 5G

(the “satellite routers’ and satellites to beam 5G are platforms held aloft with lasers and ultra long self powered systems, not satellites…which do not exist.  the article may be misleading in that 5G is being installed on telephone poles every 250-300 meters!…so why satellites?)

We are immersed in a microwave ocean of electromagnetic frequencies, drowning in negative health effects that the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and its counterparts worldwide are totally oblivious to or which are complicit with evil in creating a high-tech system that will enslave humanity in a lock down of planet earth, all the while making us sicker and more controlled.

The Anonymous Patriots do not exaggerate. We highly recommend that you read this article to understand what kind of world you are leaving your children and grandchildren. If we wait for somebody else to solve this ginormous problem, we have raised a white flag of surrender.

No one is ready for the tsunami of Fifth Generation (5G) radiation that has been unleashed by the Federal Communications Commission, whose only health concern is whether or not 5G will “heat-up” human skin past a certain degree.

Only when 5G is “cooking” human beings will the FCC and the Health and Human Services consider any negative health effects of this new generation of “beyond microwave” 5G millimeter (milli-wave) radiation that will be beamed from 300,000 new cell phone towers in every US community – coming to the utility pole near you. Perhaps the FCC should put their collective heads into a microwave oven, turn it on, and then say that microwaves and milli-waves are harmless.

Who is checking the adverse health effects of the technological innovations from the first, second, third, and fourth generation wireless radiations? Let alone the fifth generation…

5g - 1
The Five Generations of Cell Phones

The U.S. Government is the gate-keeper for patents, innovations, safety standards, and most especially for the weaponization of any new device that can be used by the military. Cyberwarfare is now the number one theatre of military activity and due to the expansion of the National Defense Authorization Act, has allowed the military to work within domestic borders.

The roll out of 5G that is authorized by the FCC, in conjunction with other U.S. agencies (DoD, CIA, FBI, etc.), is another experiment in the weaponization of the internet and all digital technologies that surround it, including the use of cell phones, wireless broadcasting, wireless computers, and the 100 billion wireless devices that will be connected to the Internet of Things in the next few years.

In other words – “No one is monitoring technological innovation, except the military and the corporations who do their bidding.”

No one is testing the side-effects of weaponized military-corporate innovations like the internet (originally called DARPANET), Facebook, Twitter, and other “experiments” of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Department of Defense) and In-Q-Tel (Central Intelligence Agency). We are simply being used as “Guinea pigs” in an ongoing experiment concerning what EMFs and full-spectrum radiation does to the human being.

Or worse, planetary rulers are deliberately enslaving the people of the world in a type of global fascism called “the internet of things”, knowing full well how harmful these innovations are to living beings and having full intent of implementing a new and better version of fascism than they did in the last century.

These are not experiments. This is all out war on humanity. Their intentions are exact: Enslave us. Control us. Subsume us.

In this Citizens Intelligence Report we demonstrate that 5G is dangerous to human health — mentally, psychologically, and physically. Humanity has yet to deal with the epidemic of digital illnesses that have already assaulted those immersed in frequencies ranging up to microwave that bombard and pervade daily life with digital devices that are already being used. The Anonymous Patriots have written about the illnesses created by the use of the internet, cell phones, and social media in prior articles.

We have shown you that tech-toys are tech-weapons in these citizen intelligence reports below:


Big Brother is Watching You – For Real

They Plan on Controlling Everything in Your Life

As politicians are debating who will install and pay for the new 300,000 towers and antenna that must be in place for 5G to accomplish its goals, have any of them demanded thorough research into the effects of the systems now in place?

Before amping up to 5G, we need to DEMAND that our elected officials CEASE AND DESIST the rollout of 5G until there are significant studies on the effects that 1-4G have already had on us. Then 5G needs to be tested for compatibility to life on Earth.

By the way, the goals of 5G are beyond what anyone can imagine at this point, both in technological advancement and the health threats that accompany these “advancements.” Many would contend that humanity has hardly caught-up with the technological advancement of 4G, and that research into the adverse effects of 4G demonstrates that the “technology causes serious damage to humans, animals, plants and the entire environment.”

Despite overwhelming evidence that EMFs, at all levels, cause irreparable damage to humans from DNA to brain-functioning, 5G proponents rush ahead as if higher processing speeds is worth permanent damage to humans.

It seems that 5G will only be an advantage to machines, not to humans.



News of the Day; 10.12.16


“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” AE

Creepout. If CBS 60 minutes is showing us how advanced AI is to humans, think how long DARPA and the military have had this technology?

Glenn Greenwald: U.S. Admits Israel is Building Permanent Apartheid Regime: Weeks After Giving it $38 Billion

California Drought Continues But Residents Are Conserving Less Water


Is Medical Marijuana Safe For Pets? Positive Reports From Owners Show

Science World Report  – ‎4 hours ago‎

More and more people are turning into medical marijuana. Different states are demanding it to be legalized. Positive reports regarding marijuana are immensely overwhelming.

Scientists grow test tube human brains with potential to think and feel

A group of Cambridge scientists are attempting to grow human brains outside of the body in a lab. But they don’t look anything like what you might imagine. The “cerebral organoids” are made with stem cells derived from human skin and raised in giant incubators. Without any kind of blood supply, they receive nutrients by soaking in a special fluid. And these brains are tiny, small enough to fit in a petri dish – about four millimeters across and crammed with about two million neurons. For the sake of comparison, a fully developed mouse brain contains four million neurons. The average adult human brain, up to 1,000 trillion.

15 Years after Invasion, Afghanistan Is a Mess Nobody Talks About

Norm Pollack:  Indictment: US Guilty Of War Crimes

I am sickened as I write, my country, engaged in horrible crimes against human beings, tortured, reduced to helplessness, imprisoned for years, often released subsequently without charges … a compliant (and complicit) public, ranging from profound denial to blissful unconcern or the self-righteous expression of justifiability, forming the silent background for a tableau of dishonor and extreme cruelty. I refer to Guantanamo, but also CIA black sites scattered worldwide, sadistic personnel—jailers, physicians, psychologists and psychiatrists, lawyers, military and intelligence officers, members of Congress, Washington, America in general, right up to Obama—compliant, complicit, no, actively supportive, blood-soaked in mind and spirit, positively relishing the demonic practices, all in the name of freedom and democracy, the American Way of Life, God Himself/Herself.

When a Doctor Illegally Put the “HOME” Back Into Nursing Homes, Death Rates Plummeted
October 3, 2016,…

Thinking about aging conjures unpleasant imagery of becoming weak and frail, losing our autonomy, and being placed in a nursing home to live out the remainder of our days alone. Self-described “Nursing Home Abolitionist” Dr. Bill Thomas has been working on changing that, and his ideas and philosophy are reforming the traditional long-term care model. After graduating from Harvard Medical School in 1986, Dr. Thomas worked in emergency care. He went on to become the medical director of [a] nursing home in upstate New York. The institutionalized and depressing atmosphere of the facility prompted him to take action. Even though animals in nursing homes were illegal at the time, Dr. Thomas brought in two dogs, four cats, hens, rabbits, 100 parakeets, a multitude of plants, a flower garden, and vegetable patch. The Washington Post reported that the illegal act was a resounding success. There was a 50% drop in medical prescriptions along with a dramatic decrease in death rates – but most importantly, the residents were simply happier. It inspired Dr. Thomas to create The Green House Project, a national non-profit organization that creates alternative living environments to traditional nursing home care facilities. Traditional nursing homes are torn down and replaced with small, home-like environments where people can live a full and interactive life. In 2005, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded … a five-year $10 million grant to help the organization create Green House projects in all fifty states.

EpiPen outrage: Silicon Valley engineers figure real cost to make lifesaving auto-injector two-pack — about $8
October 1, 2016, The Mercury News (One of Silicon Valley’s Leading Newspapers)…

In his 93 years, Bob Wallace has seen some product-pricing doozies over the decades, but the nonstop national furor over the stratospheric price hikes for EpiPens – now retailing above $700 for a two-pack – was the final shot. Wallace and Roland Krevitt, a veteran Scotts Valley manufacturing and tooling consultant, set out to demystify the cost to produce the EpiPen, piece by piece. The auto-injector delivers a lifesaving dose of adrenaline to treat serious allergic reactions to everything from bee stings to food. [They crunched] the costs for molding and manufacturing the nozzle, needle, syringe, springs, safety cap – and 0.3 mg of epinephrine. Their startling estimate of the cost for a two-pack of EpiPens: $8.02. And that even included the bright-yellow box. The pharmaceutical giant Mylan is the latest drugmaker to withstand a public lashing over skyrocketing drug prices. While politicians and patients demand explanations … policy experts and drug makers blame an American health care system built on an ever-expanding pool of middlemen whose piece of the action is driving up the final bill. [Mylan’s] chief executive, Heather Bresch, recently told a congressional committee her company pays $69 per two-pack to the firm that actually manufactures the EpiPen, [and] pointed to charts explaining why the company charges a $608 wholesale price for a two-pack. The Wall Street Journalreported last week that Mylan low-balled its calculation of EpiPen profits to Congress.

Note: Read more about Mylan’s price gouging on EpiPens. For more along these lines, see concise summaries of deeply revealing Big Pharma corruption news articles from reliable major media sources.

The Winged Bull Of Nimrod And Part Of The Temple Of Baal Are Being Displayed In The Colosseum In Rome

If you thought having “the harbinger of Baal” in New York City was bad, wait until you hear what they are doing in Rome. A reproduction of a winged bull from the ancient city of Nimrud, Iraq and a recreation of part of the ceiling from the Temple of Bel (Baal) are being put on display in the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. This exhibit has been entitled “Rising From the Ashes: Ebla, Nimrud, Palmyra“, and it is being sponsored by UNESCO. As I will discuss below, the statue of the winged bull from Nimrud and the Temple of Bel both have direct links to ancient Babylon and a very insidious character from the Bible known as Nimrod. Symbols have meaning, and to have these symbols erected at one of the most famous landmarks in Rome is more than just a little bit disturbing.

A Future World Full of Driverless Cars … Seriously?!

By Alexa Delbosc, Monash University Driverless cars are an engineer’s dream. At last, a technology that promises to remove the human factor from the traffic…

The Heart is Not a Pump – The Blood Pumps the Heart

~This follows the work of Viktor Shauberger and the imploding (not exploding) vortex energy field.  We are electromagnetic beings. Everything is frequency, vibration and energy. Everything.


The Heart is Not a Pump – The Blood Pumps the Heart


In 1932, Bremer of Harvard filmed the blood in the very early embryo circulating in self-propelled mode in spiralling streams before the heart was functioning. Amazingly, he was so impressed with the spiralling nature of the blood flow pattern that he failed to realize that the phenomena before him had demolished the pressure propulsion principle. Earlier in 1920, Steiner, of the Goetheanum in Switzerland had pointed out in lectures to medical doctors that the heart was not a pump forcing inert blood to move with pressure but that the blood was propelled with its own biological momentum, as can be seen in the embryo, and boosts itself with “induced” momenta from the heart. He also stated that the pressure does not cause the blood to circulate but is caused by interrupting the circulation. Experimental corroboration of Steiner’s concepts in the embryo and adult is herein presented.


The fact that the heart by itself is incapable of sustaining the circulation of the blood was known to physicians of antiquity. They looked for auxiliary forces of blood movement in various types of etherisation' andpneumatisation’ or ensoulement of the blood on its passage through the heart and lungs. With the dawn of modern science and over the past three hundred years, such concepts became untenable. The mechanistic concept of the heart as a hydraulic pump prevailed and became firmly established around the middle of the nineteenth century.

The heart, an organ weighing about three hundred grams, is supposed to pump' some eight thousand liters of blood per day at rest and much more during activity, without fatigue. In terms of mechanical work this represents the lifting of approximately 100 pounds one mile high! In terms of capillary flow, the heart is performing an even more prodigious task offorcing’ the blood with a viscosity five times greater than that of water through millions of capillaries with diameters often smaller than the red blood cells themselves! Clearly, such claims go beyond reason and imagination. Due to the complexity of the variables involved, it has been impossible to calculate the true peripheral resistance even of a single organ, let alone of the entire peripheral circulation. Also, the concept of a centralized pressure source (the heart) generating excessive pressure at its source, so that sufficient pressure remains at the remote capillaries, is not an elegant one.

Our understanding and therapy of the key areas of cardiovascular pathophysiology, such as septic shock, hypertension and myocardial ischemia are far from complete. The impact of spending billions of dollars on cardiovascular research using an erroneous premise is enormous. In relation to this, the efforts to construct a satisfactory artificial heart have yet to bear fruit. Within the confines of contemporary biological and medical thinking, the propulsive force of the blood remains a mystery. If the heart really does not furnish the blood with the total motive force, where is the source of the auxiliary force and what is its nature? The answer to those questions will foster a new level of understanding of the phenomena of life in the biological sciences and enable physicians to rediscover the human being which, all too often, many feel they have lost.


Implicit in the notion of pressure propulsion in the cardiovascular system are the following four major concepts.

(1) Blood is naturally inert and therefore must be forced to circulate.
(2) There is a random mix of the formed particles in the blood.
(3) The cells in the blood are under pressure at all times.
(4) The blood is amorphous and is forced to fill its vessels and thereby takes on their form.

However, there are observations that challenge these notions. It is seen that the blood has its own form, the vortex, which determines rather than conforms to the shape of the vascular lumen and circulates in the embryo with its own inherent biological momentum before the heart begins to function. Just as an inert vortex in nature pulses radially and longitudinally, we tentatively assume that blood is also free to pulse and is not subject to the pulse-restricting pressure implied in the pressure propulsion concept. The blood is not propelled by pressure but by its own biological momenta boosted by the heart.

When the heart begins to function, it enhances the blood’s momentum with spiraling impulses. The arteries serve a subsidiary mimical heart function by providing spiraling boosts to the circulating blood. In so doing the arteries dilate to receive the incoming blood and contract to deliver an impulse to increase the blood’s momentum.

 Paradoxes about the Heart as a “Pump”
  • The sheer volume of work which the heart would have to do if it were solely responsible for pumping inert blood through the vessels of the circulatory system. Blood is five times as viscous as water. According to the propulsion premise the heart would have to pump 8000 liters of blood a day in a body at rest and considerably more during activity, through millions of capillaries the diameters of which are sometimes smaller than the red blood cells themselves – a huge task for a relatively small, muscular organ weighing only 300 grams.
  • Once the questions start being asked, the anomalies in currently accepted dogma become apparent. For instance, if blood were pumped under pressure out of the left ventricle into the aorta during systole, the pressure pulse would cause the aortic arch to try and straighten out, as happens in any Bourdon tube pressure gauge. In practice the exact opposite happens; the curve increases, indicating that the aorta is undergoing a negative, rather than a positive, pressure.
  • Another paradoxical finding concerns the mechanics of fluid flow under pulsatile pressure. When a pressure pulse is applied to a viscous fluid in a closed vessel, the liquid initially resists movement through its own inertia. The pres­sure, therefore, peaks before the fluid velocity peaks. In the aorta, exactly the opposite happens where a peak flow markedly precedes peak pressure, a fact which was observed in 1860 by Chaveau and Lortet. So just what is going on in­side the circulation?


Four Faulty Premises of the Heart as a “Pump”

As Marinelli et al point out, the pressure-propulsion model of blood circulation rests on four major premises:

  1. blood is naturally inert and must, therefore, be forced to circulate;
  2. there is a random mix of formed particles in the blood;
  3. blood cells are under pressure at all times;
  4. blood is amorphous and is forced to fill its vessels and take on their form.

All of these premises can be shown to be faulty. For example, far from having a random mix of the blood components in vessels, the cellular elements arrange themselves in a highly organized flow pattern in which the heavier red blood cells flow nearest to the axis of the vessels while the lighter platelets are nearer to the periphery. All of the formed elements are surrounded by a sleeve of plasma which is in contact with the vessel wall. However, a major misconception about how blood circulates is the assumption that it flows in a laminar fashion, whereas in reality the main pattern appears to be a vortex. This leads to a whole new concept of circulatory dynamics–one which goes a long way towards explaining the close interaction between the heart and the blood– both of which are derived from the same embryonic material.

Clues to circulatory physiology are found in embryology. Two of the main embryological observations have been that the blood starts circulating before the heart has been fully formed and that it circulates in a spiraling fashion, as in the single-stage tube heart of the chick before the valves have developed.

Why are we concerned about the way in which the blood circulates and the `heart as a pump’ paradox? Do we not already know enough about circulation in conventional terms for all practical purposes? No. Is all this really relevant? Yes. Not only should truth be sought for its own sake, but therapy based upon faulty premises can only be bad therapy.

Another Reason Oil Has Peaked for Good

Faster and faster the PTB are allowing Tesla technology to be rolled out for public use.  They even started a company with his name to shove it in our faces that the government and military have had free energy available since Tesla was alive in the early 1900’s.

Since the 1900’s the auto industry has not improved on its combustion engine, though technology has changed how we interact. Why? Because it has been too profitable to change.

Hydrogen Is The New Electric

FCVs (Fuel Cell Vehicles) started out over a decade ago as technology that was in its infancy stage, and clearly not ready for prime time. A decade later, and it appears the time has come for fuel cell vehicles to reclaim the mantle as the most energy efficient, practical and realistic choice for the zero-emission car-buying consumer.

Arguably, the most challenging issue facing Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) is the further development and prevalence of FCVs in the global automotive industry. Fuel cell vehicles are gaining traction. And with major auto makers, such as Toyota (NYSE:TM), Hyundai and Honda (NYSE:HMC) starting to invest, it is only a matter of time before the technology becomes mainstream. The existential threat that could derail Tesla is not just smoke and water. The eventual shift from EVs (Electric Vehicles) to hydrogen-powered FCVs is real, and Tesla may be in serious trouble.

Fuel Cells

There are many different types of fuel cells available. For vehicle purposes, the most common is the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell.

Source: Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

The process works by taking fuel (hydrogen) and oxygen molecules into the fuel cell. Hydrogen is channeled to the anode, and oxygen to the cathode. They are split through the use of a catalyst, which in most cases is platinum. The hydrogen splits off into positive hydrogen ions (protons), and negatively charged electrons. The PEM cannot let the electrons into the membrane or else it would short circuit the fuel cell. Once the hydrogen is split, the positive ions flow through the membrane to the cathode. The electrons that were broken off from the hydrogen also travel along an external circuit to the cathode, which in turn creates an electrical current. At the cathode, the electrons and the positive Hydrogen ions meet with oxygen to form water (H20), which exits the fuel cell.

There are a few trade-offs with this system. The first is the use of platinum as a catalyst for the breakdown of the molecules. Platinum is an expensive material, and without a replacement catalyst or a reduction in price fuel cells will always be expensive to produce. Secondly, separating oxygen significantly reduces electricity that can be generated due to the difficult nature of splitting oxygen molecules, which makes the process of producing electricity from the circuit less efficient.

Fuel cells are also extremely sensitive to any permutation in the system. Electrons need to flow through the proper channels; they cannot leak into the membrane where the positive hydrogen ions pass through to meet oxygen. Furthermore, hydrogen is volatile to store. In order to safely house hydrogen, fuel tanks in cars need to maintain pressure in a PSI range of 5000-10,000.


While fuel cell technology has advanced in recent years, the infrastructure for hydrogen refueling stations is currently not where it needs to be for fuel cell vehicles to become mass-market. This issue seems to be the Achilles heel of fuel cell vehicles, as a lack of refueling stations would lead to marginal sales volume. However, major investment into hydrogen fueling networks have begun in California and the Northeastern states. With time and capital, the network of hydrogen refueling stations will continue to grow as fuel cells gain efficiency and popularity.

California has been the leader in support of zero-emission vehicles; offering rebates in the range of $3000-$5000. In 2014, the California Energy Commission announced it would invest $46.6 million to speed the development of hydrogen fueling stations, with the hope of reaching the goal of 100 refueling stations that would allow for the commercialization of FCVs in California. The state is planning to double the number of hydrogen refueling stations that are currently available this year. According to the California Fuel Cell Partnership, there are twelve available hydrogen refueling stations in California. The map also shows about another 30 retail locations that are in development. In an interview, Hyundai Motor America CEO David Zuchowski anticipates 40 refueling stations to be open before the year’s end of 2016.


See also:

Daddy, What Was it Like to Drive Your Own Car?

Major Shift in Global Energy Power Sources Begins


It appears a major, century long shift is in its infancy of reordering how power is supplied to homes, businesses and modes of transportation.

Increases in battery storage technology, lower battery weights, available higher capacity lithium, and faster super-chargers are about to change how energy is supplied to the masses in a major way.

Hence the 60% haircut in the global price of oil over the past six months.

Over the past couple of weeks major announcements are coming out as to the utilization of solar, wind and battery storage. Two of the three largest global mega-corporations, Apple Computer and Google, have just announced, within days of each other, that they were going to be powering their main HQ’s by solar and wind power exclusively.

Apple to build $2B solar-powered “command center”

Google Will Soon Use Wind Power to Run Its HQ

Across the pond, in the U.K., announcements are also being made as to the mass rollout of the mini-electric car as well. And even IKEA, the home furnishing store, is also a stepping up as major player in the electric car charger market.

 Speedy charging driving a global boom in electric cars

IKEA promises rapid rollout of electric car chargers

This week, Tesla, the leader in battery powered automobiles, announced that they would be making decentralized battery powered home energy systems. In the not so distant future home power will come from either mini power stations in your neighborhoods or self -contained systems at your home.

Wall Street Journal: Apple Is Working on an Electric Car

The rumors have been getting stronger all week, and now they’ve come to a head: WSJ is reporting that Apple is indeed working on a car. “Project Titan,” as it’s known internally, is an all-electric vehicle that apparently “resembles a minivan” in its current iteration and has a team of several hundred people working on it.

That’s not to say that there’ll ever be an Apple car on the road, necessarily. WSJ hedges its report, noting that it’d be several years at least before Titan could be ready for production, and that’s assuming Cook and company decide to go through with the project.


BASF Doubles Nickel-Metal Hydride Energy Storage

Via: MIT Technology Review:

Almost every automaker interested in producing electric cars is betting on improvements to lithium-ion batteries to make the cars cheaper and extend their driving range.

But scientists at BASF are exploring the possibilities of an older type of battery, nickel-metal hydride, now used in hybrids. They recently doubled the amount of energy that these batteries can store, making them comparable to lithium-ion batteries. And they have a plan to improve them far more, potentially increasing energy storage by an additional eight times.

LG Chem to Build Battery Storage Systems Worth $272 Million for Japanese Solar Plants


Tesla Plans Battery for Household Energy-Storage Market

Tesla Motors Inc., best known for making the all-electric Model S sedan, is using its lithium-ion battery technology to position itself as a frontrunner in the emerging energy-storage market that supplements and may ultimately threaten the traditional electric grid.

“We are going to unveil the Tesla home battery, the consumer battery that would be for use in people’s houses or businesses fairly soon,” Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk said during an earnings conference call with analysts Wednesday.

California’s largest utility also has just announced that it is moving heavily into the community solar grid business.

Continue reading Major Shift in Global Energy Power Sources Begins