Tag Archives: vaccination

Vaccine Information & News Website

Here is a new vaccine information website with critical updates.

Over 10 states now have proposed mandatory vaccinations on children or no school

The Federal Government has proposed mandatory vaccinations on adults and is in the comment period. The proposal says all adults will need to get current on all adult vaccines.

Colleges are now requiring all to be vaccinated.

By 2016, DHS has said all must have biometric ID’s for interstate airline travel which presumably would include no flying unless vaccinated.

Medical Scientists an doctors are coming out saying vaccines are very dangerous and evidence is being suppressed.

Keep informed here


The Great Ebola Hoax Part II; The Hype, The Hypno & The Hypo

The Hypno, The Hype and the Hypo

hypno- Look up hypno- at Dictionary.comword-forming element meaning “sleep,” from Greek hypno-, comb. form of hypnos “sleep” (see somnolence).

hype (n.) Look up hype at Dictionary.com“excessive or misleading publicity or advertising,” 1967, American English (the verb is attested from 1937), probably in part a back-formation of hyperbole, but also from underworld slang sense “swindle by overcharging or short-changing” (1926), a back-formation of hyper “short-change con man” (1914), from prefix hyper- meaning “over, to excess.” Also possibly influenced by drug addicts’ slang hype, 1913 shortening of hypodermic needle. Related: Hyped; hyping. In early 18c., hyp “morbid depression of the spirits” was colloquial for hypochondria (usually as the hyp or the hyps).

hypo- Look up hypo- at Dictionary.comword-forming element meaning “under, beneath” (in chemistry, indicating a lesser oxidation), from hypo-, comb. form of Greek hypo (prep. and adverb) “under,” from PIE *upo- “under, up from under, over” (see sub-).


Continue reading The Great Ebola Hoax Part II; The Hype, The Hypno & The Hypo