Quote of the Day

Of all “conspiracy theories” I’ve been called crazy for not simply beLIEving but that I KNOW TO BE FACTUAL, vaccines are BY FAR my favorite & the easiest to prove!! It takes A LOT of definitions, “side effects” searching, specific disease definitions & pointing out the absolute fact that the manufacturers (inserts) AND CDC actually TELL US THEYRE DANGEROUS AND TOXIC, however, knowing most Americans are either too lazy, gullible &/or dumb to actually spend even 5 mins on the CDC’s site let alone recognizing the semantics- they left it right in plain sight for anyone to find but sadly, those of us intelligent enough to do such a thing are a dying breed. Though I get such satisfaction in sharing what they say then decoding it for the masses of retards (who have received all their shots, on time, presumably). CDC lists these ingredients; Msg Albumin Formaldehyde Egg protein Antibiotics Animal bovine Thimerosal Etc etc So, they list these ingredients, first off in a very deceitful way- why not call it what it is… Formaldehyde- embalming fluid Thimerosal- MERCURY worst of all in my opinion… “Albumin” sounds harmless enough, right? Well that’s if you’re the average American who looks no further. If you’re the type to say, “sounds harmless…but let’s check it out” will discover ITS HUMAN TISSUE….FROM ABORTED FETUSES!!!!
Essentially- you can not be pro life AND pro vaccine. So they list these ingredients, many of which, insidiously. BUT – they DO NOT EXPLAIN WHAT ANY OF THEM ARE, THE POTENTIAL DANGERS, WEIGHING THE DANGER VS BENEFITS, OR NAME A SINGLE SIDE EFFECTS- of which, there are MANY!! Some you’d expect, others you’d never expect, some that horrify you, others you’ve never even heard of…then you look them up & your horrified yet again…and again….and again! So the way the cdc “informs” the public is by listing a few, not all, just a few of the exceptionally dangerous ingredients, masking the identities behind scientific names, then all that’s listed for each toxic ingredient is WHY THEYRE USED/THEIR ROLE WITHIN THE CLUSTER FUCK OF CHRONIC AILMENTS YOU ANY PRO VAXXER’s IMMEDIATE FUTURE!
Any vaccine I’m challenged on, I screenshot what the cdc says, the manufacturer inserts, sometimes I’ll even toss some Harvard literature in there….then I break down (or shall I say, dumb down) exactly what’s being said in these articles by using an ancient tool called….wait for it…..THE FUCKING DICTIONARY!!!! Once I define the major points, I then spend an ungodly amount of time typing each & every individual ingredient into google followed by “adverse reactions” or “risks” or “side effects”, depends on my mood but they all return the same infinite amount of reading material listing all sorts of horrifying reasons not to inject a single one directly into your bloodstream Nevermind an entire vaccine’s worth of said ingredients.
I have literally had ppl argue with me who were so aggressive & confident in their ad hominem attacks suddenly go completely silent once I drop this undeniable truth bomb on them. I used to get worked up about it but since I’ve started doing this, I like to play with them just to see who can come up with an impressive argument before I ruin their day with facts that came directly from the very entities that have brainwashed them to fight on behalf of their opponent 😂 Also, seeing as they’ve obviously received god knows how many toxic doses of all sorts of disgusting disease causing shit, I just assume they’re working with at least some type of neurological damage. Which, btw, neurological damage is often paid out in vaccine court to the plaintiffs…so “neurological disorders” are widely accepted & admitted ….. a funny little side note here, ya know what falls under the “neurological damage” category?
If you guessed autism, YOUD BE 100% CORRECT!! When considering how they use semantics from start to finish when addressing vaccines to the public, common sense should scream in your face that arguing vaccines do not cause autism bc no studies have found a significant amount of evidence of that claim to consider these toxic shots a hazard….BUT I GUESS THERES ONLY BEEN JUST ENOUGH EVIDENCE FOUND TO PAY OUT BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO ALL THISE WHO SUFFER NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE (up to & including AUTISM) !!!
Let me repeat that- they say not enough credible (another semantic twist, who do they consider credible? Science will say anything at the right price) evidence for the cdc to pull these vaccines off the market yeeeeeeet there’s definitely enough evidence of this danger for vaccine court to shell out BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO THOSE AFFLICTED ?! It’s definitely not “crazy conspiracy theorist” of anyone to apply common sense here to draw the conclusion…. Vaccines = neurological damage = autism x billions in settlements = THE FUCKING VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM!!! & btw based on my research, I wanted to know why is there a flu season! How is that even possible?? Turns out the cdc nor the manufacturers of any influenza vaccine have ever even addressed this question all the do say is that there is indeed a flu season & market their retardation recipes to us accordingly. Harvard on the other hand did at least attempt to answer this question, their answer as to why is the a season for flu is….”👨🏽‍🔬beats the shit out of us 🤷🏼‍♂️?”
The do however offer theories; 1. Winter = less sun = less vitamin D = more likely to get sick. (So here’s a needle full of your worst nightmares to keep you healthy bc we at big pharma don’t depend on your ailing health for profits so we want everyone to be optimally healthy 😂😂) To which I ask the geniuses at Harvard- How bout some vitamin d supplements & calling it a day? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 2. Winter = cool dry air = people indoors = windows/doors closed = close proximity + coughing = everyone gets the flu! The flu must enjoy the cool conditions👨🏼‍🔬 To which I’d ask, Sooooo, what you’re saying is when bears go into hibernation, the flu gets booted from its own hibernation then chills inside of homes/buildings waiting to be caught??? Cause that “hypothesis” only address is survival not its origins at the start of the season. Does it manifest outta nowhere??
Also, during the summer months, the majority of Americans still have to go to work all day long (but this applies at home, too) where they sit in air conditioning all day….AC = cool dry air, windows/doors closed, coughing sneezing nowhere to exit & this describes the flush preferred environment according to the first hypothesis yet flu season is from fall-early spring?? During a time of the year when those same buildings in which you claim the flu is thriving, are actually BLASTING THE FUCKING HEAT ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG??? Sounds like the exact opposite of an ideal climate if you ask me 🤷🏼‍♀️
Lastly … 3. It’s hard to tell/study why there’s a flu season bc animals (who get herpes, lymes, rabies, cancer & AIDS) do NOT get the flu & doing research on humans is unethical (except when testing the untreated effects of hpv syphillis Ebola Zika polio cancer AIDS & any other bio weaponry that’s been patented on unknowing human subjects, but I digress…) To which I’d say….about that; animals don’t catch the flu…ya know what else they don’t do? GET THE FLU VACCINE!! Based on everything I just wrote, sit on this for a moment… When does the flu season begin? When big pharma pays big $$ in commercial advertising TELLING US ITS ABOUT TO BEGIN…ever ask yourself “how do they always know for sure they flu won’t stay dormant this year?”
Cause that doesn’t make a profit or any life long chronically ailing customers, duh! When does the flu season end? Just shortly AFTER BIG PHARMA SELLS THE LAST OF THEIR FLU VACCINES AND THEIR COMMERCIALS NOW BEGIN PROMOTING THE SEASONAL ALLERGIES (they’ve undoubtedly created as a side effect of shit like the flu shot!) So, if flu season begins shortly after they start pushing the vaccine. If flu season ends shortly AFTER the last flu vaccines are administered. If animals DO NOT get the flu shot. And also DO NOT get the flu. Given the history of polio outbreaks caused by flu vaccines, one year fully active strains not at all weakened were given to countless people, and the year the flu vaccine contained a cancer causing agent.
Given the vast majority of vaccine court cases including the most dangerous side effects including irreversible neurological damage & even death, that have been settled in the favor of the vaccine recipients far surpasses any other vaccines in volume & intensity…. With all of the above considered, dare I suggest that maybe, just maaaaaaaaybe, ITS THE FUCKING ANNUAL FLU VACCINE THATS THE CAUSE FOR THE ANNUAL FLU SEASON THAT BEGINS AFTER VACCINES ROLL OUT AND ENDS JUST AFTER THE LAST OF THE FLU VACCINES ARE INJECTED INTO SOME POOR GULLIBLE FOOL….honestly, you’d be the crazy bastard if you think otherwise!!

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