National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

Now, can we bring down Big Pharma with NASA – T??

National Cancer Institute Quietly Confirms Cannabis Can Cure Cancer

Apparently the left hand of this government doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, or more likely doesn’t want to know. With the easy prey of grabbing marijuana users in most states and locking them up in prisons for cheap labor while destroying families, there’s little motivation to curb that racket by dropping marijuana out of its DEA Schedule 1 Controlled Substance rating.

Schedule 1 includes drugs that are dangerous, addictive, and without any medical merit. The DEA needs to justify its budgetary funding and the FDA prefers rubber stamp approving pharmaceutical drugs that are far more dangerous than marijuana and far less effective. The FDA has to oblige their corporate clients to keep their licensure payments from Big Pharma rolling in.

The unpublicized studies that prove cannabis’s medical merits are referenced within the NCI (National Cancer Institute). Though they are pre-utical drugs to enhance chemo or suppress some of chemotherapy’s terrible side effects, there are many, many actual case histories of curing cancers with cannabis.

Of course those are dismissed as anecdotal and not paid any attention by government agencies and the mainstream media. People who are cured by cannabis doesn’t satisfy medical “science”. It has to have a chance to disprove it and carry on with business as usual.

Nevertheless, the following list is excerpted directly from one of the NCI Question and Answer pages about cannabis:


See Also:

Naturally Healing All Cancers With Hemp Oil

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