Obama Proposes $10 a Barrel Tax on Oil to Fuel for-profit Driverless Cars

The proposed plan reflects Obama’s increasing engagement with alternative modes of transportation. The US Department for Transport had previously proposed a plan, outlining that it will invest $4bn in advanced technologies and work on introducing new regulations to ramp up the process of the getting driverless cars on American roads.

Insantiy rains supreme in the Theater of the Absurd.  Now current Dictator-in-Chief, Torture-in-Chief, Obombya-all has proposed to bury the oil companies, who are cutting dividends and seeing their stox crushed, to tax them so US, the taxpayers can be charged to fund Google and Apple’s driverless cars…billed as “clean energy”…

Driverless cars will be hitting the country en masse next year and those that “choose” to drive their own PPV (personal pollution vehicles) will be required to pay ever increasing insurance rates (more risky to drive yourself than be driven) as well as a pay by the mile plan being Beta tested in Oregon now.

Of course the sheeple will go along with the driverless cars, where you give up sole power of where you are going to an offsite, unknown controller, who can take you directly to a FEMA camp..”.but hey, it’s worth it because i can play video games in my car now and not even have to see where I’m going…wahoo!”

Daddy, What Was it Like to Drive Your Own Car?

Facism reigns supreme, where corporations run the country, with oversite by the Jesuit Assistancy.

Obama proposing $10-a-barrel oil tax to pay for clean transportation

President Barack Obama is proposing a $10-a-barrel tax on oil to pay for clean transportation projects, the White House said Thursday.

The tax, which will be part of the budget request Obama unveils next week, would be paid for by oil companies and gradually phased in over five years. It would apply to imported oil, not exported U.S. oil, White House National Economic Council Director Jeff Zients told reporters.

Obama Wants $4 Billion to Subsidize Silicon Valley Driverless Cars

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