Tag Archives: nanobot

State Declares You Have No Right to Choose Natural Health over Dangerous Vaccines w/ Chips and WI – 38 Injected into your Children

At the end of the day, the issue here is one of freedom, and freedom is the freedom to choose – even if we make a bad choice.

The argument that I must vaccinate my children for the good of the community is not only scientifically questionable, it is an unethical precept.

It is the argument all dictators and totalitarians have used. “Comrade, you must work tirelessly for the good of the collective. You must give up your money and property for the good of the collective, and now … you must allow us to inject your children with what we deem is good for the collective.”

If American’s don’t stand up against this, then we are lost. Because we have lost ownership of ourselves. Our bodies are no longer solely ours – we and our children are able to be commandeered for the “greater good.”


Printed in major newspapers this weekend.


“If you think the government has the right to forcibly vaccinate people – for the good of society – what is to prevent them from forcibly sterilizing people, or forcibly euthanizing people, or forcibly implanting a tracking device – for the good of society?

You make think those examples are extreme (although two-thirds have happened), but the principle is the same. You are allowing government to have ultimate authority over your body. ”   Dr. Lee Heib, M.D.

The all out assault on a parents right to choose what is best for their child is coming from all fronts now, using all resources that Big Pharma, both State and Federal Governments and the Whorporate Media have in their arsenal.

Not just another divide and conquer strategy, like gay rights or left/right, etc. us vs. them conquer and divide campaign strategy, though this vaccine issue has further divided me from my family where my own mother does not believe I have final right and say over the well being of my child.

The local papers in the SF/Bay area running daily front page header headlines as well as OP/Ed’s and ridiculous satire cartoons like above while failing to even present another side from the highly educated parents who choose to build a child’s immune system the old fashioned way, through healthy nutrition, washing hands regularly and understanding children are supposed to get sick so that their developing immune systems can be built up over their developing years.

Do you really want the allow the government the right to take control of your child?  This is only the beginning of the state having power over you being able to be the ultimate decider for the safety and welfare of your child.


Here are just a few articles across the nation to get the masses to quietly obey and build meme consensus that anyone that does not vaccinate their children with ingredients like 3 month old aborted female stem cells, is a threat to all and must be dealt with.

Bill would abolish vaccination exemption for parents’ personal beliefs. LA Times 2/4/15

University of California to require all students to get measles shot  (UC President, Janet Napalitno ran DHS before coming to be President of UC system.)


Is it enforceable? (with force, everything is possible!)

—– 1)  Executive Order 13295, passed by George W. Bush in April 2003, allows for the “apprehension, detention, or conditional release of individuals to prevent the introduction, transmission, or spread of suspected communicable diseases,” 

—–2) Executive Order 13603, states that Americans in the healthy zones, will be conscripted for both military duties and civilian work brigades … and will not be paid. (In other words, slavery will have re-emerged inside of the United States.)


Executive Order 13295 was amended by President Obama on July 31, 2014. Subsection (b) was replaced with the following:

“(b) Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled. This subsection does not apply to influenza.”

2014. Connecticut becomes first state to suspend Constitution over Public Health Emergency

Fall 2014. The Department of Defense has been tasked to create a military controlled “quick-strike team” to deal with Ebola within U.S. borders. This team will be under the command of none other than Northcom, apparently trampling the Posse Comitatus Act and setting the stage for the rationalized use of military personnel against U.S. citizens under the guise of pandemic prevention.

It should be clear to anyone with half a brain that medical martial law is being quietly prepared, and that the threat of such measures is not a paranoid conspiracy, but a very real possibility. It should also be noted that such provisions are not only the products of the Obama Administration. It was George W. Bush who first created laws intersecting with the World Health Organization’s pandemic preparedness planning. These laws include the “overrule of existing legislation or (individual) human rights” in order to quell a viral outbreak, and were originally drafted around the potential of an influenza crisis.


Does anyone tell you what is in the vaccines they are declaring you have no right to decline?  Ask your doctor, they won’t know this information either!

According to the website http://vaccines.procon.org/ some of the following ingredients that are listed by the manufactures themselves in the inserts for MMR that come with the vaccines are:

Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR): recombinant human albumin, fetal bovine serum, other buffer and media ingredients, neomycin. Chick embryo cell culture, WI-38 human diploid lung fibroblasts.

Two main human cell strains have been used to develop currently available vaccines, in each case with the original fetal cells in question obtained in the 1960s. The WI-38 cell strain was developed in 1961 in the United States, and the MRC-5 cell strain (also started with fetal lung cells) was developed in 1965 in the United Kingdom. No new or additional fetal cells are required in order to sustain the two cell strains.

The vaccines below were developed using either the WI-38 or the MRC-5 cell strains.

Hepatitis A vaccines [VAQTA/Merck, Havrix/GlaxoSmithKline, and part of Twinrix/GlaxoSmithKline]

Rubella vaccine [MERUVAX II/Merck, part of MMR II/Merck, and ProQuad/Merck]

Varicella (chickenpox) vaccine [Varivax/Merck, and part of ProQuad/Merck]

Zoster (shingles) vaccine [Zostavax/Merck]

Adenovirus Type 4 and Type 7 oral vaccine [Barr Labs] *

Rabies vaccine [IMOVAX/Sanofi Pasteur] *

* Vaccine not routinely given

 What is WI-38 cell strain? 

WI-38 is a diploid human cell culture line composed of fibroblasts derived from lung tissue of a three month old white female fetus (aka aborted fetus cells). 


CDC vaccine whistleblower given immunity to testify

(of course this critical information of suppressing vital health information about the measles vaccines causing autism in African Americans being purposely omitted never is aired by those that defend mandatory vaccinations of all!)

Patrick Howley at The Daily Caller reports that William Thompson, CDC whistleblower, has been given immunity from prosecution, by the federal government, to testify before Congress about vaccine fraud at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

On Aug. 27, 2014, Thompson, a long-time researcher at the CDC, published a statement through his lawyer, Rick Morgan, admitting that he and colleagues at the CDC violated the protocol in a study on the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine’s connection to autism.


Recent Italian Court Decisions on Vaccines and Autism

Court Decision: Mercury and Aluminum in Vaccine Caused Autism

Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation. The Court also noted that Infanrix Hexa contained thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly exceeding the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few kilograms.”

 Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (now available on the Internet). This industry document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials (see table at page 626, excerpt below).

table at page 626


Nanobots, Supercomputers, AI,  RFID Technology and Vaccine Delivery Systems

On the agenda is planned chip to be installed on all, per the Obamadoesn’tcare document itself (see below)

  • that was written and supervised almost exclusively by an Exec. VP of the country’s largest HMO., Liz Fawler.


We, you and I, will be told we are powerless to say no to this transhuman activity because we are all required by law now to 1) carry health insurance and  2) get mandatorial vaccinated or be locked up and/or sued.

No exemptions. No exceptions. No Rights.

Even though those that are vaccinated should have no worries since they are protected, right?


Microchiping included in Affordable Care Act Healthcare Bill 

“Buried deep within the over 1,000 pages of the massive US Health Care Bill (PDF) in a “non-discussed” section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521— National Medical Device Registry, and which states its purpose as……..

He quotes that part of the law and then goes on to say: “In “real world speak”, according to this report, this new law, when fully implemented, provides the framework for making the United States the first Nation in the World to require each and every one of its citizens to have implanted in them a radio-frequency identification microchip for the purpose of controlling who is, or isn’t, allowed medical care in their country”.

  • here is the actual language used in the “Affordable” Care Act on chipping of all plans….

The Planned Chipping of all that is Obamadoesn’tCare PDF

Planned Chipping of All Analysis



Nanobots replacing neurons

Nanorobot at work replacing human nerve cells with artificial nerve cells. This means these artificial devices with RFID can take over the brain with “remote bio-communication” aka Wifi control of your brain.

The basic idea consists of a set of nano-wires tethered to electronics in the main catheter such that they will spread out in a “bouquet” arrangement into a particular portion of the brain’s vascular system. Such arrangement could support a very large number of probes (in the millions). Each n-wire would be used to record, very securely, electrical activity of a single or small group of neurons without invading the brain parenchyma.

Tiny twisting muscles developed for propelling nanobots

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the possibility of treating medical conditions using nanobots – tiny robots that would be injected into a patient’s bloodstream, where they would proceed to travel to their targets, not unlike the microscopic submarine in the movie Fantastic Voyage … except nanobots wouldn’t be crewed by tiny shrunken-down humans. One challenge that still needs to be met, however, is figuring out a way of propelling the devices. Well, we may now be closer to a solution. Yesterday, development of a new type of nanoscale artificial muscle was announced, which works like the muscles in an elephant’s trunk. These could conceivably be used in nanobots, to whip them along using a rotating flagellum – a tiny sperm-like tail, in other words.


  • SyNAPSE Program Develops Advanced Brain-Inspired Chip

    August 07, 2014

    New chip design mimics brain’s power-saving efficiency; uses 100x less power for complex processing than state-of-the-art chips

    DARPA-funded researchers have developed one of the world’s largest and most complex computer chips ever produced—one whose architecture is inspired by the neuronal structure of the brain and requires only a fraction of the electrical power of conventional chips.

    Designed by researchers at IBM in San Jose, California, under DARPA’s Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) program, the chip is loaded with more than 5 billion transistors and boasts more than 250 million “synapses,” or programmable logic points, analogous to the connections between neurons in the brain. That’s still orders of magnitude fewer than the number of actual synapses in the brain, but a giant step toward making ultra-high performance, low-power neuro-inspired systems a reality.

    Many tasks that people and animals perform effortlessly, such as perception and pattern recognition, audio processing and motor control, are difficult for traditional computing architectures to do without consuming a lot of power. Biological systems consume much less energy than current computers attempting the same tasks. The SyNAPSE program was created to speed the development of a brain-inspired chip that could perform difficult perception and control tasks while at the same time achieving significant energy savings.

    The SyNAPSE-developed chip, which can be tiled to create large arrays, has one million electronic “neurons” and 256 million electronic synapses between neurons. Built on Samsung Foundry’s 28nm process technology, the 5.4 billion transistor chip has one of the highest transistor counts of any chip ever produced.  Each chip consumes less than 100 milliWatts of electrical power during operation. When applied to benchmark tasks of pattern recognition, the new chip achieved two orders of magnitude in energy savings compared to state-of-the-art traditional computing systems.

DARPA Hacking Humans the 47th Chromosome

Continue reading State Declares You Have No Right to Choose Natural Health over Dangerous Vaccines w/ Chips and WI – 38 Injected into your Children