Heavy Spraying Continues 24/7 in CA and Beyond

Something Very Big is going on in the skies above us with Geonegineering now.  The spraying in N. CA, as well as reports from around the world, are showing heavy, heavy spraying and resulting respiratory & stomach flu symptoms (headache, diarrhea, naueau, etc.).

Thanks for helping get the word out and sounding the alarm to awaken, alert and educate the sleeping sheeples.

From a Facebook chemtrail activist
“For my friends. PROOF. Air Force study. Exposing alveolar Macrophages (white blood cells in lungs) to aluminum nanoparticles (like those sprayed in chemtrails every day overhead). Shows REDUCED ABILITY OF CELLS TO FUNCTION. What does this mean to you? It means you get PNEUMONIA, BRONCHITIS and every other opportunistic infection that would normally be stopped IMMEDIATELY when you breathed it in by your HEALTHY WHITE BLOOD CELLS in your lungs. That’s right. Instead of killing those germs as soon as you breathe them in, your white blood cells don’t work as well, and the bad germs beat your first line of defense, and YOU GET SICK and sometimes die. This is why so many of us normally YOUNG AND HEALTHY people are getting so many LONG LASTING LUNG ISSUES. WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!!!! These are 5 pages of the 10 page study results. My PDF to JPG converter made a mess of it, so hard to read. Google THIS TERM to see the original: Air Force Research Laboratory
In Vitro Toxicity of Aluminum Nanoparticles
in Rat Alveolar Macrophages”
This is dated 2006


Former Air Force Officer Warns Of Atmospheric Spraying And The Coming Collapse

The essay below was penned for geoengineeringwatch.org by a former USAF communications officer, Col. Randall Smith, Ph.D. Though I have no means of conclusively confirming the information presented by Randall, available date does generally confirm his estimations and conclusions. The essay does not address the implosion of the climate system, methane release, or the horrific impact of climate engineering on the above mentioned factors. This being said, the content of the essay is important, especially when the source is appropriately considered. My most sincere gratitude to Col. Randall Smith for this important input and perspective on the immediate horizon that we face.

It’s not lookin’ good for the home team, crab, salmon, trout, etc…and now Kelp…Gone!  from Santa Rosa Press Democrat, front page header two days ago…already cancelled crab season for the entire West Coast….

Collapse of kelp forest imperils North Coast ocean ecosystem

Large tracts of kelp forest that once blanketed the sea off the North Coast have vanished over the past two years, a startling transformation that scientists say stems from rapid ecological change and has potentially far-reaching impacts, including on several valuable fisheries.

The unprecedented collapse has been observed along hundreds of miles of coastline from San Francisco to Oregon. The region’s once-lush stands of bull kelp, a large brown alga that provides food and habitat for a host of wildlife species, have been devoured by small, voracious purple urchins. In the most-affected areas, denuded kelp stalks are almost all that remains of plant life.

Scientists have described the landscape left behind as an “urchin barren.” Other factors, including warmer water, also are to blame, they say.

 “It’s no longer a kelp forest,” said Cynthia Catton, an environmental scientist with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, stationed in Bodega Bay.

Laura Rogers-Bennett, another Bodega Bay scientist, said it is as if whole terrestrial forests were disappearing, only in this case they are underwater and out of sight.

“A lot fewer people swim through the kelp forest,” she said. “But if they do right now, they‘re going to really see that there are huge changes that have taken place in the last year and a half or so.”

The discovery has taken shape as California scientists and policy makers are raising a broader alarm over the ebbing health of ocean waters, pointing to their increasing warmth, acidity and other conditions that have affected wildlife and the fishing industry.

The state’s commercial Dungeness crab fleet has endured a disastrous year, with fishermen forced to sit out the most lucrative months of their season over health concerns presented by a naturally occurring neurotoxin. Its prolonged presence in the sought-after crustaceans, which account for California’s single- most valuable ocean fishery, at more than $60 million, was tied to the same warm-water conditions impacting kelp beds.

The extended drought, meanwhile, has contributed to a grim forecast for the upcoming commercial salmon catch — the second-most valuable fishery, worth more than $12 million two years ago. The projection has salmon fishermen from Eureka to Morro Bay bracing for their second consecutive meager year.

The kelp collapse may only add to the woes for some.



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