Operation Keelhaul; Untold American/British Genocide

Operation Keelhaul; Untold American/British Genocide

by Jamie Lee



On this Memorial Day, May 26, 2014, all need to Re-become Members to humanities critical call to uncover horrible truths and well-kept lies as to what atrocities America (of the United States) has committed against others as well as continually perpetuating a call to serve using our young,  our innocent and uneducated to propagate further atrocities by the wealthy elite to come.

Revisionist history needs to come out of the darkness so that we can have a truly better understanding, and hold accountable, those who use our tax dollars, purposely obfuscate and effectively confuse the masses to believing we are the good guys towards establishing democracy around the globe, when if fact, the United States has been the prime military operator towards the most killings of any humans on our planet for the past nearly century.

All across the nation, huge flags are unfurled, taxpayer f-16’s streak over the stadium while duped soldiers are marched in front of the cameras to reinforce the mission to protect all, (so you won’t have to and can enjoy your sofa and your sports.)

In the meantime, while the propaganda machine mightily spews lies, this country rapes and pillages for global empire. Operation Keelhaul should make you ill as you read another of our horrible legacies we are leaving to future generations.  Yet to shine light into the deepest, darkness corners allows healing to begin. So we must. We all must WANT to know.

There is no Anti-War or Peace Movement today. NONE.  All those that voted for Obama with such righteous indignation should be appalled at this mans record on furthering global wars for the central bankers.

Where is the outrage? Where are the protests? Where are those speaking out against this insanity today?

We are a nation of purposely ignorant pussies, pure and simple. Who choose to ignore and deflect any revisionist history that sheds light on our leaders true agendas.

…My country ’tis of thee..

In the following post, you can read how Operation Keelhaul is just one more part of the over all plans by those that hide in secrecy with their invisible hand to not only orchestrated WWI and WWII but are currently implemented their century old plans to foist the final solution, WWIII on us all.

Wake up America.


Operation Keelhaul

From 1943 until early 1947 Britain and the United States returned nearly two and a half million prisoners of war and refugees to the Soviet Union, mostly Ukrainians and Georgians who had fled Russia to Germany when WW II broke out.

For the wartime Germany forced all men, women and children Ukrainians fleeing Russia to slave labor digging through bed rock with picks and hammers to house Nazi war rockets and supporting their military-industrial complex.

In 1945, once the war was over, FDR and Churchill had a problem on their hands. What to do with the 2.5 million refugees (a number not-set-in-stone number since records weren’t kept or “lost”) from mostly Ukrainian and Southern White Russians?

Operation Keelhaul was created and executed by the U.S and Britain literally to the genocidal death of millions by U.S. Military hands that corralled the broken people and placed them on transports back to Russia where death or slave labor awaited.

In 1945, General Dwight Eisenhower ordered that “Operation Keelhaul” be put into effect. This involved rounding up and shipping back to “their countries of origin” ALL the refugees from communism: men, women and children, soldier or civilian, male or female — even though many of them had been fighting on OUR side during the war. Since all of Eastern Europe was then under Communist domination, sending these people back was, quite literally, a sentence of death, some by immediate execution and the rest by slow extermination from overwork and malnutrition in the Soviet slave labor camps in Siberia.

These people were rounded up at bayonet point, forced into freight cars and shipped off to a terrible fate. There was no accurate count kept but the MINIMUM figure was 2,000,000 people and a maximum of 5,000,000. The elimination of all these anti-Communist people made the Communist domination of Eastern Europe MUCH easier. And the American people were kept blissfully unaware of this action which Eisenhower enforced rigidly, even though it violated international law, the laws of his own country and laws of humanity.

A very few Nazi Germans were prosecuted at Nuremberg for similar crimes. Some went to Russia and many went to the U.S. via South America in Operation Paperclip. Stalin and his henchmen machine-gunned these people as they arrived in Soviet territory -sometimes while still on the trains loaded on by Americans and Brits.

Once our country begins to acknowledge that we too are Lenin, and we too are Hitler, we can admit this critical piece of U.S. history into our truth banks.  (Source)


In fact, in November 1933, the United States, under newly elected president Franklin D. Roosevelt, chose to formally recognized Stalin’s Communist government and also negotiated a sweeping new trade agreement. The following year, the pattern of denial in the West culminated with the admission of the Soviet Union into the League of Nations. Stalin’s Five-Year Plans for the modernization of the Soviet Union depended largely on the purchase of massive amounts of manufactured goods and technology from Western nations. Those nations were unwilling to disrupt lucrative trade agreements with the Soviet Union in order to pursue the matter of the famine.

In the ensuing decades, Ukrainian émigré groups sought acknowledgment of this tragic, massive genocide, but with little success.

Then comes the Rothschild funded World War II with Hitler as the villian and the U.S., British Allies as the eventual winners and saviors. (Source)

Very few people today remember that World War II started in 1939 because Germany AND Russia invaded Poland at the same time through a false flag event created by Hitler . The Soviet Union was exactly as responsible for starting that war as Germany was. This was known and condemned at the time. However, in 1941 when Hitler attacked Russia, suddenly our mass media made a 180 degree about face and Russia became our “noble ally” in fighting the war. Of course, it was up to the United States to supply Russia with the armament to fight the war. (Source)

The world went to war to “save” Poland and the other countries of Eastern Europe. Yet, at Yalta, before the war was over, the United States State Department AGREED that the Soviet Union would be allowed to add Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, half of Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Rumania, and Bulgaria to its territory in Europe. Before the addition of those countries and peoples, at the end of the war, Russia had a population of about 160 million people and controlled a land area smaller than the Russia of the Czars. Soviet industry had been almost totally destroyed by the Nazi war machine. Communism was a third rate power, militarily, industrially and economically. There was, literally, no reason for Eastern Europe to be handed over to the Communists other than the influence of the Communist agents in OUR State Department.

Child victim of holodomor

Holodomor Memorial (Kyiv, Ukraine)

The term Holodomor refers specifically to the brutal artificial famine imposed by Stalin’s regime on Soviet Ukraine and primarily ethnically Ukrainian areas in the Northern Caucasus in 1932-33.

In its broadest sense, it is also used to describe the Ukrainian genocide that began in 1929 with the massive waves of deadly deportations of Ukraine‘s most successful farmers (kurkuls, or kulaks, in Russian) as well as the deportations and executions of Ukraine‘s religious, intellectual and cultural leaders, culminating in the devastating forced famine that killed millions more innocent individuals. The genocide in fact continued for several more years with the further destruction of Ukraine‘s political leadership, the resettlement of Ukraine‘s depopulated areas with other ethnic groups, the prosecution of those who dared to speak of the famine publicly, and the consistent blatant denial of famine by the Soviet regime.


American Genocide; Operation Keelhaul

  “These people were rounded up at bayonet point, forced into freight cars and shipped off to a terrible fate. There was no accurate count kept but the MINIMUM figure was 2,000,000 people and a maximum of 5,000,000. The elimination of all these anti-Communist people made the Communist domination of Eastern Europe MUCH easier. And the American people were kept blissfully unaware of this action which Eisenhower enforced rigidly, even though it violated international law, the laws of his own country and laws of humanity.

Germans were prosecuted at Nuremberg for similar crimes but control of the news ensured that Eisenhower, and those under his command who took part in this outrage, were never even officially accused of wrong doing. Ike carried out Operation Keelhaul deporting innocent refugees from eastern Europe to Stalin’s clutches. The Communists often machine-gunned these people as they arrived in Soviet territory -sometimes while still on the trains. Most of these people were nothing more than White Christian refugees, who didn’t want to live in a communist tyranny.

    These people were rounded up at bayonet point, forced into freight cars and shipped off to a terrible fate. There was no accurate count kept but the MINIMUM figure was 2,000,000 people and a maximum of 5,000,000. The elimination of all these anti-Communist people made the Communist domination of Eastern Europe MUCH easier. And the American people were kept blissfully unaware of this action which Eisenhower enforced rigidly, even though it violated international law, the laws of his own country and laws of humanity.

    Germans were prosecuted at Nuremberg for similar crimes but control of the news ensured that Eisenhower, and those under his command who took part in this outrage, were never even officially accused of wrong doing. Ike carried out Operation Keelhaul deporting innocent refugees from eastern Europe to Stalin’s clutches. The Communists often machine-gunned these people as they arrived in Soviet territory -sometimes while still on the trains. Most of these people were nothing more than White Christian refugees, who didn’t want to live in a communist tyranny.

Well we have the Lenin/Stalin duo who history claims had murdered between a low of 15 million and a high of 75 million, give or take a few million, during their reign of terror. Then the little guy with the little mustache. The original Dr. Evil is claimed by original historians that 6 million, mostly nearly every single one of Jewish lineage was put in ovens and being starved to death along with forced labor.

And now we have our own revisionist hi history to face and claim in Operation Keelhaul. Books about this holocaust/genocide/plebocide or “forced repatriation”, as the Allies liked to print”, of American and British history at the end of WWII are hard to come by.

Books on the subject are hard to come by as the Powers keep this critical information out of circulation.  One of the best, if you can afford it, is:

Operation Keelhaul; The Story of Forced Repatriation from 1944 to the Present.

This review is from: Operation Keelhaul The Story of Forced Repatriation (Hardcover)
The sotry of “Operation Keelhaul”, the forced mass repatriation of Soviet citizens and other Eastern Europeans from post-WW2 Western Europe to the Gulag, is largely overlooked in historical science, the media, and politics. However, it encompassed about 5 million people, mainly former Soviet citizens, who found themselves in Western Europe after WW2. 3 millions of whom were forced workers and war captives that were in most cases forced by Nazi Germany and other European dictatorships to work in factories, mainly in Germany, Italy, Austria, and some other countries. The remaining 2 million individuals affected by the operation incluced a wide range of people including East European Nazi collaborators, democrats, refugees, former Russian white army members, or simply people of Eastern European roots trapped in the turmoils of WW2. The forced repatriations entailed many Russians, Latvians, Ukrainians, Croats, Cossaks, people of virtually all nationalities of Eastern Europe with a very diverse range of personal life stories. Many of these 5 million people were civilians, also many women, children, and other family members. In the late-40s Stalin secured a “deal” in which these 5 million people were repatriated to Eastern Europe, mainly to the Soviet Union. Those shipped to the Soviet Union were in many cases taken to the Gulag to forced labor camps. This is a poignant account of what happened to Russians and other Eastern Europeans that found themselved in Western Europe after WW2. A topic that has never really been honestly addressed since Cold War politics prevented any sort of rehabilitation. But to a big part of those affected, the condemnation of these collectivist actions, without trials and individual rights, would give them back at least a minimum degree of dignity.


Russian Bolsheviks Timeline:

The Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin take power in Russia.

The Soviet Union is formed with Ukraine becoming one of the republics.

After Lenin’s death, Joseph Stalin ascends to power.

Stalin introduces a program of agricultural collectivization that forces farmers to give up their private land, equipment and livestock, and join state owned, factory-like collective farms. Stalin decides that collective farms would not only feed the industrial workers in the cities but could also provide a substantial amount of grain to be sold abroad, with the money used to finance his industrialization plans.

Many Ukrainian farmers, known for their independence, still refuse to join the collective farms, which they regarded as similar to returning to the serfdom of earlier centuries. Stalin introduces a policy of “class warfare” in the countryside in order to break down resistance to collectivization. The successful farmers, or kurkuls, (kulaks, in Russian) are branded as the class enemy, and brutal enforcement by regular troops and secret police is used to “liquidate them as a class.” Eventually anyone who resists collectivization is considered a kurkul.

1.5 million Ukrainians fall victim to Stalin’s “dekulakization” policies, Over the extended period of collectivization, armed dekulakization brigades forcibly confiscate land, livestock and other property, and evict entire families. Close to half a million individuals in Ukraine are dragged from their homes, packed into freight trains, and shipped to remote, uninhabited areas such as Siberia where they are left, often without food or shelter. A great many, especially children, die in transit or soon thereafter.

The Soviet government sharply increases Ukraine‘s production quotas, ensuring that they could not be met. Starvation becomes widespread. In the summer of 1932, a decree is implemented that calls for the arrest or execution of any person – even a child — found taking as little as a few stalks of wheat or any possible food item from the fields where he worked. By decree, discriminatory voucher systems are implemented, and military blockades are erected around many Ukrainian villages preventing the transport of food into the villages and the hungry from leaving in search of food. Brigades of young activists from other Soviet regions are brought in to sweep through the villages and confiscate hidden grain, and eventually any and all food from the farmers’ homes. Stalin states of Ukraine that “the national question is in essence a rural question” and he and his commanders determine to “teach a lesson through famine” and ultimately, to deal a “crushing blow” to the backbone of Ukraine, its rural population.

By June, at the height of the famine, people in Ukraine are dying at the rate of 30,000 a day, nearly a third of them are children under 10. Between 1932-34, approximately 4 million deaths are attributed to starvation within the borders of Soviet Ukraine. This does not include deportations, executions, or deaths from ordinary causes. Stalin denies to the world that there is any famine in Ukraine, and continues to export millions of tons of grain, more than enough to have saved every starving man, woman and child.

Denial of the famine by Soviet authorities was echoed at the time of the famine by some prominent Western journalists, like Walter Duranty. The Soviet Union adamantly refused any outside assistance because the regime officially denied that there was any famine. Anyone claiming the contrary was accused of spreading anti-Soviet propaganda. Outside the Soviet Union, Western governments adopted a passive attitude toward the famine, although most of them had become aware of the true suffering in Ukraine through confidential diplomatic channels.




War is a Racket by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.

4 thoughts on “Operation Keelhaul; Untold American/British Genocide

  1. It couldn’t happen over here though, could it….
    Everybody has heard of the Irish Potato Famine. This was the starvation to death of the Irish Catholic population by the direct decree of the British Government. Whilst the paid-off Catholic priesthood were fed adequate amounts of food to allow their flocks to die without protest, the British Government, backed up by its regimental enforcement arm, exported grain, eggs, butter, pork, beef and mutton from the Irish countryside to feed the masses crammed into Britain’s factories. At the height of the famine, 20 fully-loaded ships per day were leaving Ireland, crammed with food destined for the British west coast ports such as Liverpool. The potato blight, phytophthora infestans, had hit especially hard in Britain, where agricultural productivity had been allowed to waste away so as to concentrate on industrial production. Thus the people were dependent on the potato monoculture for survival, and when blight hit, the people were all going to die unless another food source could be found, and fortunately, it soon was.
    Ireland today is littered with the unmarked mass graves which are the residue of this genocidal attack upon the nation. Millions died. History books are silent.
    Ireland remembers.


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