Hey Fellow Truther! How Awake Are You ?


1. We have had FREE ENERGY (source)  and ABUNDANT PRIMARY WATER for over a century (source)

2. 911 was an inside job and announced the beginning of WW III  (source)

3. Most of Weather today is artificially created and Geoengineered (source)

4. GE is used to create create Hurricanes. (source)

5. Nukes are a Hoax (source)

6. Legally, we are Strawman and not humans in the eyes of the courts, but a non-living entity called a “citizen’ or “person”.  (source)

7. CRSPR Tehnology is altering human DNA (source)

8. Wash D.C. was founded by Jesuits (source)

9. The US ranks dead last of 38 modern countries, yet #1 in cost. (source)

10. The US never got out of declared bankruptcy of 1933 (source)

11. The US owes more money to its creditors than in any other time in history (source)

12. All Presidents are related by Blood lines. (source)

13. Your vote does not count on Federal and State levels, it never has (source)

14. The Earth is Flat and we’ve been lied to for 500 years  (source)

15. Hemp oil cures cancer and many other diseases  (source)

16. Doctors and Big Pharma are immune from prosecution for vaccine injuries (source)

17. Polio vaccine was created to give cancer (source)

18. Nano Foods is unregulated and unknown but is worse than GMO’s and in most of our foods today.(source)

19. There is no such thing as Organic Food any longer (source)

20. Sunblock (with nanotechnology) is killing coral reefs and is carcinogenic. (source)

21. Chris Columbus was a terrorist and never set foot in the US (source)

22. NASA was originally operated in 1958 by a Nazi German Scientist who bombed Allies, and a Freemason. (source)

23. CERN and Dwave Computers are altering consciousness as we know it. (source)

24. Elites, top government officials, actors and top corporate leaders are pedophiliacs. (source)

25. MAPS (Minor Attracted PersonS) is the new term being created to make pedophillia “normal” (source)

26. Mind Control Targeted Individuals are real and growing from advancements in MKULTRA (source)

27. TV uses frequency modulation to alter your, and families, nervous systems (source)

28. The US is Under Martial Law since 1933 (source)

29. The Smart phone is 666 (source)

30. Cell phones, wifi, 5G, airport scanners, Ultrasounds, etc.  are all cancer causing devices.(source)

31. Doctors receive very little training on effects of vaccines (source)

32. The Mandella Effect is Altering History as we have known it. (source)

33. Naturopathic Doctors are being murdered for going up against Big Pharma (source)

34. The US military drops a bomb on someone we are not at war with every 12 minutes (source)

35. The British, East Indian Tea Company and the “American” flag are all the same color and style.(source)

36. The US Constitution is a contract and, when signed,  meant the 55 land owning white males only. (source)

37. The elite own both sides of wars since before WWI (source)

38. What the origin of the word “Latin” is (source)

39. Fluoride, a hazard waste nuerotoxin, is in our drinking water (source)

40. Hair Dye is a nuerotoxin and a cause of mental disorder undiagnosed (source)

41. False Flag Staged events; 9/11, OKC bombing, Sandy Hook School, England 7.11, Fukushima, Boston Bombing, Pulse night club, etc. (source)

42. Dinosaurs never existed (source)

43. The US Government provoked and knew the Japanese Would Attack Pearl Harbor (source)

44. All whoroporate media is owned and controlled by 6 companies. (source)

45. The US allows exports of Opium for Afghanistan to fuel the Opiod epidemic in the US (source)

46. They cast spells in school. Students are fish in school. (source)

47. Father Gorge Lamaitre, a Jesuit Priest, wrote the Big Bang Theory, not Albert Einstein (source)

48.  The Jesuits run the world, not the ‘Court Hofjuden’ Rothchild’s (Source)

49. Birth control induces abortions (source)

50. Four people set the price of gold each am in London. (source)

51. One bank (Bank of Int’l Settlement, Basil, SWZ clears all Central Bank trades in the whirled (source)

52. Three City=States, beholden to no other country control the world (source)

53. US children have never been sicker (source)

54. Fidel Castro was a Jesuit plant. (source)

55. There has never been a successful environmental movement (source)

56. Wal Mart (Martial Law) founder, Sam Walton ran Naval Intelligence before creating Wal Mart.

57. Wall Street is hitting new highs as the Elite grant themselves tax cuts, while slashing Social Security and Medicare (source)

58. Aerosol spraying is now occurring without need of Airplanes using camouflaged drones (source)

59. Sun Simulators are real (source)

60. Near term plans are for a ‘space’ based platforms to provide laser energy from the Sun for our homes, cars and Wifi (source)

61. Freemason Albert Pyke accurately predicted WWI and WWII, as well as WWIII, in 1886. (source)

62. Pope Francis proclaims God is Lucifer (source)

63. Diamonds are a created scarcity fraud. (source)

64. CRSPR technology is being used in our foods and medicines to create synthetic DNA in us all. (source)

65. We all carry nano particulate “Smart Dust” fibers in our bodies from aerosol spraying (source)

66. Symbols and Images rule the world, not words and laws. (source)

67. The word “Conspiracy” or a Cons-Piracy was created after JFK assassination. (source)

68. We never went to the Moon (source)

69. The stars are “luminaries” and not physcial but light energy. (source)

70. Trump Wall predicted before 1990 (source)

71. Many of the worst fires in CA history were started by lasered Directed Energy Weapons. (source)

72. US/Mossad/ Created ISIS (source)

73. For profit jails are guaranteed 90% occupancy (source)

74. US Presidents & Leaders pledge allegiance to the Jesuit/Vaticans (source)

75. The 60’s womens lib movement was started by, Gloria Steinheim, A CIA asset. (source)

76. Osama Bin Laden (Timothy Osman) was a CIA asset (source)

77. CIA, NSA, DHS, Mossad, Mi6, all report to “The Entity” spy organization at the Vatican (source)

78. The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Fed Ex. (source)

79. US Food, Health and Safety executives used to be executives at the corporations they now monitor and regulate (source)

80. Students owe $1.5 Trillion in unforgivable loans (source)

81. Taxation is “voluntary’ but force will be used if you don’t pay. Taxation IS slavery. (source)

82. Negroes were in America and the US, 46,000 years ago, before Native Americans (source)

83. The US is being retooled to become the manufacturers for BRIC Countries. (source)

84. Gravity means weight. The word weight was not used in Newton’s Laws of gravity. (source)

85. FEMA prisons have been built across the US for the past decade. Reason. undeclared. (source)

86. Paul McCartney Dies in 1966, Beatles music was created by the Tavistock Institute (source)

87. The only thing NASA ever put into space is your imagination. (source)

88. We use the word “Hell” to say hi to others.(source)

89. JFK, RFK, MLK were all ordered killed by the RC church (source)

90. The Rockefeller’s created and founded Western Medical Education. (source)

91. Less than 1% work as farmers. In 1900, it was 44% (source)

92. Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars; Report from Iron Mountain and the Project for the New American Century are all playbooks used by the Elite (source)

93. No historian during the times of Jesus Christ ever chronicled his Life. (source)

94. Breatharians need little to no food to Live (source)

95. NY Archbishop Cardinal Spellman ordered the Vietnam War(source)

96. The Georgia Guidestones call for the reduction of Earth’s population by 95% (source)

97. The KJV Bible was written by a Founder of Freemasonry (source)

98. There are 32 Secret Societies who control the world, most have never heard of (source)

99. The Roman Catholic Church created Isalm (source)

100. Love (eventually!) conquers All  (Source)

11 thoughts on “Hey Fellow Truther! How Awake Are You ?

  1. Why would a historian during the time of Christ be expected to offer a chronicle of Jesus’ life? Doesn’t a historian study and write about history, which is before the current day they are living in? Have you neglected to seek any other sources for any documentation of Christ, such as, maybe, the judicial records of Pontius Pilate? Or have you limited your research, and authority on the life of Jesus, to an unlikely, and nonrealistic source for said information? It is unclear to any user of thought to consider this a credible statement, and, therefore, everything else you present is also questionable as well. Perhaps you were honest in the statement, but what you implied is dishonest and biased.


  2. Earth is not flat. Anyone who says it is flat is one of two things : a complete moron, or much more likely, someone paid to discredit the truth with obvious lies. Fooling us is their job #1.


  3. yes, you are right ! Jesus story is completely fake, created by our church fathers in order to control us
    Christ is not human being, Christ is Divine Principle, ethical, divine principle that is dormant in every human being.

    “The Golden Rule was not original with Jesus…”

    Also, Lucifer is not an enemy. Lucifer is the Light bringer, the Morning Star, Venus.
    Christ said ” I am the Morning star ‘
    Besides, why would anybody call an “angel of darkness’ the Light-bringer ???
    Names such as Luca, Luciana, Lucille, etc they all came from beautiful Lucifer.
    Lucifer is not the same as Satan or Anti-Christ !

    Lucifer The Lightbringer

    the truth about Jesus




  4. People can have their own opinions surely without being insulted by people who don’t agree however one huge mistake many people make is having a one track mind and no room for learning new thing’s . No one knows everything but if you think someone is wrong why would you say they are crazy that’s crazy in itself BE RESPECTFUL stay with your self righteous attitude be dumb because you choose not to explore all possibilities I’m so tired of people downing someone because they disagree what a miserable way to live life I’m so glad I’m open minded about everything I love learning new Truths even if its rough


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