California Governor Has Received Evidence Proving Drought Was Geoengineered

In the midst of the California drought emergency, the huge multinational Nestlé, seller of bottled water to the world, is providing one example of what must be stopped. Gov. Jerry Brown, while cutting public water use 25% by order in Sacramento, as in the rest of the state, has placed no limitation on Nestlé’s withdrawal of freshwater from aquifer springs nearby. Nestlé (alias here: the Arrowhead Mountain Water Company) continues to draw water at an 80 million gallon/year rate, paying 2 or 3 cents/gallon; it bottles the water in Sacramento, and sells it for roughly $16/gallon-equivalent to the city’s population, which has had its tap water use restricted.
(Source: Is California’s Water Supply Being ‘Enronned’)

This is NOT normal weather patterns and confirms the manipulation of weather by Geo-engineers.

Californians Accuse Gov. Brown Of Willful Neglect, Question Why He Permits Massive Chemtrail Spraying Program Conducted Over The Entire State Of California Since Drought Began

see also:

California’s Big Water Plans; The End of Private Water Rights?

Geoengineering to Death Our Extinction Event Time Horizon

Geoengineering, JADE HELM 2015 & Sentient Mass Extinction

California Governor Jerry Brown looks on during a news conference at the State Capitol in Sacramento, California March 19, 2015, to announce a $1 billion emergency legislative package to deal with the state's devastating, multiyear drought. The state is entering a fourth year of record-breaking drought that has prompted officials to sharply reduce water supplies to farmers and impose strict conservation measures statewide. REUTERS/Max Whittaker - RTR4U33I

by Concerned Residents of California

The state of California is experiencing a relentless and historic 1200 year drought.  This unparalleled disaster has proven to be as crippling and destructive as any in American history.  If this slow-motion calamity continues to unfold, as it has over the past four to five years, it may go down as the most consequential drought in American history.

Jerry Brown has been governor of California since January of 2011, precisely when the drought began.  Quite curiously, he has taken up many other political issues with the fervor that many think he should have directed toward addressing the drought.  Instead, year after year has gone by with nary a peep from Sacramento … until 2015.

Brown has recently imposed a growing set of draconian water usage restrictions, the most strict controls ever enacted since the state was first incorporated in 1850.  These 2015 water control and restriction initiatives effectively constitute his first response since the drought began.  The point is that no other significant measures had been taken by state government which are either proactive or forward-thinking, constructive or provident.

More to the point, his various responses to this drought have been downright reactionary. Each and every government edict issued from the statehouse has functioned as a reaction to the behavior of the water consumers of California.  The biggest corporate water users (and wasters), quite curiously, have been granted preferential treatment.  For instance, the fracking industry has been allowed to use massive amounts of water while the average resident has been significantly restrained in their usage.



Likewise, transnational water bottlers like Nestlé are offered very special treatment compared to the state residents and small businesses which cannot live without water. Why would Governor Brown grant such concessions to such a large water seller, especially one that will ship its bottled water to markets both in-state as well as out-of-state?

In the midst of the California drought emergency, the huge multinational Nestlé, seller of bottled water to the world, is providing one example of what must be stopped. Gov. Jerry Brown, while cutting public water use 25% by order in Sacramento, as in the rest of the state, has placed no limitation on Nestlé’s withdrawal of freshwater from aquifer springs nearby. Nestlé (alias here: the Arrowhead Mountain Water Company) continues to draw water at an 80 million gallon/year rate, paying 2 or 3 cents/gallon; it bottles the water in Sacramento, and sells it for roughly $16/gallon-equivalent to the city’s population, which has had its tap water use restricted.
(Source: Is California’s Water Supply Being ‘Enronned’)

Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution

The key role that Governor Brown has been playing throughout this geoengineered drama is through the implementation of a purposely designed government reaction.  The operative word here is:

R E A C T I O N  !

Reaction” in this particular context refers to the infamous Hegelian Dialectic in which the Problem ~ Reaction ~ Solution formula is utilized as a means to manufacture a specific outcome.  There are a variety of state-desired outcomes in the case of this catastrophic California drought.  Each “Reaction” by the populace to the “Problem” of the drought is first manufactured with the daily involvement of the mainstream media (MSM).  Then, the state government kicks in with their predetermined “Reaction”. Ultimately, the perfect “Solution” will be presented when the requisite majority of citizens is sufficiently softened up to accept it without protest.

That a full-blown and unrelenting drought would be artificially fabricated in this manner is quite an extraordinary feat of “Problem”-making.  There are very good reasons for such an extraordinary endeavor, and Governor Brown’s leadership appears to be an integral piece of that rapidly unfolding agenda.

Particularly in view of Governor Brown’s enthusiastic signing of the recently passed mandatory vaccine bill are many Californians suspicious of his stewardship. Clearly, that single act of betrayal has cast many of his other dubious initiatives throughout his term under a distinctly negative light.

Simply put, there are now many residents who feel that Governor Brown is an active participant in a scheme to use the state of California as a means of introducing a whole new out-in-the-open geoengineering regime.  The following in-depth essay reveals many of the details of this scheme, as well as those of related conspiratorial plots.

Was the California drought geoengineered to pass future ‘climate change’ legislation?

Given that California serves as the major agricultural producer for the nation, it does not get any more serious than a drought of this severity, particularly one so unremitting.  Simply put, this manmade disaster is shaping up to be the Catastrophe of the Millennium.  That may sound like hyperbole until one considers what is truly at stake.


Because California was established as the premier agricultural state of the nation, its importance to the food security of the USA cannot be overstated.  It also represents the 8th largest economy in the world, thereby making its HUGE contribution to the GDP both overwhelmingly significant to the economic health of this country and, therefore, incapable of being ignored.  Except that it has been ignored … consistently and quite incredibly, by both the U.S. Federal Government and the State Government of California.

As a matter of fact both President Obama and Governor Brown have been remarkably AWOL throughout this entire saga, with the exception of the passage a new draconian laws which have been deemed necessary in order to provoke a reaction from the people.  The complete lack of federal response to the California drought is clearly as deliberate and premeditated as it is a crucial part of the strategy of their overarching and clandestine agenda.

What is that agenda?

The agenda is a complex and convoluted one.  The primary purpose of the California strategy is to use the engineered drought as a means to impose an unlawful geoengineering program … as a ‘remedy’ to this and all future droughts and deluges. There is now no question that the drought was purposefully geoengineered over the course of Jerry Brown’s most recent tenure as governor.  He has never once publicly addressed the persistent chemtrails which have been sprayed incessantly over the past five years.

Chemtrails photographed over Dry Lake, California

Governor Brown Has Repeatedly Received Scientific Evidence Indicating That The Drought Was Purposefully And Meticulously Geoengineered

And yet in spite of this indisputable evidence, he has never responded to those parties who have provided the volumes of scientific research showing how it was geoengineered.  The soil samples alone have revealed shocking levels of aluminum, barium and strontium. Each of these chemical elements just happens to be the major components of the standard chemtrail mix which is sprayed daily across the skies of America.

Of course, the resulting chemclouds then rain these noxious chemical agents on the land and water below.  Over years of chemtrailing these and other toxic chemical compounds begin to bioaccumulate in the vegetation and animals on land, as well as in the marine animals and plants in the water bodies.  Whole forests in northern California are now rapidly disappearing as both heat stress and lack of water conspire with these chemical contaminations to systematically weaken the trees.  Then various types of pestilence and other infestations eventually kill off square miles of once healthy trees.

Governor Brown is fully aware of this devolving situation and has done nothing to address it.  The chemtrailing continues as before despite so many bringing it to his attention.  In many locations the chemtrailing operations appear to have been considerably ramped up to an alarming level of intensity.  And still the Governor’s office has no response to those who have alerted him to the regularly chemtrailed skies and worsening emergencies across the state (e.g. wildfires in the form of forest fires, brush fires, grass fires; mudslides and flash floods; tree blight and plant pestilence; forest collapse; agricultural contraction; reservoir water loss, evaporating lakes and ponds, etc.).

Governor Brown has also received satellite imagery evidence conclusively documenting the role that HAARP technology has played in geoengineering the California drought.[1] Satellite images do not lie, and leave very little room for misinterpretation for those experienced meteorologists who know how to read them.  The Brown executive team has received this irrefutable scientific evidence and more.  Nevertheless, they have refused to address it in any official manner, and have chosen to ignore it after deliberate consideration.



Governor Brown Has Witnessed The Same Chemtrails As Everyone Else —
Why has he steadfastly refused to acknowledge them? 

Governor Brown goes back and forth to work everyday just like every other Californian. He sees perfectly clear days turn into cloudy ones in a matter of minutes.   Within just an hour of intensive chemtrail spraying, which sometimes weaves an unmistakable tic-tac-toe board across the sky, chemclouds stretch across the previously blue sky, from horizon to horizon.

Because of this geoengineering phenomenon, the weather forecasters around the state have been made to look like total incompetents, as are the meteorologists in every state nowadays.  How does a state government properly function in a state where the weather is now completely unpredictable, except for those who really do control the weather?  Does the governor even consult with his chosen meteorologists during the ever-occurring disastrous weather events?  Does he ever convene his panel of climate experts to discuss the reasons for the new climatological trends criss-crossing the state?

Just as the current covert and illicit geoengineering regime in California has exposed Governor Brown to be either another willfully negligent political operative who cares not a whit for the state or its residents.  Or, he is prominently configured within a pivotal scheme to use California as an example for every other state, should they fail to succumb to the coming ‘legalized’ regime of geoengineering.

California does appear to be primary cog in the global machinery that was engineered to implement a New World Order to be administered by a One World Government that will be initially established to ‘fix’ global climate change.  The following article well explains both the plot and purpose behind this highly ambitious and fatally flawed scheme.

One World Government Initially Emerging As Global CO2 ‘Management’ Regime

It’s no accident that Jerry Brown’s tenure as governor has perfectly paralleled Barack Obama’s.  Both politicos have had carefully managed political images that would be used to corral the entire spectrum of Democratic and left-wing, liberal and progressive voters into a pen of blind acceptance and uncharacteristic compliance.  In this fashion a big chunk of the electorate has been used to manufacture consent around some of the most weighty issues that are preparing the way for this newly emerging and highly oppressive carbon management regime.

Chemtrails and Chemclouds over San Francisco City Hall


Through his actions and inaction, Governor Brown has violated the public trust.  The government of California has broken the social contract.  Especially due to willful neglect has Brown’s administration betrayed the people they have sworn to protect.  Likewise, Sacramento’s shirking of its most fundamental responsibility to safeguard the state represents a perfidious government that can no longer be tolerated.

In light of these serious transgressions against both people and property, Governor Jerry Brown must be recalled.  Not to recall him in a formal ballot would signify a profound failing of the people of California.  His conduct in office concerning this and other grave matters now demands an appropriate response from the voting public.

Just as another woefully inadequate Democratic governor (Gray Davis) was ignominiously recalled and replaced by a candidate from the opposition party, so, too, can Jerry Brown, be successfully recalled. Truly, this governor has morphed into a “corporate fascist”[2] whose treacherous leadership should not be ignored.  Surely, the people and the environment stand to suffer greatly from his corrupt administration and unprecedented lack of stewardship.

Gov. Jerry Brown

It has never been so urgent that a suitable replacement for Jerry Brown be identified.  Any prospective candidate must have the best interests of the people as his/her highest priority.  Therefore, it is highly advisable that a rigorous candidate search begin in earnest. Governor Brown must be removed from office with all deliberate speed before the state of California completely crashes and burns.

Concerned Residents of California
July 3, 2015


[1] Five pieces of evidence suggesting that California drought may be a HAARP-manufactured event

[2] Jim Carrey blasts Jerry Brown as a ‘corporate fascist’ for signing mandatory vaccination law


New World Order: Where Geoengineering Via Chemtrails Meets The Global Carbon Control Matrix

OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD: The Most Secret Covert Black Operation In World History

CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering (UPDATED)

Video Reference

5 thoughts on “California Governor Has Received Evidence Proving Drought Was Geoengineered

  1. I was born, raised, and “educated” in California, but moved out of there in 2011. I have seen Democrats and Republicans come and go in that State, and both are total failures ! AND, the people continue to vote for these same clowns who continue to support the globalist plans for a World communist-tyranny to enslave the people.

    Look at the Delta Smelt fraud that sends fresh water from the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers out the Golden Gate and into the salt-waters of the Pacific rather than down the canal system that feeds the farm lands of the San Joaquin Valley ! Now the whale huggers are whining because the fresh water has polluted the whale spawning areas of the Golden Gate ! This is real rocket science, right ?

    The same people who destroyed the Christian nation of Russia in 1917 and implemented the atheist communist regime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Russia (USSR) are the ones who have taken over this country and are repeating here their evil deeds done to the Russian people of the last century. We can stop this nonsense here with little or no violence, but it is the people who have to wake up and try something different in order to get a different result.


    1. I left out one sentence in my previous post: The last two sentences should read:

      That one failed in 1991, as will their mission here in the 21st century. We can stop them here with little or no violence, but it is the people who have to wake up and try something different in order to get a different result.


  2. The complicity of treason against the people of California by Governor Jerry Brown of the corporate State of California, is strongly suspected from the content of this article. An abundance of circumstantial evidence implicating Brown’s ongoing treason also exists.

    The long-term drought in California can easily be attributed to the geo-engineered crisis that began circa 1995, that prevents rain-carrying clouds from entering the land mass of California, among other western states of the US. This phenomena can be seen via satellite imagery — clearly depicting this ongoing criminal activity.

    Contributing to the crisis level drought in California are the preponderance of jet aircraft which fly across state skies, and dump toxic aerosol deposits (popularly referred to as chemtrails) into the atmosphere.

    Geo-engineered diversion of cloud formations that are over the Pacific Ocean prevents them from coming onshore to California. This effect is seen by satellite imagery that shows localized HAARP transmissions causing reversals in direction of cloud formations, that would normally reach inland California. Geo-engineering is thus intentionally diverting rain-carrying clouds from the Pacific Ocean from reaching the California land mass.

    The crime of treason in California is one of waging war and/ or of giving aid and comfort to enemies of the sovereign people of the California Republic (as named on the state’s flag). Governor Brown, by his foreknowledge of the aforementioned criminal activity, is strongly suspected of being complicit in treason against the people of California.

    Brown, by his incompetence in the face of the state’s existential crisis, clearly does NOT have the California people’s best interests at heart. Brown’s removal from being state governor, via due process, should be an urgent first step towards effecting a cure for the drought.

    Again, the long-suffered drought and its adverse effects in California and in the western states in general, is artificially caused, as man-made. Ridding the conspirators of geo-engineering and its criminal operatives — whose jet aircraft routinely dump toxic health compromising aerosol deposits across the state, must also become the Californian people’s high priority.

    Governor Brown ought to resign in the meantime, he being clearly persona non-grata, and incompetent to hold office in the face of the largest crisis ever to befall California, that is existential in its scope.


    1. HI Robyna,
      Thanx for the intelligent, thoughtful comments.
      Though Moonbeam Brown, son of Illuminati member, Edmund Pat Brown, is “governor” of CA, he certainly isn’t in control. He is just a sock puppet to the NWO. Geoengineering is a world wide action being coordinated from a central power structure that has been in place for 500 years, or more, as hard as that is for most to believe.

      GE is an end game strategy of the most insane kind. We are no in the death throes of trying to stop the methane bomb releases in the Arctic from heating up the world to the point that life on Earth becomes unbearable and uninhabitable for all in just a decade or two.
      please see this:

      I live in N. N Cal and our forests are dying here. My ranch, I am losing fruit trees, walnuts, olive, doug firs, etc. due to the mass increase in UVB now entering our atmosphere due to destruction of the ozone layer due to GE.

      Breaks me heart for the future of all children and sentient beings.

      If you can, please join us for the largest protest on GE next month in REdding.



      1. Jamie, I appreciate your responsive comments to my rant. I regret to read how GE has in particular part destroyed or seriously compromised your produce as you described, and your environment due to ozone layer perforations. I’m in southern California, and too far from your locale to attend your function. If you’re on facebook (FB), I have a site there which identifies my email for correspondence or comments less public than on FB [although we’re told the “government” (in name only) has capability to monitor virtually anyone’s messages].
        Byna ~ 😀


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